Already petitioned PEGI about WoWs rating -
ATM it appears everything with WoWs is hidden behind some some of gambling scam , Note: you never see the odds of any of the lootboxes published by WG (and that's after being caught out by the community multiple times) and even after that a lot of the time they operate what I can only call Bait and switch operation ( for example wording the description to infer that recent Distant Voyages loot boxes would give a perma camo in every one though that clearly wasn't the case) - (Of cause when WG were found out they claimed a 'communication error' (which seems to happen a hell of a lot for a company that deals internationally)
BTW if you are petitioning this may be useful
'If you do complain to PEGI you might want to quote code 9.2 as loot boxes is a way of corrupting minors and their development as well as 9.9.
9.2 Removal of Undesirable Content; Signatories shall use their best endeavours to ensure that Online Gameplay Environments are kept free of content which is illegal, offensive, racist, degrading,
corrupting, threatening, obscene or might permanently impair the development of minors.
9.9 Protection of Minors; In keeping with one of the main objectives of both the PEGI and PEGI Online Systems, Signatories shall adhere to stringent standards ensuring the protection of children from any unsuitable content and behaviour associated with any Online Gameplay Environment offered by any Product aimed at children. These standards shall include, as appropriate;
- the publication of warnings about the supply or display online of private email addresses
- promoting responsible purchasing practices within Online Gameplay Environments where minors are concerned.'
Also there is currently a more wider acting Parliamentary petition to attempt to bring the Gambling Law in the UK up to date in order to deal with the issue of Lootboxes in gaming and beyond (this is more a general discussion ). Note this has already happened in Belgium
If you feel that Lootboxes are not right especially in a game that has a rating of 16 or under then add your signature