You shouldnt really need to stockpile anything and to be honest gold is the only thing you want to be taking
All new content all new mats all new gear and dungeons but what i would say is put your effort into PVP gear to help with leveling and being ganked unless your on a PVE server
Dont waste your time getting alchemy mats herbs will sort its self out when you pick as you go round just get to 525 ready for leveling to 600.
unless your an Inscription person you may need some older mats for new glyphs etc
All new content all new mats all new gear and dungeons but what i would say is put your effort into PVP gear to help with leveling and being ganked unless your on a PVE server
Dont waste your time getting alchemy mats herbs will sort its self out when you pick as you go round just get to 525 ready for leveling to 600.
unless your an Inscription person you may need some older mats for new glyphs etc