** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

It's been that way for a while, you could 2 healer almost all of DS normal as well in the last expansion, it does really depend on gear of both the healers and the tanks.

Elagon is a 2 healer fight all day long and the 1st Boss in HoF is so much easier with 2 healers because you have that bit more dps for the final phase. Normally most fights start as 3 healers and then move to 2 later on when people have the gear for it.

You'll also find with 2 healers less heals are wasted in over healing so they are able to heal a fair amount more each even using the same amount of spells.

Garalon is proving to be an issue for us at the moment because our DPS is too low, still need another 5-10% extra than we currently have. It also really needs 3 healers as there is a fair amount of dmg being chucked about, but that is partly down to still learning the fight.
Yea i understand the more gear you got the easier it is but i am not even fully kitted out with epics and been unlucky with drops in MV and apart from a few drops i am pretty much lacking in gear but still managing to 2 heal fights with mana control etc and using all my CD's to full potential

The 1st 2 heal fight i really got involved in was the Dragon boss in DS (names gone sorry) not Deathwing ofc oh jesus i refuse to look now :p

I would roll with a shammy if you have narrowed your choices down to paladin/shaman. Paladins are a dull class to play, shaman at least have more ‘toys’ to play with – mana conservation is much better as a shaman aswell imo whilst levelling. With a shaman if you go elemental (range dps spec) and then have resto (heal spec) as your 2nd spec choice at 30 you’ll only really need 1 set of gear too until you get to cap.

Regarding server choice, I would check out the newcomer section of the official WoW forums and look around for a new player friendly guild or re-roll guild so you have like minded people to play with. Do yourself a favour and stay away from the PvP for the 1st 30 levels though, you’ll be an easy kill due to the heirloom factor (not sure how the incoming pvp changes will impact looms and levelling BG’s, not much is my guess), after 30 things start to even out if you’re a healer so you wont be solo’ed as much. Don’t get discouraged by all the bots in WoW pvp either.

Lastly, roll Dwarf as your alliance character….they're the coolest! (Blood elf paladins look nice though in plate gear) and don’t rule out a druid, very fun class to play, not for everyone though.
It's viable for the first level, but then suffers heavy diminishing returns.

Even so, you will still need to run the first dungeon lots of times to get that level.

Questing for leveling was what made me quit this game, I can't stand it. I wish I could level in a party (and by that I don't mean doing the same quests, but in a party......)

Well, both my Healers (Resto Shaman and Disc Priest) are nearing 86 - I think they're around 60-65% through 85. What's questing like after Jade Forest, is it any good? Krasarang Wilds would be my next zone, right?
ok, so i have just bought the battle chest and im going to give this game a go to see if i like it.

good thing is i have played and completed the Warcraft RTS games so i know what the story is etc etc.

Now i have researched, watched videos etc for the last few months and i have decided on rolling two characters (one Alliance and one Horde) so i can experience both sides of the fence. Im in not mad rush and i dont have loads of time to play so want to take it nice and slow.

I have an experienced friend who doesnt play anymore but he recommended the following:

1 - Choose a decent battlegroup for your character where your faction has a good win ratio, my research indicates that these battlegroups dont exist anymore?
2 - Choose a high pop server for that faction but not too high as there will be queues
3 - Might be best making a healer class if i want to get into pvp
4 - Though probably best off at first doing dps in pve

Now my thoughts are:

1 - I will probably lean towards doing PVP more than PVE but i dont want to go on a PVP server (if that makes sense), what servers and battlegroups do you reccommend? dont want both characters on the same server or battlegroup.
2 - Play a hybrid class so i have options
3 - Play a damage spec in pve and healer in pvp
4 - I dont like the look of this new bruce less monk class at all, seems a bit silly
5 - Really like the lore and looks of Paladins and Shamans but i hear both are rather weak?

Your research is correct, Battlegroups dont apply any more. The comments regarding jumping on a decent population server are valid though, it is good to be on a lively server.

My advice, for what its worth, would be to try a few classes up to levels 10-20 and see which one you like best. You may find one or two classes just "click" with you and the others don't.

Mage & Rogue are my favorites personally.
These Pandaran spirit pet tamers are a real pain the backside. There pets are tough as nails and have some killer abilities. I've had to train up several different pets to 25 just to have a fighting chance against them.

I now have 3 out of the 4 pets that drop from the bags, but the fire one is still eluding me. Hope to get it before 5.2 hits! :/
My advice, for what its worth, would be to try a few classes up to levels 10-20 and see which one you like best. You may find one or two classes just "click" with you and the others don't.

ive been researching for a good few months and narrowed it down to these two.

my friend did say this though, especially in random battlegrounds it comes down to 2 things

a) gear
b) amount of healers on each side

Research seems to indicate that a good dpser can win a bg, a bunch of healers on one side usually will win a bg........and at the end of the day......i want to win as im a terrible loser :p

also it will defo have to be a hybrid for me as it will allow me to change my role without having to reroll.......i dont really forsee me having lots of characters due to my limited play time.
ive been researching for a good few months and narrowed it down to these two.

my friend did say this though, especially in random battlegrounds it comes down to 2 things

a) gear
b) amount of healers on each side

Research seems to indicate that a good dpser can win a bg, a bunch of healers on one side usually will win a bg........and at the end of the day......i want to win as im a terrible loser :p

also it will defo have to be a hybrid for me as it will allow me to change my role without having to reroll.......i dont really forsee me having lots of characters due to my limited play time.

In that case, in your position I would pick Shaman, as it gives you the option of melee dps, ranged dps, & healer.

