***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

I've seen some people do Naxxramus on the beta and a Priest was far, far behind the rest of the DPS in damage.

As mentioned above, the VT nerf allows Blizzard to increase Shadow Priest damage. They are still tweaking the numbers and the devs have said that the intention is for the SP to be a dps class (not a moderate dps class with lots of utility). If the numbers are low, they'll get brought into line.
Can anyone comment on the new inscription ? like is it easy to lvl ? is it actually worth taking ? I was thinking about taking this for my priest and drop mining, (currently Talior + miner)
Far from it.

I've seen some people do Naxxramus on the beta and a Priest was far, far behind the rest of the DPS in damage.

Saw a copy of the wow web stats for the raid.


From the numbers so far, Blizzad are saying that priests are doing 2500 DPS easily.

ALL classes are crying over the official forums. There are bugs in stuff, some spells and abilities aren't working properlly.

Read the Warlock forums on the WOTLK Beta, you will be shocked as they are telling the devs that they don't even understand the class that they created :p

Bottom line is, priests are a hybrid, and Blizzard gave these numbers:

If you are a Hybrid DPS, you will do around 90 percent of the damage that a true DPS does (they used a paladin will do about 90 percent of the damage of a rogue for example) BUT, you have more utility, Finally you also have the luxury of being able to heal yourself, bubble, tank if you so wish blah blah blah. (note, that is how hey see it so don't post back saying you don't agree... because it won't really help either of us :p)

They want:

Hybrid DPS to do about 90 percent damage
Tank DPS to be around 70 - 80 percent of regular DPS
Healers to do about 60 percent damage of a damage spec (for example, a holy priest will be about 60 perrcent of the damage of a shadow priest).

Numbers are not final yet, and as someone who reads all the updates each time, plays PTR, has played WOTLK beta, and reads the forums each day for all classes, I can safely assure you that according to the people on the forums:

Paladins, Death Knights, Druids and warriors all are worst tanks in the game (so all 4 are the worst... which is obviously not possible).

AL classes are the worst healers

All classes do the worst damage

All the other classes are better than my class.

Blizzard is fixing stuff, for example read a few months ago the complaints of warriors (prot) who said they sucked (and they did) suddenly blizzard updates them, and the warriors can't stop hugging the beta testers... I am worried they will start sending Ghostcrawler love letters :/


Forgot to mention, on my own priests, non buffed, in WoW Beta, My own DPS is probably around double. SWP is ticking for far more, MF is hitting for 1500 crits (at least) and MB is hitting for 5 - 7K depending on dots / shadow weaving / gear I am wearing. (this is the 3.0 PTR)
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From the numbers so far, Blizzad are saying that priests are doing 2500 DPS easily.

ALL classes are crying over the official forums. There are bugs in stuff, some spells and abilities aren't working properlly.

Read the Warlock forums on the WOTLK Beta, you will be shocked as they are telling the devs that they don't even understand the class that they created :p

Bottom line is, priests are a hybrid, and Blizzard gave these numbers:

If you are a Hybrid DPS, you will do around 90 percent of the damage that a true DPS does (they used a paladin will do about 90 percent of the damage of a rogue for example) BUT, you have more utility, Finally you also have the luxury of being able to heal yourself, bubble, tank if you so wish blah blah blah. (note, that is how hey see it so don't post back saying you don't agree... because it won't really help either of us :p)

They want:

Hybrid DPS to do about 90 percent damage
Tank DPS to be around 70 - 80 percent of regular DPS
Healers to do about 60 percent damage of a damage spec (for example, a holy priest will be about 60 perrcent of the damage of a shadow priest).

Numbers are not final yet, and as someone who reads all the updates each time, plays PTR, has played WOTLK beta, and reads the forums each day for all classes, I can safely assure you that according to the people on the forums:

Paladins, Death Knights, Druids and warriors all are worst tanks in the game (so all 4 are the worst... which is obviously not possible).

AL classes are the worst healers

All classes do the worst damage

All the other classes are better than my class.

Blizzard is fixing stuff, for example read a few months ago the complaints of warriors (prot) who said they sucked (and they did) suddenly blizzard updates them, and the warriors can't stop hugging the beta testers... I am worried they will start sending Ghostcrawler love letters :/


Forgot to mention, on my own priests, non buffed, in WoW Beta, My own DPS is probably around double. SWP is ticking for far more, MF is hitting for 1500 crits (at least) and MB is hitting for 5 - 7K depending on dots / shadow weaving / gear I am wearing.
It's certainly interesting but from what I've heard so far the Shadow DPS buff isn't as big as it seems!

Not too fussed though, I'm rolling DK. :p Gonna level my Priest to 80 eventually however. :)

You are right though, people on the forums really are just whiners. HOWEVER I can understand Warriors whining as they really are quite gimped in 1v1 imo. Which is what the majority of whines are about.

Also as the game develops further and people get better gear we'll see how well the classes scale with the gear, as I recall Shadow Priests were some of the best DPS at first in TBC.
Soon a patch shall be rolled out that nerfs the TBC instances, including sun well, by 30 percent of their damage and health. Everything else is the same, apart from Illidan, who loses his ability "shear" so that Bear Tanks and Paladins can main him.

