****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Anyone boating tonight?

There should be 2 or 3 of us around on the EU server, for a spot of mayhem. Lowest will be tier 2, up to max of tier 5 at the moment. :)

(I want a Cleveland. Very much.)
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(I want a Cleveland. Very much.)

I don't lol. The shell flight time is crazy. I really liked it in cbt but not now. It's still a decent ship but over 12km it is hard to hit anything, and iirc I had the 4th commander skill that gives 20% range, so at 16km + it's silly the lead you need.
Much prefer the Aoba
When do we get our Doubloons and prem time back or did wg change their mind.

You only got that back when they wiped all the stats after going between closed and open beta, and as there wasn't a wipe when they went from open beta to full release any gold you spent and premium time that was used isn't returned (especially since with the unified account system, premium time is shared between all the games).
Sometimes, you just have a match that goes really, really well :)

Konigsberg! Took me about 18 games to get 4 kills in 1 game. had about 4 games with 3 kills before getting killed or the round ending

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Its just sort of a "Here, try these if you can get them, but you cant keep them" sort of event theyre doing this week.
You have to sink 4 enemy ships in a single battle, and your reward for doing it in Japanese ships is the Konigsberg, and in American, the Ognevoi.

Cue using cruisers, and deliberately targeting low-health ships and DD's with continuous fire from main guns.... now who'd do a kill-stealing thing like that eh? :D

Each ship also comes with a free commander with 3 points to spend, and you'll get to keep the commander and his XP for each of the relevant nations.

Soviet DD is a 'gun' DD, with torps really as emergency weapons - even being tier 6, it has only 4km range on the torps, so they're for that 'aaarrrgh' moment when a CA or BB pops around an island and surprises you! The guns have a decent range, 2x twin 130mm mounts, but which fire at 12 RPM so they can get lots of shots out, and its ridiculously maneouverable so I was at one point making a BB waste all its' fire at me, missing every shot, while it got smashed by other ships.

The Konigsberg is a nice all-round cruiser, torps are 6km range and it has 2x triple launchers on either side. The guns are 3x 150mm triple turrets, firing at 8 RPM (more if you upgrade commander) and can throw out to 16.5KM, so it's ideal for staying at range and keeping enemies back from the rest of your team.

Shame we won't get to keep the ships after the 19th Oct though. :(
I thought that you had until the 19th to GET them then you keep them till the new ships are incorporated then you lose them, not the 19th. Any XP you gained then gets tranferred to the T1 of the new line.
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