started to get bored of carrier at tier 6 last night.
It's basically wot ARTY.
you send a torpedo bomber out and it does a terribly bad job at aiming the torpedoes the spread is so crap even a battleship can avoid them easy.
you can manually aim with alt but you get the same crap torpedo spread anyway and it's not really any better.
you then wait like 30+ seconds for the planes to fly back, the n another 30 for them to reload.
you don't even do much dmg anyway like 5k per torpedo although it seems theres some uber lucky crit thing that can happen and you might do like 20-30k dmg total from 2 torps.
the different tier carriers obviously come with better planes these planes will lol own any fighters/bombers from carriers lower level than them and you can end up with a tier6 carrier on one team and a tier 7 on the other.....
basically the guy kills all your planes with fighters and you can't do anything about it and are left as a floating nothing waiting for the game to end.
ofcourse they use the same match making as world of tanks so meh
Only thing that really bugged me was the planes from the carriers seemed to be placeholders - an entire squadron was only represented by one plane which a) is harder to spot/judge distance from which is a pain in the arse when planning your every move in advance is key and b) seeing a wall of torpedos appear out of nowhere really broke the immersion. Not tried this in the beta yet so it might be better now...
naa you get like 5-6planes maybe your graphics aren't high or you mean the squadron icon is one icon for that squadron and not one icon per plane
I'll jump in game and grab a screenshot
1x fighters
2x torpedo bombers
1x bomber
Dat torpedo spread.. yea I came in from a bad angle on that one but still ridiculous how they end up with almost a full bs gap between each torp
Even from the side you'll only hit with 2-3 torpedoes on a carrier sized object 1-2 hits on a bs.
unless your in first person view fighting another ship you should be avoiding torps easy
if the nda is against it then **** them
all the usual youtubers have vids up anyway
only thing not maxed is AA I think it was on low