It's official that the Deathcharger drop is now exactly 1%, or a 1 in 100 chance. It was raised just before Wrath was released back in 2008, a blue on one of the WoW forums clarified it and said yes, the drop chance has been raised. Basically it was Vanilla - 1 in 5000 chance, The Burning Crusade - 1 in 1000 chance, Wrath of the Lich King - 1 in 100 chance. So odds have improved significantly but I'm on my 45th run and no drop as of yet. It's getting tedious/horrible at this point as Strat is a pretty depressing instance to look at any way, so to keep running it over and over and over, well, lets just say if it drops I'm never going into Strat again, and if it gets into the hundreds of runs then I'll probably quit at some point.
Wtb account-wide achievements for my vanilla titles :/
Yeah, I'm really reluctant to reroll because of all the achievements on main. Plus it doesn't help trying to get into pugs when your alt doesn't have achievement but main does.
shame we can't sell the sodding things
Really? I'm on my third account, everytime I giveup for "good" I come back a few months later
You can give it to me though.getting thoroughly bored of the game now so im gonna let my account run dry then let it collect dust as I wont be joining in with cataclysm. Got 7 level 80s on my bnet account, 6 of them are on an active account and all have icc gear. Its a shame really as I use to enjoy it but now I log in, realise I don't really want to do anything and log out lol.
shame we can't sell the sodding things
Not strictly selling but can't you transfer or "gift" chars to other accounts now?
Just ilke people paypal gift each other all the time
The problems with the old system are well documented and it was pure no life grind. I do have to admit i feel sorry for anyone who got the old titles and is going to lose some of the kudos from it. Anyone who effectively gave up 3 months of their life for that title deserves respect.
I'm (repeatedly) running Stratholme at the moment for the Baron mount, done 31 runs/Baron kills over the past few days and I still haven't see it. It's got a 1 in 100 drop rate nowadays (as opposed to the previous 1 in 1000 during TBC and 1 in 5000 during vanilla), you get people going in and it dropping for them on the first few runs, you get other who have to run it over 100 times before it drops, but it's damn tedious and boring. I really can't be bothered anymore but then you think, 'maybe it will drop on the next' run, and so it goes on. It's all I'm doing in the game atm, cba with anything else.