***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

Hey could someone use a scroll of resurrection on me please? Feeling bored and wanted to check out some wow again.

I get 10 days free and you get 30 days if i decide to pay subscription again, so its win win really. Find it through account management then send it to Gonzola on Deathwing.


says you haven't been inactive for 90 days so are ineligible
So, yesterday I did y first Stratholme run, tanking with my retri specced pally, since the tanks kept leaving when we found them via dungeon finder. Me, a druid healer and a warlock got most of the way through until meeting Baroness Anastari (sp?) and she just kept controlling me and killing everyone. Got her down to 10% by me unequipping my weapon and removing buffs before the fight, and re-equipping after I was given control back. We got bored, used the dungeon finder and tried to start again. Picked up a warrior and tank... who left again. Still, the four of us were able to get through it thankfully, killed the Baron.

Revendare's Deathcharger dropped. And I won the roll :D

Cool story, bro, I know. Just needed somewhere to be smug about it :3
Revendare's Deathcharger dropped. And I won the roll :D

Cool story, bro, I know. Just needed somewhere to be smug about it :3

I know a guy that runs that instance at 80 about 10 times a day and has never seen it drop on his main. He's going seriously insane over it. He has it on another one of his toons and has seen it drop about 5 times in total but always when playing with an alt :)
I know a guy that runs that instance at 80 about 10 times a day and has never seen it drop on his main. He's going seriously insane over it. He has it on another one of his toons and has seen it drop about 5 times in total but always when playing with an alt :)

I know, I'd heard so many things about it, but didn't actually think about it when I was running, I was more interested in the Dungeon 1 set, but then suddenly, deathcharger!
For those that have Shadowmourne or are in a guild that has players with Shadowmourne how many weeks did it take you guys to get all 50?

I ask because from next reset I begin collecting my shards :)
Can't speak from experience myself, but good luck on getting the shards. Although it's going to vary drastically on what runs you are doing, are you clearing the instance on heroic every week, or only certain bosses? As I remember it, there's a 100% chance of a shard drop from a heroic, but a lower chance from a normal boss?
Can't speak from experience myself, but good luck on getting the shards. Although it's going to vary drastically on what runs you are doing, are you clearing the instance on heroic every week, or only certain bosses? As I remember it, there's a 100% chance of a shard drop from a heroic, but a lower chance from a normal boss?

56~50% on normal,
51~99% on heroic.

See: http://www.wowarmory.com/item-info.xml?i=50274
Can't speak from experience myself, but good luck on getting the shards. Although it's going to vary drastically on what runs you are doing, are you clearing the instance on heroic every week, or only certain bosses? As I remember it, there's a 100% chance of a shard drop from a heroic, but a lower chance from a normal boss?

We do a few HM and full clear, odd week we don't get LK if balance isn't right.

56~50% on normal,
51~99% on heroic.

See: http://www.wowarmory.com/item-info.xml?i=50274

Yep this is right, what I was wondering is how long others took to get it since its 50 shards, just to get an average time :P I am looking forward to it :)
Yep this is right, what I was wondering is how long others took to get it since its 50 shards, just to get an average time :P I am looking forward to it :)

It depends, for a full heroic clear minus LK you pick up about 9 a week, so you're talking around 6 weeks. per SM. We're about 7 shards from our fourth SM right now - starting to become a legendary fest.

If you clear all on normal (doubt anyone does anymore o.o) then you'd probably get about 5 a week.
Well as I'm lootmaster for our guild, I can say that it really does vary from week to week. Some weeks you will get 1 shard per boss every time, others we have had unlucky weeks where no shards at all have dropped.

Farming HC modes except LK+Sindy. Our ret pally is in process of collecting them at the minute (like MooMoo hes the 4th person to start collecting, we have a queue now!) and he's on 43/50 after 6 weeks of full clears (If we dont get Sindy by tues we do normal then normal LK)
Well as I'm lootmaster for our guild, I can say that it really does vary from week to week. Some weeks you will get 1 shard per boss every time, others we have had unlucky weeks where no shards at all have dropped.

Farming HC modes except LK+Sindy. Our ret pally is in process of collecting them at the minute (like MooMoo hes the 4th person to start collecting, we have a queue now!) and he's on 43/50 after 6 weeks of full clears (If we dont get Sindy by tues we do normal then normal LK)

Thanks for that, looks like it will take me around 8 weeks then. We do a full clear but at present we are only farming 3 HM. Its a bit silly considering the players we have but we only raid 2 nights a week so progress times are quite limited.
I've come for a summer play of WoW but a little lost as to finding a new server. Looking for a poulated server which doesn't lag all the time. Is this an impossible dream?
I've come for a summer play of WoW but a little lost as to finding a new server. Looking for a poulated server which doesn't lag all the time. Is this an impossible dream?

Depends what type of realm your after really. If your starting a new char instead of a server transfer I'd highly recommend veknilash pve as its a high pop lag free server which has probably the highest population of lower level players working towards 80 on it.
Can also recommend Tarren Mill Horde (PvP) or Runetotem Alliance (PvE) as decent realms with high populations, with good progression of youre into raiding.
Ahh silly of me. I'll be moving my Horde players. Done LK 25m and 5/12 HMs in ICC. So looking for a place that suits those credentials. I've a holy pala and a shadow priest plus the ubiquitous hunter being lvl'd
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Just to point out to anyone trying to get the Silver Hand tabard from LK. You only get the box drop once when you have the quest to kill LK (Shadowmourne quest).

To say I'm gutted is an understatement, I thought it would drop every week as long as people had a Shadowmourne in group :(

I get my Shadowmourne in September but I have a 1/5 chance of getting the tabard.

I wonder how much these tabards sell for online...
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