***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

TBH, pallas are bye bye for tanking imho.

Blizzard have stated that Pala aoe tanking will still be the best, just that they want to avoid the situation of "LF Pala tank quick aoe run instance X". A modestly-kitted Warrior is one of my several level 70s and it's pretty upsetting to see how easily mobs peel off me to go for a healer when you've got 4 mob pulls and little/no cc. Palas just stand there and pap out a Consecrate and even a very bad Pala tank then won't lose aggro to a healer. Also, my guild's first Brutallus kill was with a Pala tank, so it's not like they can't tank the hardest hitting mob in the game.

Still, I can't see the new Thunderclap/Shockwave alone allowing me to go totally wild with AoE on my Mage. You currently can with a Pala tank so they'll retain a little bit of an advantage here.
The patch is amazing, some of the classes are totally different. Warriors can tank like pros and dps classes are insane. Of course it'll all balance out with the harder WOTLK encounters, but I've never done a Karazhan or any of the heroics I tested so fast. It felt like doing Stratholme with a full group of 70s! Gather up a huge amount of mobs and AOE to death. Yep, we had a pala tank ALL the horses and humans at the start of kara at the same time... Moroes? Gather him and his adds together and AOE them down. It was crazy!

So to sum up.. I'm psyched to the max for the patch!

Yeah Warriors have nice prot stuff, shame they have been nerfed yet again when it comes to PvP though.

Death Wish (Fury) no longer makes you immune to Fear effects.
Enrage - 30% chance to get a 10% damage increase upon being a victim of a damaging attack
Overpower now only has one rank and no longer causes any bonus damage (i.e. weapon damage only).
Sword Specialization (Arms) can no longer trigger more than once per 6 seconds.
Hamstring now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.
Pummel now only has one rank and no longer causes damage.
Rampage now causes all party and raid members within 20 yards of the Warrior to go on a rampage, increasing melee critical hit chance by 5% for 10 seconds when the warrior scores a melee critical.

Pathetic. None of them nerfs are needed. :mad:

Anyhoo I'm considering leveling a DK despite the initial rush, that was my original plan but I'm not too sure what I'll do, was hoping a lot of noobs will quit the characters before getting to 80 mind.

Can see myself leveling my Priest though.
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Warriors AoE tanking!

Yep prot warriors are good now, I like the new shield block (you take almost no melee damage for 10 secs, 50 sec CD) and their damage output when geared up with crit and strength is awesome.

Shockwave combined with the new no-limit and boosted damage Thunderclap make aoe tanking a breeze. 4 second stun helps out loads too, and with the warrior damage shield once you have aggro you generally dont lose it.

Blizz have stated though that Palas are still better aoe tanks because they don't have any aoe debuffs(?) Whereas warriors have the thunderclap debuff and demo shout.

On a side note, do both players on the recruit a friend thing have to be the same level? As in, the inviter would have to start an alt for it to work? Coz I tried using my 70 main but nothing seemed different.
On a side note, do both players on the recruit a friend thing have to be the same level? As in, the inviter would have to start an alt for it to work? Coz I tried using my 70 main but nothing seemed different.

I think it's within 3-4 levels of each other, I was gonna use my friends Mage to level my new character but that didn't work so we ended up leveling together on the new characters and another friend boosting us in instances till 60.

Though you can summon each other no matter what level, but not past level 60.
Blizzard have stated that Pala aoe tanking will still be the best, just that they want to avoid the situation of "LF Pala tank quick aoe run instance X". A modestly-kitted Warrior is one of my several level 70s and it's pretty upsetting to see how easily mobs peel off me to go for a healer when you've got 4 mob pulls and little/no cc. Palas just stand there and pap out a Consecrate and even a very bad Pala tank then won't lose aggro to a healer. Also, my guild's first Brutallus kill was with a Pala tank, so it's not like they can't tank the hardest hitting mob in the game.

Nah waso_dude is right. Even if we still are the best AoE tanks in wrath nobody is gonna want to play prot anyway. In WotLK, out of all the tanking classes, we have the lowest armour, worst mitigation, lowest HP and lowest TPS.
So your average progress raid for a tankadin will be: Tank a few packs of trash, put on your healing gear, heal for the rest of the night while we try and down this boss (with a warrior/druid tank). We won't be tanking raid bosses.
I think warriors will mostly be doing the AoE tanking now. Average AoE tank + Awesome boss tank > Good AoE tank + can't tank bosses.

Retribution here I come! :D

/whine :p
In WotLK, out of all the tanking classes, we have the lowest armour, worst mitigation, lowest HP and lowest TPS.

