****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Ah fair enough. Followed a few links through and it offered one free crate so I've done that, will see what that is later. I may buy a 5 pack of the Huge gifts to see if I get anything interesting.
@PinkFloyd - There's 2 free "small" santa boxes if you use this link rather than going to the premium shop - https://santa.worldofwarships.eu/en/#/main - and click "I'm in".

Had a good game in the new Operation Narai earlier -


Then I bought 20x "Huge Santa Gift" for £57 which got me -
  • 1x T8 Yo Lang
  • 1x T6 Gallant
  • 1x T6 Ashan
  • 1x T6 Graf Spee
  • 4000 Doubloons
  • 30x Red Wyvern
  • 30x Dragon
  • 15x Type 59 Camo
  • 270x Frosty Camo
Last year I spend hundreds of pounds on Santa boxes trying to win (and eventually did) the Nikolai and Gremy. Now I have those there's nothing else really left in WG's Premium ship line that would make me want to spend the same sort of money again but I'd say I got my moneys worth out of this unboxing, although I'd already won and sold the Ashan/Yo Lang in last years unboxing (silly I Know) and won (and sold) the Graf Spee from the campaign from earlier this year.

edit - Just opened the two free "gift" boxes which you get by using the Santa site (not the premium shop) and got 600 Doubloons for free, which was nice.

Then I logged in a few minutes ago and I had a message at the top of the screen saying "Welcome back commander - here's some free stuff" and I got:
  • 1x Guilio Cesare & 10 point captain (already got so was given 5200 doubloons).
  • 1x De Grasse & 10 point Captain
  • 1x 10 point Chengun Captain (Pan Asian)
  • 12million Credits
  • 10 days Premium
  • 150k Free XP

I've not given any invite codes etc, I've not bought these or entered any competitions etc it's just seems like a "thank you for returning to WG" Xmas Present after not playing Random matches in over 2 months (I play co-op daily) so thanks WG!
That's a nice haul mate.

I bought 10 mega crates

I have loads of flags and camo
6k doubloons
Tier VI gallant DD
50k free xp
Various you things

No premium time though. Which was rubbish as I'm out. I bought a month as I'm off for now for Xmas so will get some grinding in.

I bought the Julio Cesar and I'm thinking of the othotnik but not pushed the button yet. Does anyone have her? I may invest in some more after Xmas if I get some money but will see.
I've only played the Okhotnik in co-op so my opinion may not match those who play it in Random games but I love it - Cruiser levels of gun damage (and reload sadly), 12 very hard hitting torps for the tier which reload in 40 secs with commander skills which are great for ambushes (2-3 torps can sink most cruisers, 4-6 most BB's) and I love that you can launch 2x3 to bait people into thinking you're all out, surprise them with another 2x3 seconds later. Relatively fast at 39.5kts with speed boost flag but turns like a cruiser rather than a DD and had OK concealment for the Tier at 5.9km with captain skill.

TL:DR Cruiser firepower and handling with DD concealment and health.
Got the 2 free Santa gifts; got some commander XP boost flags and a few hundred doubloons which I can't complain at I guess! If I do the mega pack will definitely be hoping for free XP and premium. Premium ships would be nice but not too worried about that. Wondering whether it's maybe a safer bet to just buy some premium so I know I'll get it. lol
5x Mega pack bought. Got the Gallant with a level 10 captain, 200 doubloons, some camo and 2 sets of flags. Guess I can't complain much for £16! Won't be rushing to buy more stuff but considering I've not spent a penny on this game until today I have no issues with justifying £16!
Im an idiot and spent a lot of crates got a Scharnhorst and Gallant and Ashen t6 dd.
5000 dubloons and enought flags and cameos for 2018 lol

all in all technically i made some "money" but it was about 70 quids worth which is hilariously sad.

Scharnhorst is amazing.. best ship i ever played. Perfect combo of everything.
I bought 2 and got a little gold and a few flags. A friend gifted me 5 crates and got Sharnhorst, okhotnik and some more flags
Got my first tier 10, the Yamato, guess I might try and finish the cruiser line for the Zao now (on Mogami atm). Campaign seems ok so far, getting lots of duplicate collection items though.
^^ You can trade the duplicates for ones you are missing.

Just click the empty item you are missing and it prompts you to use duplicates to purchase.
I bought 2 and got a little gold and a few flags. A friend gifted me 5 crates and got Sharnhorst, okhotnik and some more flags
I bought 5 more big crates and 3 huge ones and got the Duca D'aosta, Leningrad, Dunkerque and 3 x 1000 gold.

5 prem ships from 15 crates and a tonne of gold and useful camo. Im happy and def got value (£70 worth of ships and £10 of gold)
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played 30 games in 2 days and ive won 5

Ive had mutiple games with 3 plus kills and it feels like im playing alone

win and get 1500 base XP.. IMPOSSIBLE

3 more games 3 more losses. i dunno what to do im not playing badly lolol
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played 30 games in 2 days and ive won 5
Sounds like when I started out with the Pensacola! Back up to 42% win rate in that now which I'm much happier with considering what I started at. Had a mixed day yesterday, was doing well in matches in a Cruiser but unlucky in my Bayern (I had a few epic games, just not enough to win) and couldn't land a torp to save my life in a destroyer!
Think I read somewhere you populate a configuration file with your normal login so the Steam version uses that rather than the Steam login, not tried it though. Right now the advantages of having it in Steam aren't worth downloading that much again!
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