Clearly you didn't get my point. I didn't mean easiest by the base difficulty. I meant easiest when not run with complete retards. Maybe I play with different people than you (and on most of my chars I am in a casual guild) but we interrupt, we aren't people who chain pull half the dungeon because contrary to popular belief it's not quicker (dependent on the group setup)
Adding basic CC to that dungeon makes it the easiest in WoTLK. When you look at all of the heroics back in 3.0 and compare their difficulty to HoR HC before it got it's nerf. Shadow Blasts destroyed tanks who didn't use CDs, Oculus was laughably hard for most people, the room with the patrolling guards/runeshapers in HoL etc. HoR is easier than those. As said above FoS is harder than HoR, PoS in some ways is harder.
Clearly you dont kow the meaning of easiest
"I didn't mean easiest by the base difficulty. I meant easiest when not run with complete retards."
Huh? If you need "skilled" people to make it easy, it is not the easiest...
The fact that it requires CC and interrupts by your fellow players simply is proof that it is not as easy as the rest of the dungeons. Since no other dungeon requires these.
Who cares about dungeons 2 years ago anyways, its not the easiest now no matter what you say.
Tanks did not need to use CDs for shadow blast, the cast is so slow - I cant think of anything easier to interrupt.
Room with the patrolling guards/runeshapers in HoL... what about it? There have been rooms with patrolls in most of WoWs dungeons. Doing a correct pull is nothing new.
Why exactly is FoS and PoS harder? You can easily do them with a 30k hp tank. However you can not do HoR with a 30k hp tank without using CC and you need much better dps too. Just two example why HoR is harder.
Again, im not saying it is not easy. But you saying it is the easiest is just plain stupid - no matter how skilled/good/cool you are, or want to make youself appear.
Also, out of interest, when is chain pulling not faster?