** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Theres so much to do and not enough time in the day to do it.

I got my main to 90 and geared for heroics, but now I'm trying to split my time between rep grinding on my main, leveling my alt's Jewelcrafting, leveling my new Pandaran monk and I still havn't even looked at getting my alchemist and leatherworker off the ground.

Add in mundane things like work and sleep and you can tell its gonna be a few months at least before I get everything done.

With you on that mate.

Its taking me 3 hours a night to do dailies then i get a chance to do 1 or 2 heroics if i am lucky
Levelling is certainly faster. My monk has reached 23 it what seems like no time at all. Hopefully it won't slow down too much (I know it will). :p

Not looking forward to reaching outland. That has always been the most painful part of levelling for me.
I love my monk, ww is so fun and tanking is quite good too.

Just need to find a raiding guild now, most of the ones on my realm raid too much or are hungarian.
I dont mind dailies but with other expansions and in cata you could get them done in an hour or so because most rep was done via Tabards which was a bad thing. I could probably just do the dailies that i needed to do but i want to look at leveling my next char soon.

I want to get herbs and stuff started with my Alchemist then look at doing the whole LW and skinning char, will probably leave me JC and Script-er till last as he can just be sent mats. Hopefully will be fully rested and i can level in a few hours to rested XP is out then level the other etc :p
I dont mind dailies but with other expansions and in cata you could get them done in an hour or so because most rep was done via Tabards which was a bad thing. I could probably just do the dailies that i needed to do but i want to look at leveling my next char soon.

I want to get herbs and stuff started with my Alchemist then look at doing the whole LW and skinning char, will probably leave me JC and Script-er till last as he can just be sent mats. Hopefully will be fully rested and i can level in a few hours to rested XP is out then level the other etc :p

Maybe start levelling your alts, after all you're going to have nigh on 2 odd years until the next expac comes out. That’s a hell of a lot of time twiddling thumbs so you'll need to fill it up with something, what better than a rep grind? :D

Anyone doing the Pokémon meta game? It's ridiculous how quickly you manage to get pets. Unsurprisingly it's addictive as hell imo - still has zero place in the Warcraft universe though.
Hello people, I am looking for a popular horde server with queues no more than 800 peak time. It would be good if people are actively duelling in durotar and if there are a few high end pvp guilds.
Me and a friend are currently on stormscale but I work full time and when I get home I have to sit in a 2000+ queue which is hopeless.

If anyone can recommend a decent popular horde pvp server with around 500-800 queue peak time that would be great.

Well whoever told me to go to directX 9 you are a saviour

Seems to have sorted my problems, no kernel driver crashes in 3 hours last night.


I keep meaning to add players battle tags, i can never remember mine so cant post it, will try again tonight, add them again now so we can keep them in 1 place and not over the topic ?
Have any of you got the different farmers from the Tillers up to Best Friend status? I have a couple of them at Good Friend and a few more at Buddy, but I can see this will take a while to get them all maxed out.

Is it even worth it? Its all asthetic stuff they add to the farm right? Nothing of any practical value?
I have been giving them food as and when, i keep meaning to write down exactly what they want to eat etc

some still at stranger cause i have not attacked it yet, just fixed the cart so i think i go to 12 soils i can farm today.

I am sort of enjoying the game at present again, i want to log and play it, i ahve also actually just changed guild purely down to my guild we moved server with is now dead.

Hoping to start raiding very soon but my gear level is struggling to increase due to the amount of dailies i am doing :p plus crap luck on drops :)
How is this expansion in comparison to Cata?? I've played Wow since vanilla for years, but gave up during Cata as I hated it.

Playing GW2 at the moment and enjoying it, but do miss Raiding!

Is it more of the same, just with pandas in Pandaria? or is it actually decent?

I know there is only so much they can change.
Game is the same, quest grind raid PVP.

The setting is pleasant, similar layout to Cata and WofLK in you have a New continent to discover, nice central place to do you business like Dalaran and Shattrah (sp)

Appears to be a lot more content to do once you get to 90, baring in mind 3 weeks in and i am not exalted with anything yet although i am not a hard core player, probably about 2-3 hours a day over the course of the week, maybe more at present cause its all nice and new.

I liked the idea of Cata but got bored pretty much a year ago and although we got Dragon Soul it wasnt really much else to do apart form raid and form raiding 3 days sometimes 2 a week for 3 hours we was 5/8 hc so take form that what you will.
Yeah I think what i didnt like about Cata was it was just a recycled world and I found myself just sitting around in Stormwind 90% of the time while not Raiding.

Guess not many people have done the riads yet to comment on them.
By changing the world, Blizzard imo destroyed the look and feeling of the game. I miss the old looking Orgrimmar and Tarren Mill, not to mention The Barrens.
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I dont know i think they had to do something to allow flying mounts in Kali and Azo. I think this also included flying mounts in cities etc

maybe not on the scale they did it but iirc they had to change the whole way the old wow was written to allow flying mounts int he 1st place but i could be wrong.

i do think cata was a cope out in some respects but isnt the end of wow as we knew it all part of the whole lore thing
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