****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

US cruisers are interesting to play at least. Im at the Baltimore at the moment and its not a bad ship but its range is terrible so im speccing it to increase its range so i can kite and burn BB.

With US cruisers you need to hug islands and smoke like they are your waifu and target BB that are looking elsewhere or go cruiser and dd hunting. If you are spotted in the open expect to get deleted as you are free dmg for BB's.

I hated the New Orleans as the citadel is so high even for a US cruiser and if you are spotted its game over. Even now knowing how painful it is to use one....ill still prioritise a NO if i see one.
I bought 2 and got a little gold and a few flags. A friend gifted me 5 crates and got Sharnhorst, okhotnik and some more flags
I bought 2 and got a little gold and a few flags. A friend gifted me 5 crates and got Sharnhorst, okhotnik and some more flags
I bought 5 more big crates and 3 huge ones and got the Duca D'aosta, Leningrad, Dunkerque and 3 x 1000 gold.

5 prem ships from 15 crates and a tonne of gold and useful camo. Im happy and def got value (£70 worth of ships and £10 of gold)
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Was about to post the code but you beat me to it.


Side note finally got the Missouri last night.. 1st game 1mill credits. This thing prints money.

Have both the nelson and mighty mo now from free xp
They need to release some CA/DD's for free XP.

3 BB's with the Musashi its getting a little tiring. But in line with WG's business model.

Musashi is rumoured to be 920k free xp which is mental. Missouri was bad enough at 750k but having said that i know why its so much as at 1 to 1.5 mill credits for a win is crazy
Yea I am sitting on over 1 mill free xp at the moment. Not spending it on any of the 3 BB's!

Yea if you need a credit printer there is no better than Missouri. Whilst I enjoyed the Iowa I will just keep my XP and wait for something else!

Should get the nelson its such a good ship and the super heal is mental. Something like 28k hp per heal
Tonight is making me pull my hair out again. Frustrating loss after frustrating loss. How does this game draw such awful players to it? I've lost track of the amount of times where someone in chat will say "let's cap A+B", a fair few people agree, everyone heads off that way and then a lone Battleship or Cruiser just lemmings off in the opposite direction. Or Destroyers who hang back and do nothing until the game is practically over so they can maybe torp a solo ship somewhere. How do players that bad get up to tier6/7 etc without getting fed up with constantly dying/losing/achieving nothing!
The volume of AFK players is bonkers aswell. The match making takes 30 seconds at most, how can someone hit join a game and so consistently be afk once the match starts! :(
The level of potato players at tier 10 doesnt change compared to tier 6 or 7
If anyone wants a game any tier just add me, name is the same as here. Im on most nights after 8pm mainly 10pm -12.

Im usually playing with a friend but we can do 3 man stacks
This game is just screwing with me today. Match making consistently taking a huge steaming dump on me.

I just don't even....

So just got reported twice. Saw it pop up during post match services. I have no idea what for and there's no way to look at it? wtf?!

This is another reason to hate the NO as you are a priority target anyway cos you're free xp and then when you bottom tier in games like this is ggwp thanks for turning up. Least thinvs like chapayev and Mogami can burn and kite well.

Dont worry about reports. I get karma for playinh well. I 1 shot 2 ships in 1 game last night and losr 4 karma cos they salty
Nice to see some of the people from here in a game tonight, unfortunately I was in the middle of a shockingly poor session but oh well...

Nearly finished both campaigns, but will be glad when they're over.

Least you asked straight up if I was from OCUK :D

PinkFloyd just messaged me to division up and had no idea who it was until I checked the thread :D
Could wargaming make the release of new ship lines any *SLOWER* if they tried?

I mean, they have the basic game built, the engine built, the (shonky) MM built, and now all they're doing is making some ship models, and faffing about with some virtual "soft" stats like gun range and HP - It baffles me why they take so long to release lines, I've barely played it the last few weeks except for a few matches to get the Aigle achievements, just so I can own something different to play!

(Bored of grinding at tier 7, tier 8 I have 1 ship and I just cant be bothered to work up to the highest tiers)

What ships do you have at tier 7 and 8?

They are slow at dropping ship lines but considering how bad the balancing can be at times I would prefer they take their time.

Im just rinse repeating the french mission stuff for crates atm so i can get the 10pt captain. It just reminds me how bad i am with the french ships as I never play them
Tier 8: Bismarck. Almost got enough XP for the Grosse Kurfurst, but don't know if I actually want her because she seems like a copy+paste of the Biz, until you get slightly larger guns available but with the downside of slower reloads. No-one likes slower reloads. :(

Tier 7: Glorious Scharnhorst, machine-gun Atlanta (IFHE, praise be!), Gneisenau, King George V, Mahan, Pensecola, Nagato.

So yeah, tier 7 seems to be where I end up 'sticking' at, mostly because of the silly grind requirements and my lack of willingness to purchase premium time.

You should try the bully bismarck strat. Get 3 in a group all with secondary builds and move as a pack. Any Destroyer or cruiser that gets in range is toast and chasing down battleships with triple secondary spam is hilarious
Hybridx in wows on a fair amount and can play any tier and any class to support if needed.

Currently working on the Kitakaze and have everything unlocked for it so just grinding for the Harugumo. Loving the kitakaze though.
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Akizuki is so much fun :D I play every night with 2 mates and we often division with 3 kitakaze's, every DD's nightmare lol

Bleh i can't type i mean im working on the Harugumo as ive maxed out the Kitakaze and just need to get enough xp to grab the Haru.

Kitakaze is a fun ship and after a poor start im getting used to it and getting more 100k plus damage games
I keep going on cycles for wows where i hammer it hard for months then barely play for a month or so. Prob doesnt help im starting to max out at t10 now with a lot of lines.

Just in a hiatus at the moment but think i might be picking it up again soon, really like the sprints for ranked though compared to the cancer or normal ranked
Just started playing this again after a long break, There's a few new ships I see! Ran into a glitch last night I was in the Tashkent and it wouldn't let me fire my torpedo's and I died straight after, Think I lost my team the game because of it, I raged quit!

You sure they didnt get disabled or perm disabled?

When i jump in nowadays i find myself playing the Zao a lot. Its such a good ship and super easy to get 120k + damage games
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