** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Has anyone here played the beta of Mists?

On live, with ultra settings I can get 120 fps in most places, and it dips in cities/raids of course.

When I logged into the beta for the first time on my new system, everything was on ultra, I was only getting around 40 fps in the new zone and 5-10 fps in a dungeon. What's up with this? Is a 3770k and 680 not enough for wow!? Lol :S. I'm hoping its just this build or driver issues (that will be fixed when it is actually released). On High, I can get 80 fps, it just seems to be ultra causing problems. Anyone else got any experience of this?

As far as I'm aware the beta graphic settings are bugged, at least were when I played, had to play on Low for the game to be stable
Just re-downloaded the beta since upgrading my laptop.

I had really bad framerate problems in MoP before on my old laptop and I do now. The game barely runs at all...it's really making me question whether to continue playing the game at this point.

Cata runs at a solid clip but this is just 20fps no matter what setting I'm using...surely that's not right for such a simple looking game. Guild Wars 2 runs a hell of a lot better...
Unsub'd from this nearly a year ago. Starting to get the bug to play it again, has it changed much? I'm guessing it's been even more watered down? (Not a bad thing for me, i'm as casual a WoW player as they come!)

I imagine someone will want to use a scroll of res too?

Unsub'd from this nearly a year ago. Starting to get the bug to play it again, has it changed much? I'm guessing it's been even more watered down? (Not a bad thing for me, i'm as casual a WoW player as they come!)

I imagine someone will want to use a scroll of res too?


1 month to go till mists so the only reason to start right now is if you wanna grab some gear ready for levelling
Unsub'd from this nearly a year ago. Starting to get the bug to play it again, has it changed much? I'm guessing it's been even more watered down? (Not a bad thing for me, i'm as casual a WoW player as they come!)

I imagine someone will want to use a scroll of res too?


I'll send you a scroll. What email to you want me to send it to?
A question about the MOP beta key please.....

I got sent one last week. I registered on the website, it said " you have successfully registered blah blah blah" not heard anything since.

What happens next please?
A question about the MOP beta key please.....

I got sent one last week. I registered on the website, it said " you have successfully registered blah blah blah" not heard anything since.

What happens next please?

from memory you should have the option to dl the client from your b-net settings, under game accounts
A question about the MOP beta key please.....

I got sent one last week. I registered on the website, it said " you have successfully registered blah blah blah" not heard anything since.

What happens next please?

It should show under one of the PTR accounts under account management, the one with the MOP box art.
Is it just the normal wow download(because that the only option I have) or should it be a MOP download


Go to battle.net/wow > Sign in > Click 'Account' > Unde rgames there should be one called 'World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Beta' > Click It > Install the client
looking at my email again, I think it might be a scam...:rolleyes:

account seems fine, but changed my password just in case.

A legit email from Blizzard wouldn't require you to do anything, the beta license would just be there.
A 3rd party contest of some sort would require entering a key (your original post implies you entered a key) in those cases it could be legit.

Log in to your battle.net account and look at the WoW licenses, if you have a legit beta invite added you should have 2 or 3 WoW accounts listed, the normal live one, and 2 PTR ones, the last of which would be the beta account (for me it's listed as WoW3).

If its there just click on it and there will be a link to download the game client and another link saying "beta character copy" which you use to copy one of your existing characters to the beta servers.
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