****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Planes drop Torps in a wide spread if one of the ships firing AA at them has the AA defence skill. The bombers in effect panic, drop the torps and run. If you can find an isolated hip without the skill the torps will run straight close together.

hold left alt with torp bombers and you can manual aim and get a tight spread and change the point where you drop them
Planes drop Torps in a wide spread if one of the ships firing AA at them has the AA defence skill. The bombers in effect panic, drop the torps and run. If you can find an isolated hip without the skill the torps will run straight close together.

if you manually aim they are always close together and you can make it so they drop close.

In my last game LOL

went straight for an enemy carrier 10 torp hits GG noob who doesn't even watch the map LOL

20k exp from the Lexington :D

pity when it's released it's going to be a massive grind it's not to bad as it is right now

165 battles down probably about 20 or less until I hit tier 8.

on release it will probably take about a thousand battles and they are much longer than wot


Dem hits not my highest xp though I broke 2k one time
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Ahh Jester!!

Sorry I wasn't being rude I didn't realise who it was.

I've been in since CAT of this and I'm really liking having full servers of people to play.

Also got my Alpha test ship, very cool little t4 destroyer :)

T7 Pensacola is a pain though

Depends what jester u mean now, lol. Hope your well man ;)

I haven't got a key yet :/ and patiently waiting. :(
(if anyone has a spare around let me know).

However if someone wants to pop around on WOT, my acc name is Fediuld.

I haven't got a key yet :/ and patiently waiting. :(
(if anyone has a spare around let me know).

However if someone wants to pop around on WOT, my acc name is Fediuld.

There wasnt any keys, if you got in then look on the WoWs page

noo torps from the upgraded planes on the lexington seem dead slow like the ones from destroyers and they drop from miles away by default
No more lazy auto aim :(

BTW you can drag the angle on the targeting icon from auto drops instead of telling the planes to go to that angle first
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BTW you can drag the angle on the targeting icon from auto drops instead of telling the planes to go to that angle first

I didnt know that :o

Also took me a while to realise "P" toggles AA guns on/off. Why are none of these things listed in the options?

Unlocked the Fuso? Tier6 BB yesterday so I finally have a ship with some acceptable levels of AA. I wish we could get some piasters to retrian captains, im fed up having 3 or 4 all with 3 skills when I could have had 1 with 5 or 6 skills :p
Battleship gameplay is frustrating me at the moment. It feels like im rolling the dice whenever I fire at something. Same game, same target battleship, same ammo (AP).

Hit with 1 shell from a salvo: ~1700 dmg (no crit)
Hit with 4 shells from the same salvo: ~300dmg

WTF! Hitting stuff is hard enough sometimes as it is but then to have the totally unpredictable damage outcome that varies so greatly is frustrating.
I actually have a spare account that's on the beta access, as a friend decided he didn't want it after i registered it. It's registered to an email specifically set up to make the WoWs account and has zero personal info.

Account name: Admiral_Von_Shiprekt.

If someone wants to use it, wont try and hijack it, and has 20 or more trust from the members market (or i have dealt with them before in MM), I may consider lending them it.
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I actually have a spare account that's on the beta access, as a friend decided he didn't want it after i registered it. It's registered to an email specifically set up to make the WoWs account and has zero personal info.

Account name: Admiral_Von_Shiprekt.

If someone wants to use it, wont try and hijack it, and has 20 or more trust from the members market (or i have dealt with them before in MM), I may consider lending them it.

If you would be able to let me use it i would be very very grateful. I would really like to give this a go, watching the streams earlier really made me want to try it. Im happy to give you my ebay username for further confidence.
Massive thanks to HybridX for allowing me to play this. Had a few goes late last night and this morning and i love it. The noise when you hit Fire is awesome, great game.
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