Yea i have a frost set, not arp capped and full 14k with it, my unholy set on Saurfaung i pulled 17k last night.
I have a full 264/277 tanking set too, as i'm our guilds 3rd tank, Just need 277 belt/boots for full offset, adn then tokens... but i'll not get them for a long long time tbh.
Im mainly in 251's to 264's in my dps set, switching around a few pieces here and there, regemmed Arp yestrerday to test as dps when we were a little low on peopleto get a full raid, got a couple of slight side/upgrades then.
Im happy with the way it's looking, managed to get Exp, and hitcappedwhile reaching 70% passive arp gemmed, dps wise i dropped a bit below my previous tries with pure strength gemming, however i can't really compare the two as i had much more latency problems this time round (new housewith a wireless conenction is a lot less conducive to performance than my previous almost perfect wired connection).
i just need to get my hands on either DBW or the RS trinket and then i'll be golden for hardcap, The other frost dk in our guild pulls ahead of me to about 14.5-15k however he does surpass me somewhat in gear (Toc25 trinket with hc dbw) and mainly bis items.
We're trialling a dk atm who seems to think that unholy is the worst for single target, and despite having gear mainly on par with our other frost dk, puts out less dps than me (11-12.5k) on saurfang or festergut, it disappoints me when i outperform people who are getting positive reviews on their trials.
I hasheditout with some guild officers the other night, the only reason i was tanking was because i was helping the guild through a time when our main tanks decidedt o quit (warrior, dk and pally) at around the same time, leaving it hard to get a raid together.
I pointed out that i don't enjoy tanking as a dk, but rather dps'ing as it allows me to compete with others to try and get the best performace, so hopefully i should be dps'ing soon.
I got a hc token yesterday (yay for crappy drop rates, we only seem to get conquerer tokens) but decided since my main spec isn't completely set in stone that i'd pass it to someone else, besides the piece i'd upgrading (legs) isn't really needed until i can get myself two Hc Bvb's, which will also allows me too drop a couple of pieces as i wont need the exp on them!
Will also be changing my enchanting profession to engineering for the extra dps boost, most likely dropping glove tinker in a macro with ua.
Oh mercy me i seem to have waffled on!
Edit :- Waso,is the text on the action bar buttons, the average damage to expect from those skills, if so is the addon DR.Damage?
Used it ages ago, but forgot about it completely, might have to drop it into mine.
Also is your rune counter part of tukui or standalone?
i perosnally used an addon called engraved as i prefer it's visual flair, but i might look at a more practical one that actively counts cooldown.