****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

I've been grinding through the Russian BB line recently and my god they are stonk for bow on tanking... disgusting infact, at higher tiers only the Musashi and Yamato are a real threat to bow on tanking
Russian bias? Does the 2080ti destroy this? Hoping for 4k 120fps.

Also ty Humbug Carriers changed there was uproar about the change from rts to a more 3d hands on version. It looked cool thats what pulled me in that and torpedo subs. I will probably aim for three ships though no cruisers probably Carrier, Sub, Battleship is what i will stick to and pick out of them. I guess it depends on what out of those 3 have a really good premium.

Lol considering im bottle necked to **** by my CPU i get 80-85 fps, max everything with v sync and it runs smooth and looks as smooth as butter.

I was a reasonable decent carrier player pre-carrier rework (65% win rate is considered extremely good) but ive struggled a bit post re-work with CV's mainly as t8 and T10 have tonnes of AA cruisers where T6 and t4 is yolo free dmg and xp with CV's.

I highly recommend the Japanese Cruisers though as T8+ they are REALLY good fire starters and i rarely have a game in my Zao where i get less than 120k dmg. Russian BB are bow tanking stonk. Brit BB's are easy mode BB HE spam and anyone can do well in them
Russian bias? Does the 2080ti destroy this? Hoping for 4k 120fps.

Also ty Humbug Carriers changed there was uproar about the change from rts to a more 3d hands on version. It looked cool thats what pulled me in that and torpedo subs. I will probably aim for three ships though no cruisers probably Carrier, Sub, Battleship is what i will stick to and pick out of them. I guess it depends on what out of those 3 have a really good premium.

Additional if you want to discuss ship choices etc and what you would want to play let me know as ive hit Tier 10 for a fair few lines now and have bene playing since closed Beta so i can give you a reasonable overview of most of the ship lines and i have most of the remaining ones at tier 8/9
Midway is an interesting CV to play now days. The attack circle from the rocket planes is large compared to the japanese CV's. The Divebombers do stonk HE dmg and the torpedo bombers for the Midway drop 6 torps vs 2? for the Japanese but the midway torps do less damage compared and the torpedo bombers have a larger detection range on the US Cv's compared to Japanese so suprise strikes are harder as ships have move time to react with the US Cv's
Cool i think i will go Midway what cpu did you say was bottlenecking the 2080ti i have a 4790k (4770k @4.3) and will probably get a 2080ti next week.

I know the game has MSAA so i can if needed choose 8x Multisampling AA at 1080p 120hz or 4k 120hz but the fps drops hurt i have strobing over gsync so i like to overspec and maintain 120.0fps.

Im only at 1920x1080p 144 hz and im on a Gen 1 I7 the I7 920 DO :D
Oh thankyou!!! By the way man any chance u will take a look at my post on your gfx card? At £899 im tempted but does it throttle hard? I dont think i would buy one if it hit high temps at 4k and was not overclockable.
I guess you cannot test at 4k though can you? 4k would really raise the temps and expose the cooler. And i would be expecting mine to run many games at 4k.

Sadly i dont have a 4k monitor so cant really test at 4k. I dont think i ever mentioned throttling? just that i was bottle necking the card with my old old CPU. With your CPU you should be fine. I haven't found the FE to run hot or throttle in anything ive played so far. I have dabbled a little with overclocking it but set i back to normal as there isnt much point overclocking if im holding it back with my CPU.
Wait did you get sent a founders with two fans? I thought they sent you a Zotac Blower? You never said throttling on the Zotac Blower, But online reviews have and i cannot blame you being free i would not check either.

But its supposed to boost to 1545mhz, Then it climbs to 85c which causes it to thermal throttle back to 1350mhz maybe less but does it happen with 100% fan speeds. Its hard even to find someone who looked at how it behaves at default also where does it boost too and for how long.

If you have Afterburner installed, Its quite easy i simply show the graph for core clock and temps and after a lengthy 1hr session i look through the history of the graph to see if the line for core boost went below 1545mhz. The founders boosts higher even if it is a free GPU you should overclock it to the founders 1650mhz setting.

Lol not sure where the idea it was a Zotac blower came from but it is a FE direct from Nvidia in Germany.

Ive got afterburner installed and with minimal proper tweaking ive had it at 1740mhz stable if memory serves but as before not much point me overclocking at the moment until i upgrade the rest of my rig as any performance gain would be negated by my bottleneck.
When you posted in the thread for the blower you got one for free I thought you were sent a blower
I never saw you say what model you did get founders was sweet to recieve though.
Oh lol the gibbo thread lol i see now. I was talking about 2080ti in general in that thread. My sig does say 2080ti FE too lol.
Has there been any game codes recently ?


These were from 20 days ago for the games birthday. If you go on the subreddit and search codes you will find a fair few more
















Hey guys, just about to start playing this again, i used to play WOT all the time and it was really worth running a premium account while playing.( also used the lowe premium tank has my credit grinder).

Guess what im asking is, Are there any premium ships that are worth buying because they make credit grinding gods?

Missouri is king but ita grind capability is too good so they removed it from the free xp options so the only ones in game are the ones people earned before it was removed.

A modest win decked out with flag and camo boosters can easily get 1.5mill and 2mill if you had a good game.

Musashi and Kronstadt are probably next but these are all free xp ships to earn.

If the nelson wasnt free xp i would recommend it as its earns cash well and its extremely forgiving but nvm

The tirpitz is a forgiving t8 ship but you risk bottom tiering in t10 games. As a general rule the higher the rank as a premium the better it is for credit earning.

I 100% wouldnt recommend any premium DD at the moment as they are getting spotted and ganked to **** by cv's

The Georgia and Alaska are solid bb and ca options for premium and good if you are getting the jist of higher tier game play. But they are fairly expensive.

The problem is that there is so much variation between each nations and classes quirks and gameplay styles its hard what to recommend without you getting a feel for them and knowing your play style
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Missouri was a mistake of them to make, Only way to get it is the Christmas containers now.

I managed to get enough free xp 1 week before they axed it :D It is a filthy credit earner. I also have the Belfast before they removed that for being too OP ... yet they keep the Smolensk which has to be the most game breaking OP ship EVER in WoWs
Yep.. They took the HE of the Minotaur because it was to op... Then they come out with a Smolensk.. I need a credit earner, I may buy the Perm camouflage for the Yamato because I do terrible in my Montana, Or I may buy the Jean Bart with Coal, Or should I leave that for the Smolensk? lol

Personally i would buy the Smolensk because the devs dont seem to be able to balance ships and rather than fix it they will either keep it in the game and do nothing or remove it like they did the Missouri/Belfast/Kutuvoz and leave it for whoever already has one
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