Ive never played one myself though, so I cant tell you how fun they are!
and on the 7th day the lord said let the whining commence :)

5.2 Ilvls

Raid Finder: ilvl 502
Normal mode: ilvl 522
Normal Thunderforged: ilvl 528
Heroic: ilvl 535
Heroic Thunderforged: ilvl 541

Thunderforged you say?

Coming to the PTR in the near future will be a new designation of item type in Normal and Heroic raids for non-tier pieces. Each 5.2 raid boss will have a chance of dropping this new designation of a particular item that's 6 item levels higher than their counterparts. These higher quality versions will be called "Thunderforged". This means that there will be five variations of some items. You'll now see a 5.2 raid item of LFR quality at item level 502, the same item in Normal quality at item level 522, the item in Normal Thunderforged quality at item level 528, the Heroic version of the item at level 535, and the Heroic Thunderforged version of the item at level 541.

This new item designation is being added for a couple reasons, but first and foremost to make loot drops more interesting overall, especially after you have earlier bosses in Throne of Thunder on farm. As you're working on progression, those first few bosses can now continue to provide a chance at upgrades, making repeated kills potentially more exciting and rewarding. Those additional upgrades can then help to slowly raise power, and boost you over whatever progression roadblock you may hit.

We've also received a lot of feedback regarding 25-player raids, and have been looking for ways to address some concerns. Ever since we changed 10-player raids to drop the same item level as 25's, we've seen a steady decline in 25-player raiding. This isn't surprising. A 25-player raid takes an extra level of logistical commitment for the officers of those groups. It's unfortunately easy for a 25-player guild to collapse down into a 10-player guild, but very unlikely for the opposite to happen. However, we like 25-player raiding and don't want to see it go away. Like many players, we love the epic feeling that comes with banding together more massive groups to battle powerful foes, we love that there's opportunity for those groups to try out new players or unusual comps without causing a huge burden, and we want to support the larger raiding guilds. That said, we're also concerned that over-rewarding the 25-player guilds-if, for example, we went back to a higher item level across the board for 25's, as was the case for Icecrown Citadel-would feel like a slap in the face to the many 10-player raiders out there, who are the majority of our Normal and Heroic raiders.

To attempt to navigate this minefield, we're going to try having Thunderforged items drop more frequently in 25-player raids. They'll be somewhat rare in both cases compared to the standard versions that'll drop, but they'll be even rarer in 10's. Overall, a 25-player group will be more likely to end up with a slightly higher item level after several weeks of raiding.

It's important to keep in mind that this only affects 10- and 25-player Normal and Heroic raids, and tier-15 armor pieces won't be available in Thunderforged quality at all. We're curious to hear your thoughts about these changes, and what you think once you begin seeing them on the PTR..

Blizz forums are typically rage filled atm, "forcing people to farm 25mans" etc, its quality reading
and on the 7th day the lord said let the whining commence :)

5.2 Ilvls

Raid Finder: ilvl 502
Normal mode: ilvl 522
Normal Thunderforged: ilvl 528
Heroic: ilvl 535
Heroic Thunderforged: ilvl 541

Thunderforged you say?

Blizz forums are typically rage filled atm, "forcing people to farm 25mans" etc, its quality reading

Lol! Min-Maxer's might feel forced. Its intended as a potential bonus, not something to farm for....but try telling that to some players!
ok so i have rolled a Blood Elf Paladin and a Draenei Shaman as they both look interesting races.

i have also downloaded this TUKUI ui on the advice of my friend as the default ui is really makes the game look its age.

going very slow at the moment reading the quest texts etc etc.......feel silly how im so late to the show :o

im on Draenor Horde and Alliance Silvermoon.
Started on Draenor myself, and levelling slowly taking my time. Fishing and doing professions as I go. No heirlooms makes it a strange experience, but entertaining enough.

I should give Alliance a try (again), though trying to focus on a single character and not go all alt mad again.
Well we finally got blade lord ta'yak Heroic down. It took 3 nights of constant wiping and we got him down. So happy, however the loot was rubbish. :mad:

Next on the progression is Wind Lord Mel'jarak. I know it should be Garalon, however we have heard he can be a little tough.
ok so i have rolled a Blood Elf Paladin and a Draenei Shaman as they both look interesting races.

i have also downloaded this TUKUI ui on the advice of my friend as the default ui is really makes the game look its age.

going very slow at the moment reading the quest texts etc etc.......feel silly how im so late to the show :o

im on Draenor Horde and Alliance Silvermoon.

Its a good idea to take your time, levelling can be a lot of fun! Some of the quests are very entertaining
and on the 7th day the lord said let the whining commence :)

5.2 Ilvls

Raid Finder: ilvl 502
Normal mode: ilvl 522
Normal Thunderforged: ilvl 528
Heroic: ilvl 535
Heroic Thunderforged: ilvl 541

Thunderforged you say?

Blizz forums are typically rage filled atm, "forcing people to farm 25mans" etc, its quality reading

502 ilvl minimum. Ouch. Going to have to get upgrade a few items to reach that.

And the Blizz forums are always raging. Wait till the kids get home from school. They'll all join in whilst 90% wouldn't know exactly what they're moaning about.
ok so I have completed the draenei (azure myst) and blood elf (eversong woods).

did my first dungeon on my blood elf paladin this morning (ragefire), found it really easy.......hopefully things get tougher.

now I have started to make some nice gold by selling my potions (on shaman) and jewelry (on paladin) however my biggest issue is bag space, I just keep running out of it as I only have small bags and the larger bags I just cant afford.

how does a brand new player get around this issue?
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