** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Not even looked at Lorewalker mount :p

Got my vial of sands mount the other week just before MOP and been using that along with my Frostskeleton mount from WofLK 10 man achievment thing or is it 25 man :)
Thinking about giving this a go , been about a year since I last played. Can some one try sending me a scroll?
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small content spoiler alert

So apparently Garrosh kills Anduin, could this be the triger that send's Varian over the edge leading him to attack OG and go after Garrosh?

Info taken from MMO champ, they have some voice acting clips taken from scenario's, including a stand off between Garrosh and Vol'jen.
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I've gotten a couple of the farmer guys to Best Friend level. So far its added a mushen and a Yak to my farm. Pity they dont really... you know.. DO anything, but they are nice to look at.

I only need 1 more vote from the Tillers. Do you need to be exalted to get the quests for the last guy? Its ironic he wont let me join already, considering hes one of my Best Friends. :rolleyes:
I'm levelling as Ret at the moment and it's...okaaaaay...but I do miss actual DPS! Whats the rotation as Holy then?

hmmm wired I found that retri was so far the quickest at leveling (in compare to boomkin (just 88) mage (87) and spriest (90). The survability much greater.
If still not enough go prot and laugh :))
I've long deleted my install folder for this near 2 years ago and my friend is asking me to try it for 10 days and says you can stream the whole game. Is this true?
Also how big is the install folder, up to cata anyway.
not the whole game, you need to download like 15gb then the rest downloads as you play. up to cata is around 25gb
Thanks for the info on Holy DPS, I think I might try it out.

Does anyone know of a (preferably simple) mod that adds the herb or ore name to the minimap so I don't have to mouseover the yellow dots?
I've had a very enjoyable weekend on WoW. I got to exalted with the Tillers on my main and have 7 of the 10 farmers at Best Friend. I also got enough item lvl to do LFR by beating the Sha of Anger, which gave me the Tier palladin gauntlets! I did LFR and got 2 Sigils of Power and a set of dps bracers. And I got another 5 levels on my Panda monk and won some pvp pet battles.

Oh and I just watched the opening and closing of the Wanderer's Festival, getting the Wanderers, Dreamers, and You achievement in the process :)

All in all, I am loving the hell out of this expansion so far. Its a big two's up to all the people that **** all over MoP before it even came out.
LFR - cleared inside an hour 3 bosses.
Regular guild 10 man - Oh boy did we die an awful lot on the first boss, didn't even get it under 100M hp last night. Oh well try again tonight.
Having not played wow for over a year and picked this up last week, I have to say I am fully enjoying myself again. The game is really good, lots of content and just feels a lot more "fresh"
any fury warriors here ? I think my dps is totally bad , I've not really played since early wotlk and still not properly read up on all the changes , I was mainly focused on getting gear since mop realese. On dummies I can usually get high 30k dps to 40k and on feng was doing around 40ishk but I should be doing at least 50-60k does anyone have any tips/rotations?

heres my profile swapped dragon roar for bladestorm for the troll boss in vault atm

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