****** Official World of Warships Thread ******

Had a read of some forum guides that pretty much said the same thing. I'm fine with that, just glad to know that *most* players haven't got a quick lookup to see exactly where to aim! Hard enough getting hits on the enemy ship at all sometimes, especially at range with something like the Cleveland. I really want to like the Cleveland more but I just can't figure out how to use it most effectively - I feel like I'm primary nearly every fight, compounded by often being downtier. It's range isn't huge and the trajectory make it really hard work to hit anything that's moving.
Question regarding citadels. Do you higher level / experienced guys know exactly where to aim vs different ships as it varies? Or just aim along the waterline and hope for the best?

Aiming under the funnels and/or guns just at (or even slightly above) the waterline is a good starting point. My preference is for aiming just under the funnels unless a specific ship has a certain "always citadel" area like under the Yamatos 2nd turret, the Nurnbergs nose, the Nelsons rear end etc. One line which catches people out is the thin RN and French Cruisers which overpen if you hit the middle of the ship at the waterline where I find it better to aim at the waterline about 2/3 back instead of of 1/2 way as I tend to get many more citadels doing that.

I really want to like the Cleveland more but I just can't figure out how to use it most effectively - I feel like I'm primary nearly every fight, compounded by often being downtier. It's range isn't huge and the trajectory make it really hard work to hit anything that's moving.

Learn to love the arcs and you'll find the "how to play this ship" suddenly clicks. I mained the Russian cruiser line first and got used to flat/fast "railguns" and when I started the USN cruisers the arcs caused me no end of problems and it took me a few weeks (say 50+ games) to understand just how much you have to lead the enemy and how much to have to anticipate where the enemy will be move so you can shift your aim to keep up the rain of HE constantly failing, it also helps to fire single turrets rather than salvos too when you're learning the arcs.

Owning an Atlanta helps too :D
IFHE and full AA-spec with a 19 point captain :D

I took Manual AA over Concealment Expert, 13.3km range means you're almost always spotted if you need to shoot someone, plus I hump the snot out of islands for my concealment whilst lobbing HE out of my 7 twin catapults :D
Atlanta does sound fun. Seems to really divide opinion on how good it is in a close fight though! Had a night off from the Cleveland tonight and just stuck with my Konig, had one epic game brawling in nearly solo against 3 enemy battleships within 5k. Angled well against 2 and punishing the other with allies raining fire on them from a distance whilst I take the damage. Went down to about 1k health and survived the match :D
Personally I would only take Manual AA on an Atlanta if you queue with a Carrier. Concealment Expert is useful every game, whereas Manual AA might only be worth it 1/3rd of the time.
I'm torn on the Atlanta. Got a friend who has it, and in certain situations it can be an ultimate destroyer murdering machine, which can then sneakily make toast of enemy BB's - but in order to do that, you have to be in prime range for their guns, so you absolutely HAVE to be sneaky, use cover, hide, use smoke, run away... etc - Whereas I prefer a straight up brawl most times, so unless they put it on a silly sale, I doubt I'll end up getting her.
Belfast is another good one to get :)

But yea, I have 95 AA on my North Carolina. In the few games I see with carriers they avoid it like the plague. 11.7km detection range is also fun on a BB though :D
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Unlocked the Bayern last night, so far so good. Despite not having any of the upgrades it's held up fairly solidly. I've been a little cautious and held off firing until closer due to lack of speed and range currently but enjoying the quicker turret traverse compared to the Konig and loving the damage it can do with the bigger guns!
seems the more AA you have the less the game will match you with carriers.

Yeah, that seems to be a thing. Best thing to suggest is to squad up with someone who drives a carrier, then you're guaranteed planes :)

I love rolling out in my Texas, with a full AA spec build. Range = 5km, AA rating 80, tier 5. Come at me bro! :D :D :D
^^ Nice. Bet the victim was enjoying that. Had to laugh during one game yesterday, guy in a BB got killed with a detonation about a minute into the match, followed by a few extremely sarcastic "well that was fun" style comments.

Few more games in the Bayern last night, enjoying that ship a lot. Even when fighting 2 tiers above I'm doing ok, probably because it's not fast enough to end up overextending! Got the speed upgrade unlocked at the end of the night which hopefully will mean I can get involved into the action more consistently, as the only frustration I've really had until now is struggling to get into range of enemies quite regularly.
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50k credits + 2 random things it seems. I got credits prem AA module and flags while a friend got credits 1 ship slot and 4 captain slots

Finally unlocked the Pensacola, very different from the Cleveland - makes me realise how tough that ship was! Liking having accurate guns with nice arcs though, just want to get a few games where I'm not fighting 5+ T9s on the other side...
I hate my pensacola its made of paper and most maps don't really have good places to hide behind.
I started playing japanese DD instead when I got my pensacola.

I only really wanted the cleveland though for the AA lulz
Who else has unlocked the vampire? Got mine last night but haven't played a game in her yet. I've been getting used to my sharnhorst which is a thoroughly fun ship cruisers worst enemy.
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