****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

17 Mar 2009
****** Official World of Warships Thread: OP Updated******

As WoWs is in open Beta and due to go live shortly It's about time to update this. I'll be updating this in segments but this is a mini update for now

What is World of Warships?


Simple it's Tanks on water but more awesome!

World of Warships is a Massive Multiplayer Online Experience that puts you at the helm of warships ranging from nimble destroyers to multi-ton juggernauts, and in the heart of fast-paced sea battles of the first half on the 20th Century!

Learn the strategies and tactic subtleties of war at sea to achieve victory! From angling your vessel for the perfect broadside to launching a fast flanking attack with torpedoes, or engaging a battered enemy in an intense one on one duel – Nothing happens the same way twice, and each tactic has its own rewards.

Look forward to a large array of warships and game styles to choose from; struggling for air supremacy with Carriers, holding the line with Battleships and Heavy Cruisers, and screaming down the enemy battle-line with Light cruisers and Fast Destroyers.

Each class and individual ship will have its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses.The combinations of speed, armor, firepower, and range combine to create ships with distinct personalities.

The nimble Destroyer will be able to outrun any opponent, and get in key shots, while Battle Cruisers can function in both the scout or defensive role, and one burst from a Battleship will severely damage, if not sink a warship.

Aircraft Carriers can launch squadrons of fighters, torpedo carriers, or bombers, depending on whether they want to protect their own fleet or strike at the enemy as they assume a main role of support ship to their Battle-Group.

Remember, only working together as a team will help you achieve victory!

Much Cinematic, Very "WoWs"

What nations can I play?

Currently there are only the Imperial Japanese Navy and the US Navy in game. The British Navy, Kreigsmarine and Russian Navy are all planned with known tech trees.

See the current Tech Trees Below!





General commander skill guide for all classes

Whilst this chart isn't Gospel it's a fairly accurate basic guide for what skills to choose for each class



Basic Aiming Guide


Battleships Vs Manual CV Torpedo Waves

Torpedo/Destroyer guide

OCUK Captains

Post your game names up so we can get an OCUK network up and running in WoW's. When clans/fleets are running we can all join up in due course if you want.

OcUK: HybridX WoWs: HybridX
OcUK: Sargara WoWs: Sargara
OcUK: EwanB75 WoWs: J3ST3R_EB
OcUK: Adwol48 WoWs: Reborndemon
OcUK: Adwol48 WoWs: Reborndemon
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Nice one HybridX. My ingame name is the same as here, Sargara. Looking forward to getting home and trying this out :)
I signed up over an hour ago and only a confirmation email :(

I must have spent hundreds on wot over the years too, gief priority
@Ankor ...just download the game and use the details you submited, it will work most probably.

In game settings for GFX turn on animate small objects, makes the game more immersive.

1080P everything maxed out in game 75-80 on a 290x, it looks stunning :)
okay was wondering where from but now on the WOWS website I see a member page under my name with a link :D
Guess I'm in because I'm fairly sure it wasn't there before

EDIT: Just got the email too :D
@Ankor ...just download the game and use the details you submited, it will work most probably.

In game settings for GFX turn on animate small objects, makes the game more immersive.

1080P everything maxed out in game 75-80 on a 290x, it looks stunning :)

Not true my spare account didnt work until i got the confirmation email
You are all gits :-P - been trying all day and kept on getting "Applications are closed"

Don't suppose anybody has a spare beta code ???
Made the closed beta name is Reborndemon currently in the OCUK WOT CLAN see feel free to add me once i'm all up and running
4 games 4 wins

seems a bit dull and basic right now basically aim an inch ahead and spam left mouse button until it's over.

I guess carriers and BS make it more interesting?
CBT will open and close for a while for people to get in ...its opened/closed 3 times today that I know of for new CBT access. so just keep trying.
4 games 4 wins

seems a bit dull and basic right now basically aim an inch ahead and spam left mouse button until it's over.

I guess carriers and BS make it more interesting?

As you progress to higher ranks the maps will change, easy maps till level 5.

Edit to add pic

Fire power of the Battleships.

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Thanks to HybridX for the platoon/division yesterday evening :)

I wish my win rate was as healthy as arknor's above, I think I only won about 4 out of 10 games which has made progressing slow work through the tiers! Unlocked the T2 Japanese and Americlap cruisers, aiming for Battleships!
Got in yesterday as I got home :D

Names: GBHPEGASUS ingame.

Quite enjoyed the few battles I played, although I can't seen to change any settings, maybe an issue with sli/surround :(
Thanks to HybridX for the platoon/division yesterday evening :)

I wish my win rate was as healthy as arknor's above, I think I only won about 4 out of 10 games which has made progressing slow work through the tiers! Unlocked the T2 Japanese and Americlap cruisers, aiming for Battleships!

yesterday I clicked on the rank 1 icon and realised it was all vs bots LOL

I got up to rank 3 and still didn't lose a game though and it's not because I'm good.
1-2 kills most games

Be better if everything was unlocked from the start like wot I don't like unlocking features with levels.

I'm struggling to find the will to play tbh the maps at the start are so boring
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Co-op battle is just one side fighting bots plus you get very little XP for these games.
Random Battles gets you a lot more XP and you're fighting real people ;)

Don't worry about your win rate, everyone just seems to want to shoot stuff and never bothering with capping
so its pure luck who ends up winning, you will find a lot more draw games in WOWs compared to WOT.
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