***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

Just to point out to anyone trying to get the Silver Hand tabard from LK. You only get the box drop once when you have the quest to kill LK (Shadowmourne quest).

To say I'm gutted is an understatement, I thought it would drop every week as long as people had a Shadowmourne in group :(

I get my Shadowmourne in September but I have a 1/5 chance of getting the tabard.

I wonder how much these tabards sell for online...

Getting mine next reset! 4 shards to go! this week i only needed 7 and only got 3 from 11hm's :( got 9 week before FML.

Can't wait to get it now! 6weeks of collecting and i can nearly smell it!
Why 1/5 chance? Do they roll 1-5 and give you one of the rewards, then give away the rest?

We let our SM holders do what they want with the chest rewards.

You don't understand. What I mean is that I have a 1 in 5 chance to get the tabard as the box has 5 items and only 1 is inside.

Tabard with awesome effect
Mount - DK mount basically.
errm thing to transform into a Dwarf - Same as the current one you can get, diff color.
Hearth pendant for party/raid group
Banshee Queens err, lament of the high something.. which basically 3 banshee queens appear and play a song.

I know what I want!

Getting mine next reset! 4 shards to go! this week i only needed 7 and only got 3 from 11hm's :( got 9 week before FML.

Can't wait to get it now! 6weeks of collecting and i can nearly smell it!

Awesome man, let me know what item you get in the chest :)
Could swear the chest has all the items inside, at least the one person i know with shadowmourne has all of them.
Don't suppose anyone knows a decent friendly raiding guild? Not too hardcore but serious, have collected all the gear I can get on my own and pugs just make me rage.
This 30% buff is ridiculous! Got my lock alt into a pug ICC10 (5.1k gs) yesterday with some decent players from various 'known' guilds on server (gotta love being in a guild where the name alone gets you into pugs!) and we cleared up to sindragosa before ppl had to go, averaging around 7.5k dps, hitting 8.5k on some fights. Did couple of hc modes aswell.

Most people were alts and poorly geared, just shows how that extra 30% can make stuff a faceroll if you know what you're doing.
Could swear the chest has all the items inside, at least the one person i know with shadowmourne has all of them.

It doesn't indeed drop all 5 items, however seeing as the person involved usually gets the legendary through absolutely no work on their part, most guilds, including mine, considered it fair that the guild got to benefit a little bit from it.

Really though Shadowmourne is the most anticlimactic legendary ever, it requires no hard modes, no particularly rare drops, yes you have to get a DPS (mostly) to pull their finger out of their arse to be the abomination on Putricide and try not the wipe the raid on Lanathel but apart from that it's just grinding through the same old bosses week in week out till the little numbers reach 50.
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Got it last week too, on my 26th Baron kill

To say I bragged to other guildies trying to farm low % mounts would be an understatement :D

Well shows me, a guildie got it 2 days ago on his 15th or 16th kill :o

It doesn't indeed drop all 5 items, however seeing as the person involved usually gets the legendary through absolutely no work on their part, most guilds, including mine, considered it fair that the guild got to benefit a little bit from it.

Really though Shadowmourne is the most anticlimactic legendary ever, it requires no hard modes, no particularly rare drops, yes you have to get a DPS (mostly) to pull their finger out of their arse to be the abomination on Putricide and try not the wipe the raid on Lanathel but apart from that it's just grinding through the same old bosses week in week out till the little numbers reach 50.

You mean it DOES not doesn't ;)

Shadowmourne is no harder or easier than the Molten Core ones. Bindings had a 3-5% drop same as the drop from Rag.

The time it took to gain Shadowmourne maybe quicker or longer (in some case) as the ones from Molten Core, however, Vanilla lasted years before TBC and we know Cata is out soon. This way there is a more specific time required to gain the item in approx 10 weeks (Now with all wings) - if you earn the right to have it within your guild.

How the 5 items are distributed should be down to the player with the Shadowmourne, unless the GM says otherwise before they start the chain or helped contribute all the Saronite at the start. IMO.

During Cata the number of people getting Shadowmourne will increase and the items will be much more common.
I think its a case of overkill with legendaries and the fact that Blizz balance the game so much better now with these items. The first time i came across that hammer of ragnoros in pvp i was 2 shotted and that was with my priest in full BWL gear. Blizz nowadays makes sure these items aren't that much greater than normal weapons, just a funky proc and a little more damage, nothing game changing.
I think its a case of overkill with legendaries and the fact that Blizz balance the game so much better now with these items. The first time i came across that hammer of ragnoros in pvp i was 2 shotted and that was with my priest in full BWL gear. Blizz nowadays makes sure these items aren't that much greater than normal weapons, just a funky proc and a little more damage, nothing game changing.

Aye but a geared (Shaman maybe with hand of rag?) or Warrior perhaps can 2 shot a lot of classes, or it "may" seem like a 2 shot from such a fast kill. We didn't use resiliance back then and high geared players destroyed cloth in BG.. man I miss those days :)

I do agree I suppose with how quick Shadowmourne can be farmed at this very moment in time. Earlier in ICC it wasn't possible due to obvious reasons and Saronite cost an awful lot more. It's apart of the reason why I believe the 5 items should be down to the player on how they distribute them. If they spent 30k on Sarnonite themself and "worked" there way to the legendary after being picked by the guild for perhaps 100% attendance, extra work as class leader etc etc then why should they share the loot they worked for? Of course each guild is different and if the guild contributed saronite and said from the get go look we want to split the chest is this ok? Then fair enough.