It's Blizzard's stated aim that all tanking classes will be equal, but with slightly different flavour. If one class is underperforming, they will fix it.
The patch is amazing, some of the classes are totally different. Warriors can tank like pros and dps classes are insane

Amasing, shame its taken them 3+ years to figure that warriors are supposed to tank and dps classes are supposed to dps. Dont get me wrong, wow was good when I played it, but they are so slow at putting things right its a joke. Cant say any of this is going to pull me back.
Well with the latest patch onto beta druids get another tanking nerfing, with dire bear only giving 370% now instead of 400% which is really annoying for soloing, if we want to get anywhere near the mitigation like we did before we need to be in a group of 5 and also need to re-gem and re-enchant all our gear so that we can stack dodge, which is kinda annoying, but from all the beta tests it looks like we are the best tanks in naxx at the moment and by some margin.

bring on the patch/wotlk the beta is amazing and blizz have done an awesome job and a lot of people that have left will be coming back for it.
Really nice to see Thunder Clap and Swipe having unlimited targets now. Was pretty stupid to have a druid swipe is paw infront of them and only hitting 3 targets. The new Taunt range is pretty lol too. 5 yards to 20 yards won't even have to move to get the mob back.
Did read druids had too much mitigation by naxx hence the 400% to 370% nerf
Looking to be a great expansion and I'm loving the new spell Riptide that Shamans get in resto.
My comment is comming from someone with a prot palla and a prot warrior.

My palla will be retri, and getting healing kit as offspec.

But i'll mainly be using my warrior 100% in raids, MTing bosses ect.

On Bloodboil, i can sooo easily get agro over our palla tank to take over after a few debuffs. a few sheild slams ect and i'm over him. Gen'ing about 1200-1400 tps, where hes on about 1000 with 550 +spell power.

Pallas just don't ahve the single target threat gen for end game bosses.

IMHO druids are the same, they are good at magic casting bosses, but with no parry, sheild they lack at that too.

In raiding we have a awsome feral druid, with t5/6 tanking kit and equivilent DPS kit, he'll dps, until needed, and then tank, but generally just dps. Buffing the melee dps big time.

I really really need to get onto the PTR i can't wait to try AoE tanking in MH as a warrior.
Druids have the best single target TPS out of any tank but warriors have the best mitigation with the lack of block and parry druids suffer which is why we had ridiculous amounts of armor, but now that we get rage for dodging stacking for dodge is a good thing to do, we will still have the most health and armour of any tank, aswell as the best wingle target tps, just when it comes to certain bosses, warriors will be the best.
My friend is loving his prot warrior on the PTR at the moment.

He is soloing 5 man instances on heroic even O.o

Prot wariors got a massive DPS boost too.

I am leveling a rogue / warlock for WOTLK. But our guild needs tanks, so will probably end up being a Death Knight to help out with off tanking.
whys this gone all about the tanking, what about the healing ! imo priests have got it real good for the next patch some of the talents are awesome espec the angel life saver thing. Can't wait to start testing that out :D
Shaman's get it real good from what I've tried healing wise. Riptide is a life saver. Earthliving is pretty beast too. An actual reason to put something on the weapon.
I really love the new way Energy and Mana regens. No more waiting for ticks just a constant stream of resources
whys this gone all about the tanking, what about the healing ! imo priests have got it real good for the next patch some of the talents are awesome espec the angel life saver thing. Can't wait to start testing that out :D

Honestly, I never tried my priest as healing for long.

I did do a little disc. priest in Battlegrounds for a few days, but that was about it. I think healing is a really important role (and not enough credit is given to healers, instead they seem to be the first one everyone blames).

I think there is a lot of rogues and mages, but not enough tanks either.

Oddly though, my guild has tons of healers, and not so many tanks O.o. The buffs that paladins are getting (in particular rets, who are insane at the moment, which is a good thing... I hated that they wasnt all that great for damage previous - despite the fact I didn't use one) are a welcome thing. They are now able to tank bosses 1 on 1. It was possible previously but not easy at all because they could be crushed + other issues.
Q. Who is eligible to create a death knight?
A. Players who have at least one level 55 character on a realm may create a death knight on that realm.

Q. What if I have a level 55 character on one realm but want to create a death knight on another realm to play with friends?
A. At the launch of Wrath of the Lich King, you will only be able to create a death knight on the same realm where you have an existing level 55 or higher character. In the future, we plan to allow the creation of a death knight on any realm (provided you have at least one level 55+ character).
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ok im fully epiced shadow priest but completely out of touch with wotlk, should i stay shadow or level something "on Spec". i like magic, quite drawn to shammies and locks. is there anything great going to happen for us SP's?

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