** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

ok so I have completed the draenei (azure myst) and blood elf (eversong woods).

did my first dungeon on my blood elf paladin this morning (ragefire), found it really easy.......hopefully things get tougher.

now I have started to make some nice gold by selling my potions (on shaman) and jewelry (on paladin) however my biggest issue is bag space, I just keep running out of it as I only have small bags and the larger bags I just cant afford.

how does a brand new player get around this issue?

Not too many options, but if you are in a guild you could ask a tailor to help you out. My main char is a tailor and if you were on my server I would be happy to help!

Apart from that, you may just have to keep selling stuff until you can afford bags on the AH.
Get a tabard for your home city and once you get to revered you can buy a 16 slot bag from your city, for each of the alliance/horde factions.
ok so I have completed the draenei (azure myst) and blood elf (eversong woods).

did my first dungeon on my blood elf paladin this morning (ragefire), found it really easy.......hopefully things get tougher.

now I have started to make some nice gold by selling my potions (on shaman) and jewelry (on paladin) however my biggest issue is bag space, I just keep running out of it as I only have small bags and the larger bags I just cant afford.

how does a brand new player get around this issue?

If you let me know your char name on Silvermoon, alliance, i'll send you a care package.
Resubbed (again). Decided I can't be bothered levelling my 50 something Monk all the way to 90 so I'm levelling my 81 (now 83) priest. I've got a couple of 85s already but I reckon I'll have more fun with my priest.

Also, are DKs good for soloing old raids still? I'll probably level my DK next.
If you let me know your char name on Silvermoon, alliance, i'll send you a care package.

cheers! my name is Crystela on Silvermoon

now if only i could find someone on here that plays Horde on Draenor to do the same :D
ive a few toons on Horde side on draenor, anyone needs some bags etc crafted just let me know, have pretty much all professions on that realm maxed.

Just give us your toon name and ill add you in game
Resubbed (again). Decided I can't be bothered levelling my 50 something Monk all the way to 90 so I'm levelling my 81 (now 83) priest. I've got a couple of 85s already but I reckon I'll have more fun with my priest.

Also, are DKs good for soloing old raids still? I'll probably level my DK next.

Yes they're still very good, even raids such as TK are no hassle for a Blood DK, unlike other classes.
Was in netherstorm the other day checking out possible transmog stuff.
Spotted this 60 orc warrior from Quel'Thalas sporting a transmog'd weapon on his back.
Jealous :( , His account is probably worth loads due to him having that.

Resize image please.
thanks a lot! :)

I however did send most of the gold back........somehow I felt it was cheeky and a little bit cheating.........but thanks anyway :)

made use of the bags though and used the gold I kept on mount and glyphs
lol no worries, i use those same bags myself, as theres no real need to go for the more expensive higher slot ones. Just sell off most of the rubbish and any trade items you get etc sell on AH or stick in your bank.
A director has been officially chosen to direct the World of Warcraft movie. Its being made by Duncan Jones, who directed Moon and Source Code. I've not seen Source Code, but I thought Moon was really good.
I enjoyed Source Code. Seemed to me it's critics were looking too much into it instead of just enjoying the surface!

Can't wait for 2015, force my wife to see Wow the movie with me.

(She calls hereself a warcraft widow lol, not that I play much anymore)
ok so my characters are hitting level 30 (so far really enjoying the game)...my shaman is about to start Stonetalon and my Paladin Arathi Highlands.

my professions are what are worrying me now though.......they are around 100.........not sure if that is good or bad for a level 30? should i stop questing and do some profession grinding for a bit? i dont really fancy faffing around in low level zones when im high level.
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