It's only my opinion and I won't force it onto others :) Just how I see it.
Shadowmourne is no harder or easier than the Molten Core ones. Bindings had a 3-5% drop same as the drop from Rag.

How the 5 items are distributed should be down to the player with the Shadowmourne, unless the GM says otherwise before they start the chain or helped contribute all the Saronite at the start. IMO.

Shadowmourne requires bugger all, the tokens drop from normal bosses, admittedly less often, it requires you to kill normal lich king which with the 30% buff is as trivial as most heroic bosses assuming people understand the basic principle of "Don't drop defile in the raid!". On my realm alone there are now 6+ Shadowmournes HORDE SIDE, only 3 guilds have downed Syndra HM and no LK HM kills yet. It just seems like a bit dull that all the person who wants shadowmourne has to do is literally tag along and wait for shards to drop.

For me, Shadowmourne is the person's reward, the box of items is the guilds reward, if the player didn't have the guild, he wouldn't have Shadowmourne, also as you say, most guilds do help towards the sarononites and seeing as they can be bourght with gold or emblems, they don't count require any real effort either.
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Shadowmourne requires bugger all, the tokens drop from normal bosses, admittedly less often, it requires you to kill normal lich king which with the 30% buff is as trivial as most heroic bosses assuming people understand the basic principle of "Don't drop defile in the raid!". On my realm alone there are now 6+ Shadowmournes HORDE SIDE, only 3 guilds have downed Syndra HM and no LK HM kills yet. It just seems like a bit dull that all the person who wants shadowmourne has to do is literally tag along and wait for shards to drop.

For me, Shadowmourne is the person's reward, the box of items is the guilds reward, if the player didn't have the guild, he wouldn't have Shadowmourne, also as you say, most guilds do help towards the sarononites and seeing as they can be bourght with gold or emblems, they don't count require any real effort either.

Saronites cost me nearly 30k gold, which to me is a lot.

Hand of Rag required Blacksmithing mats and a drop from Rag
Bindings were similar, 2 drops, a Rag kill, and a boss kill.
Shadowmourne required 25 saronite, along with the chain quest. The difference being higher drops on shards, yet needing 50.

I can't really differentiate a big difference. The same goes for the staff from Naxx 60. How is Shadowmourne any "less" than the others? We may as well say all legendaries require bugger all if thats the case.

You could clear MC with 30 people easy, only Rag required fire resistance. Clearing ICC on HM wouldn't make it as hard as previous legendaries.

I didn't say most guilds help towards Saronites, but if they did then I do agree with you that the chest is the guilds property to split. Some have reported to allow the Shadowmourne player first pick from box and have the rest of the raid roll, top 4 rolls win (excluding the Shadowmourne player) highest picking 1 from remaining 4 and so on.

edit: The box has caused an awful lot of drama with many, many guilds so opinions will be strong, this is why I strongly believe a guild should make there intentions known to the player before they begin it.
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Posted this in the new thread but it's better here tbh.

PvP ranks are coming back in Cata. I'm interested in how they'll implement it, I don't think its been made clear yet?

I can think of three ways they can do it:

1. New titles and old titles exactly the same

Will be funny in a way because hardly anyone even knows what a Field Marshal is now, and when the system gets re-introduced people will think that you're a new Field Marshal :D

2. Old titles changed

The old titles will become Veteran Field Marshal, Veteran Commander, etc

3. New titles changed

The new titles will be Deadly Field Marshal, Wrathful Command, etc

I guess 3 would be best.

On the previous topic, imo Shadowmourne an "easy" legendary to get purely because you're guarenteed to get it if you put some effort in. I've never, ever gotten bindings of the windseeker dispite clearing MC every time it was up. The amount of Shadowmournes you see is insane compared to the older ones.
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We have 3 Shadowmournes in our guild now and we've let the recipients pick an item for themselves and then give other 4 items away to other people in the guild. We're a pretty mature, drama-free bunch though.

As for it being easy to get, it was no easier than Val'nyr and certainly a lot harder to get than the War Glaives (from an effort perspective). Unless you're guild is doing hard modes it takes aaaages to get the shards.
I've been looking at the armour sets, was planning on trying to get a good setup, looking through on WoW wiki, they are all from raids. The guild I'm in is just me and a couple of friends who're just messing around in the game, and we have all the guild bank (all tabs unlocked) between us, there's lots of spaces which is awesome!

However, it makes raiding impossible, the raid finder was empty on sunday when I checked it, though I only have access to the original raids at the moment. So once I reach 80 I assume there would be a larger demand for them. How large a chunk of the game am I missing out on? I'm happy with the game as it is, things are working fine.

Currently, I had been leveling my characters mostly evenly. But I've been having great fun with my Lv65 retri pally. Having a blast, and I'm currently looking at getting her up to Lv80 and grinding to get lots of heirloom gear for my other characters to make leveling faster for them :D
Hah, fair enough!

Is it hard to find one if there's no guild to rely on? I appreciate that you need to be really organised, so things like vent and so on are needed to keep people in line, so you aren't going to want randoms doing it? But if you don't have the numbers, sometimes you have to cross your fingers and hope!

Its a shame I'll miss the lower level raids, upper blackrock, molten core and so on.
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