Having only done Kara and ZA on the PTR it is a lot quicker and easier. i like the new way totems and auras are all raid wide same for bloodlust.
Really look forward to 3.0 patch now. Been an achievement junky completing everything i started from time gone by.
It will be a massive buff. Its just that at the moment people don't understand rotations, changes, gear is different, people can't decide on specs that kind of thing.

I have to admit, I was shocked at the difference in damage.


Here shows at the moment the bugs. We aound around 1000 damage behind other classes, a couple have bugged abilities though. We have gone up around 3000 DPS since TBC (the average max a SP pulled in damage is around 1500).

But the numbers are still being tweaked, I will be shocked if Affliction warlocks do the most damage over destruction too, and Balance druids are pulling almost 7000 damage per second.

The rest of the numbers will be balanced soon I think.
What is more cool is that as I mentioned cat form of druids will almost do rogue damage too, so in short if you don't like rogues, but like that kind of play style you could just stay cat form.

Druids Balance will also do insane raid buffs, not least of which is increasing spell damage against the enemy like Warlocks Curse Of The Elements, and also the raids haste...

Apparently their AOE is insane too. There is a lot of love for all the classes that is for sure :)
im still umming and arring about what to lvl first, my shammy, priest or dr00d....

I think il go with my priest because guild needs a healer and i quite like healing. But then again i like tanking with my dr00d and some of the new buffs they got is insane. But then i look at shammys and think wow they might actually be fun to play :) Enhancement btw (pre-bc era rocked :D)
Your druid is balance I assume? If so your raid my enjoy the 20 percent (I think that is the number) haste in spell casting you provide.

For priests, holy has been buffed, with guardian spirit, which now goes on your friendly target, and will sacrifice itself rather than letting the target die. Also mana back when you overheal is nice.

Disc priests are still pretty insane, and actually got a boost for single target healing, including far better shields (which blizzard ara apprently working on to not affect rage and threat now). Interestingly though, their 51 point talent is somewhat strange, as a little bit like Holy Nova (which is also a base line spell now, and no longer is talented) it heals friendly targets and hurts enemies. I haven't tried it yet, but I think / heard it looks slightly like arcane missiles. (as said, not tried it so could be wrong there).
nah my dr00d is the imba cookie cutter atm. Although I used to be feral off tank for my guild. Never considered oomkin tbh. Although looking at the new talents and that im highly considering it
nah my dr00d is the imba cookie cutter atm. Although I used to be feral off tank for my guild. Never considered oomkin tbh. Although looking at the new talents and that im highly considering it

I specced Boomkin for ganking fun tbh, getting killed by Moonkins just annoyed me in the past on old characters. :p

I had terrible Balance gear, like 500 spell damage only but it was still pretty fun.

Only thing I disliked about Feral was it was like banging your head against a brick wall with some classes, Disc Priests/Holy Priests, Resto Druids and so forth were just so annoying to take down. I actually gave up against a Disc Priest. :p
I foresee a considerable amount of nerfing within the next few months to be honest. :p

Ret Pala's and DK's are getting the nerfbat I think, if I interpreted this post correctly;


Blood Death Knights at the moment if anything aren't to great, and are behind in damage, Unholy is scaling to well (in particular their minions).

It will also be pulled down in to line, rets aren't over powered to much, it is really just their stun that is a little much considering their burst damage. However, I find it ironic that rogues are complaining about being stunned.

All classes should roughly be equal in the end, but I have no doubt that a few weeks after WOTLK hits live various bug fixes / class changes will happen.

One thing which amuses me is the amount of people saying they will chose a DK. I don't think they realize that it won't be "better" than their current class, but instead just be different. I do like the fact DK's are among one of the most complex classes, and if the Beta is anything to go by, according to all accounts, most people quit their DK to go back to their main.

Especially when all your friends are telling you how good North rend is (I have to admit, a few instances look fantastic, not even talking of just the level 80 ones) and you realize you still have 25 levels to go :p
im still umming and arring about what to lvl first, my shammy, priest or dr00d....

I think il go with my priest because guild needs a healer and i quite like healing. But then again i like tanking with my dr00d and some of the new buffs they got is insane. But then i look at shammys and think wow they might actually be fun to play :) Enhancement btw (pre-bc era rocked :D)

Enhancement i have found to be pretty fun in BC (only played for about 2 month enhance) on the 3.0 PTR im finding it insanly fun. lots to rotate in, and actualy using mana. Maelstrom Weapon is really nice. things going pear instant heal, pull too many mobs instant chain lightning or lightning bolt.
Feral Spirits are beast too. I did read there nerfing the healing they produce, and rightly so, it was like 300 everytime.

Really want to test my druid on the PTR but i can't for the life of me remember the password as its different from live servers.
aye some of the new feral talents look interesting mind, I deffo wont go resto with my dr00d as i have always prefered healing with my preist.
Only reason i am resto now is cuz for arena there isnt really a choice. Its either cookie cutter or dr00ds are pretty crud, although i have come across some really good boomkins.

But then i keep looking at shammys and thinking that will be really fun too espec with hex. Bloodlust working over a raid !! and totems too its going to be awesome. Shammy was my first char loved it till BC then shammys became pretty crud unless you was resto.
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