***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

Hi Mate, i'll see what i can do over the weekend for ya.

As requested:

Another LK kill with a new shadowmourne in the raid, we raid rolled for the mount and it missed me by one! :(

Also getting frustrated with losing out on the trinket from sindy to stupidy high DKP bids! Grrr.
Posted this in the new thread but it's better here tbh.

PvP ranks are coming back in Cata. I'm interested in how they'll implement it, I don't think its been made clear yet?

I can think of three ways they can do it:

1. New titles and old titles exactly the same

Will be funny in a way because hardly anyone even knows what a Field Marshal is now, and when the system gets re-introduced people will think that you're a new Field Marshal :D

2. Old titles changed

The old titles will become Veteran Field Marshal, Veteran Commander, etc

3. New titles changed

The new titles will be Deadly Field Marshal, Wrathful Command, etc

I would hope to God they don't do 1 since I worked my butt off for the warlord title. I also have other chars with senior sergeant etc, I like the small piece of epeen it gives you showing you've spent too long playing this game. However I expect they will just do that since Activision/Blizzard only really cater for newer players these days and no doubt it will be far easier to obtain titles. Getting high warlord/warlord back then really meant you had absolutely no life :p
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I would hope to God they don't do 1 since I worked my butt off for the warlord title. I also have other chars with senior sergeant etc, I like the small piece of epeen it gives you showing you've spent too long playing this game. However I expect they will just do that since Activision/Blizzard only really cater for newer players these days and no doubt it will be far easier to obtain titles. Getting high warlord/warlord back then really meant you had absolutely no life :p

Would have gotten rank 14 on my warrior if i hadn't pvp'd on othercharacters as much.

Rank 10 druid, rank 6 i think priest, and rank 12 warrior.

Should have concentrated on one of them :<
Question regarding maps, cartographer in particular. Its a great addon, though due to lack of updates I'm having to force it to load, but its working perfectly. Its main features are the level ranges on mouseover for all the areas, and also the POIs. However, these are also where I have an issue, since world PvP objectives get their own POIs, which sit over the world icon making it impossible to see who actually holds each place. I don't want to simply disable POIs as that would be annoying... anybody know a way around? Or a different addon which does this?
The problems with the old system are well documented and it was pure no life grind. I do have to admit i feel sorry for anyone who got the old titles and is going to lose some of the kudos from it. Anyone who effectively gave up 3 months of their life for that title deserves respect.
The problems with the old system are well documented and it was pure no life grind. I do have to admit i feel sorry for anyone who got the old titles and is going to lose some of the kudos from it. Anyone who effectively gave up 3 months of their life for that title deserves respect.
No, they need mocking.
I'm (repeatedly) running Stratholme at the moment for the Baron mount, done 31 runs/Baron kills over the past few days and I still haven't see it. It's got a 1 in 100 drop rate nowadays (as opposed to the previous 1 in 1000 during TBC and 1 in 5000 during vanilla), you get people going in and it dropping for them on the first few runs, you get other who have to run it over 100 times before it drops, but it's damn tedious and boring. I really can't be bothered anymore but then you think, 'maybe it will drop on the next' run, and so it goes on. It's all I'm doing in the game atm, cba with anything else.
So, yesterday I did y first Stratholme run, tanking with my retri specced pally, since the tanks kept leaving when we found them via dungeon finder. Me, a druid healer and a warlock got most of the way through until meeting Baroness Anastari (sp?) and she just kept controlling me and killing everyone. Got her down to 10% by me unequipping my weapon and removing buffs before the fight, and re-equipping after I was given control back. We got bored, used the dungeon finder and tried to start again. Picked up a warrior and tank... who left again. Still, the four of us were able to get through it thankfully, killed the Baron.

Revendare's Deathcharger dropped. And I won the roll :D

Cool story, bro, I know. Just needed somewhere to be smug about it :3


Though where's that 1 in 100 number come from? I wasn't aware that Blizz ever posted droprates for it anywhere?

As for boring 'what I'm doing' news, I'm currently blitzing all the low Lv quests in Tristrifal to get easy UC rep. 13500 to exalted :x
Isn't WOWhead's drop information soley based on people with an add-on installed? I'm pretty sure that in the 5 or so years he's been there, he would have been killed more than 100,000 times.
It's official that the Deathcharger drop is now exactly 1%, or a 1 in 100 chance. It was raised just before Wrath was released back in 2008, a blue on one of the WoW forums clarified it and said yes, the drop chance has been raised. Basically it was Vanilla - 1 in 5000 chance, The Burning Crusade - 1 in 1000 chance, Wrath of the Lich King - 1 in 100 chance. So odds have improved significantly but I'm on my 45th run and no drop as of yet. It's getting tedious/horrible at this point as Strat is a pretty depressing instance to look at any way, so to keep running it over and over and over, well, lets just say if it drops I'm never going into Strat again, and if it gets into the hundreds of runs then I'll probably quit at some point.
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It's official that the Deathcharger drop is now exactly 1%, or a 1 in 100 chance. It was raised just before Wrath was released back in 2008, a blue on one of the WoW forums clarified it and said yes, the drop chance has been raised. Basically it was Vanilla - 1 in 5000 chance, The Burning Crusade - 1 in 1000 chance, Wrath of the Lich King - 1 in 100 chance. So odds have improved significantly but I'm on my 45th run and no drop as of yet. It's getting tedious/horrible at this point as Strat is a pretty depressing instance to look at any way, so to keep running it over and over and over, well, lets just say if it drops I'm never going into Strat again, and if it gets into the hundreds of runs then I'll probably quit at some point.

go to the instance for another res but the mount and its not too bad. Pristine black diamond farming or enchanting mats for twinks etc can earn you a small fortune in a very short amount of time. On my server the enchanting mats alone are worth around 100g per run if you just aoe trash like a mentalist and go on a looting spree. Pristine black diamonds = 300g each lol
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