****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Over the weekend i'll get a mod to change the thread title and i'll update the OP with peoples names etc

Edit: Sent RJK a message asking for thread title to be changed
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Konigsberg! Took me about 18 games to get 4 kills in 1 game. had about 4 games with 3 kills before getting killed or the round ending

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Some of the US battleships are slow and only really get good until they are upgraded. Wyoming is a bit of a beast for its class if anyone else is stupid enough to get in range of it.
I'm working on the Kongo and Myoko challenges too, stage 2 for both.

Also if some of you don't know, there's a new event on which you have to register through the website and track through the website, "Project R".

Complete objectives like the ones ingame and earn pearls... get 150 pearls and get entered into a lotto to win one of 2000 Jap Kamikaze Destroyers.
Play most nights after 8pm geneally tier 7-8 as i have 6 lines at that tier. HybridX in game.

Brits are intereting and so squishy and hard to play well. Tier 1-5 are fairly bad tier 6 leander is better and Tier 7 Fiji is amazing.

Edit: i have a few tier 4-5 ships kicking about if you want to squad up. 2 tier 5 cv, akansas beta tier 4 and kamikaze r tier 5
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Still playing just lots of distractions at the moment with Civ, BF1, Overwatch, the other WoW etc :)

Wish they didn't make the British cruisers AP only though.

They aree timed fuse AP so its not as bad as you think. It pena at a higher deflection angle and if it cant pen it does HE style damage meaning a lot less shots bounce for nothing.

Brits are hard to play but play them right and my god they are good. Had a few krakens in my fiji. Ive sunk many cruisers and many battleships with ease
American CA are pretty bad until you get to the Tier 10 Roon apparrently. When you get an Omaha or Phoenix you will be focus fired by everyone as its so easy to citidel them and make them go pop in 1 volley.

The Cleveland was once good until it got nerfed and now its meh.. the pepsicola (Pensacola) is ok but again itll get focus fired. The New Orleans is ok and should be used as a DD hunter and support ship otherwise it will he swacked back to America.

The US DD line is actually a pretty good gunboat line and US smoke is best smoke so you can sit in it burning ships for days.

The US BB line are pure bruisers and fun to play. US CV.... all about the air control cancer spec fighter loadout or mixed fighter/DB spec.

Add me ingame, HybridX, i have primarily tier 8's for about 7 lines but i have enough tier 4/5 reward or missions ships kicking about to play at a lower level
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On a side note if anyone is playing Brit cruisers amd is below tier 7.. keep plowing through and endure the pain. The Fiji is so good and such a refrwhing change from the previous 6 tiers its scary. At Tier 8 the Edinburgh is so good and i cant wait for the Neptune or Minotaur. Getting focus fired by the tier 10 Minotaur is painful
If you want to learn to play Battleships. The most forgiving line would be the German ships. Very good all rounders and easy to pick up.

Lol i totally disagree the Konig is bad the Bayern is ok but a slow brawler. The gnei is just a jumped up cruiser. US BB are way more forgiving as they are very tanky
If you think the leander is good wait until you get the Fiji its brilliant. The Edinburgh is too notch too but the Minotaur and Neptune are meant fo be great with their ROF
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I'm back playing again and really enjoying it (in game VandeleursVictim) anybody else grinding the special for Graf Spee?

I was going to grind up the German DD line but I just don't want to sell my V-25 as it's the most fun I've ever had in this game ;)

So close to getting my Leander now so I can finally enjoy being in the Royal Navy :p

Ive got the Graf Spee and its an interesting ship. Very much a cruiser killer that can take on BB. Its got a lot of health, can repair like a BB, has torps with a really aggressive firing arc. Whilst it lacks in number of turrets what it does have is pretty decent guns that can citadel a Nagato at the right range.
Yes, I've found Graf Spee real fun if used in the right way, and I've surprised and sunk a few idiot DDs who got in close for a torp run with my own torps as well. It's like they don't bother to look at the icon above me and see I'm a cruiser and not a BB??!? :D

Oh and Leander at last :D :D <3

Wait until the fiji.... so much better
Bit of a resurrect since British BB's are around the corner.

Had a bit of a stonk game in the Izumo earlier.. Citadels for days. (excuse the phone photo but wasn't in windowed mode so couldn't screenshot it.)
Add me im down for a game most nights at any tier HybridX/ or HybridXS in Wows I cant remember, rank 7 though in the last seasons ranking if that helps to narrow it down

Side note... Bought the Nelson with free xp... God I love it
Well since my last post ive reached the Yamato and max skill points on my captain and my god its a stonk ship. Love it.

After using free xp to unlock the Nelson its such a great ship and not at all hard to end a game with 400-600k credits which really helps to fund the upgrades for other ships. Side note there is nothing better than being on 5k health and the enemy thinking they have you only to pop a repair and suddenly be on 35k health and back in the fight.

British BB are in too now and they are interesting to play. T5 is a HE fest as the iron duke has high dmg with HE shells and a high fire chance on its shells.

Queen elizabeth.... is an inaccurate and poor IMO, i just couldnt find the right play style for it and it felt like a right grind with no notable features to it. Warspite is so much better due to it being able to hit harder but also although the warspite takes insane damage and is a bit squishy, it can superheal and tank because of it.

KGV is a solid ship. No gimmicks or super heals but just generally solid and reliable. It can take a bit of a beating but not too much but it can also push decent damage and punish anyone on the enemy team who makes a mistake
while correct, i'd rather play high tier than just beat up some noobs who dont know how to play (high tier is not much better though!)

A lot of people at tier 10 dont know how to play, Its no different than tier 1.

I see so many people who have obviously scrubbed to tier 10 with no idea and you see dumb **** like t10 cruisers sat broadside to battleships and t10 battleships putting out fires when they have 1 fire on them.
Just had a cracking game in my Fuso, 1.2 million credits earned, 11,200 XP, 3,000 free XP and the commander leveled up to 15 points that is a game I will not forget in a hurry!.

Kraken, high calibre, confederate, close quarters expert and a lovely first blood to put the cherry on top :)

Someones running flag heavy lol
Maybe :') got a lot of them in the Halloween missions, as I got 75 of each of the economy flags would be a shame not to use them...

Edit: I was also top tier and possibly faced the worst team ever, 10/10 would play again.
Lol well done. Played 7 tier 10 games last night and won 1 but came in top 3 every game... i cry
Enter the following code in the code redemption part of the site and get a free crate.

50k credits + 2 random things it seems. I got credits prem AA module and flags while a friend got credits 1 ship slot and 4 captain slots

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