***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

Seeing as my basis of making HoR the easiest dungeon in WoTLK was based around CC you might want to read before you look like a tit ;)

Er, wut?
Let me explain it to you.

You say its the easiest dungeon based around CC.
I notice that you dont do any CC - therefore I conclude that you think it is easy, because you dont do anything other than hit them 3 keys with your thumb over and over and over again.

Got a nipple on your forhead ?
Since I started playing again (1 year break) I havent seen CC used in any dungeon... ICC or otherwise. Though I would class the ICC dungeons as more difficult, but only from a healing perspective because the damage taken is much higher.
Er, wut?
Let me explain it to you.
You say its the easiest dungeon based around CC.
I notice that you dont do any CC - therefore I conclude that you think it is easy, because you dont do anything other than hit them 3 keys with your thumb over and over and over again.
Got a nipple on your forhead ?

how can you notice he doesn't do CC?

Paladins are the most flexible class when it comes to HoR when taking CC into account...
Never seen the need for CC in Halls of Reflection, once a tank reckoned we needed to CC and stood right in the middle of the room, unsurprisingly unable to keep threat on all the mobs. Seems much easier to line of sight the packs, squeezing them all into one place, making them hilariously easy to pick up. I'm a bit dissapointed there's no point for CC anymore, well executed pulls in heroics back at 70 were delightfully clean!
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Never seen the need for CC in Halls of Reflection, once a tank reckoned we needed to CC and stood right in the middle of the room, unsurprisingly unable to keep threat on all the mobs. Seems much easier to line of sight the packs, squeezing them all into one place, making them hilariously easy to pick up. I'm a bit dissapointed there's no point for CC anymore, well executed pulls in heroics back at 70 were delightfully clean!
Yeah I agree. As a Warrior tank, line of sight pulls are a LOT easier than collecting the waves of mobs in the middle. As a tank it's a really hard instance, especially in a pug, though I find it quite easy to heal a half decent tank on my Disc Priest.
Never seen the need for CC in Halls of Reflection, once a tank reckoned we needed to CC and stood right in the middle of the room, unsurprisingly unable to keep threat on all the mobs. Seems much easier to line of sight the packs, squeezing them all into one place, making them hilariously easy to pick up. I'm a bit dissapointed there's no point for CC anymore, well executed pulls in heroics back at 70 were delightfully clean!

There never was really a massive "need" for cc, it just made things easier, same with HoR.

Tanking it as a a pally is far too easy
how can you notice he doesn't do CC?

Paladins are the most flexible class when it comes to HoR when taking CC into account...

Simply because over 95% of ret paladins I have had the pleasure of playing with do not CC and Throrik does not seem to be one of the other 5%.

How are retri paladins the most flexible class when it comes to HoR concerning CC?
Simply because over 95% of ret paladins I have had the pleasure of playing with do not CC and Throrik does not seem to be one of the other 5%.

How are retri paladins the most flexible class when it comes to HoR concerning CC?

Turn Evil
Holy wrath

Four different forms of cc compared to most classes which have 1 or two at most, the abilities the have to hand trivialise the instance.
Clearly you dont kow the meaning of easiest :P

"I didn't mean easiest by the base difficulty. I meant easiest when not run with complete retards."

Huh? If you need "skilled" people to make it easy, it is not the easiest...

The fact that it requires CC and interrupts by your fellow players simply is proof that it is not as easy as the rest of the dungeons. Since no other dungeon requires these.

Who cares about dungeons 2 years ago anyways, its not the easiest now no matter what you say.

Tanks did not need to use CDs for shadow blast, the cast is so slow - I cant think of anything easier to interrupt.
Room with the patrolling guards/runeshapers in HoL... what about it? There have been rooms with patrolls in most of WoWs dungeons. Doing a correct pull is nothing new.

Why exactly is FoS and PoS harder? You can easily do them with a 30k hp tank. However you can not do HoR with a 30k hp tank without using CC and you need much better dps too. Just two example why HoR is harder.

Again, im not saying it is not easy. But you saying it is the easiest is just plain stupid - no matter how skilled/good/cool you are, or want to make youself appear. :p

Also, out of interest, when is chain pulling not faster?


Skilled perhaps is not the right word. People with common sense and an ounce of intelligence is better. Shadow blast easy to interrupt yes. But why would you who is on your high and mighty pedestal want to because interrupts are beneath you. Sadly with Wrath most of the WoW community has lost interest in interrupting as 99% of the time it remains uninterrupted and when people pull 2-3 of them they get one shot.

Nowhere in my posts have I stated that it requires CC, I stated that employing CC makes it easier because guess what when we're running heroics we don't want to be completely challenged when we're just doing them for emblems, we want smooth fun runs that we can have a laugh on over vent with. All dungeons have been done in Blues, yet again I never stated that baseline HoR was easier, I said it becomes easier when employing CC and employing CC makes it one of the easiest in game, but then again your reading comprehension seems to be somewhat lacking.

Chain pulling is generally not faster when people are retarded about AoE, the majority of tanks in LFD can't hold threat off full AoE, casters get gibbed and they can't pull casters correctly so for the most part I have found that just pulling small groups works better, but then again my guild doesn't rush through content at 310% speed, because guess what we enjoy the game and enjoy playing it.

I notice that you dont do any CC - therefore I conclude that you think it is easy, because you dont do anything other than hit them 3 keys with your thumb over and over and over again.

I seriously suggest that you read it again. I based my vision of HoR around CC and my Ret Paladins use of CC... Again if you think that playing a Ret Paladin consists of three buttons then you are just in whole a very bad player because no class is that (in before Arcane Mages because skilled ones aren't when taking into account other abilities)

how can you notice he doesn't do CC?

Paladins are the most flexible class when it comes to HoR when taking CC into account...

I definitely agree, and I do indeed CC in HoR.

Never seen the need for CC in Halls of Reflection, once a tank reckoned we needed to CC and stood right in the middle of the room, unsurprisingly unable to keep threat on all the mobs. Seems much easier to line of sight the packs, squeezing them all into one place, making them hilariously easy to pick up. I'm a bit dissapointed there's no point for CC anymore, well executed pulls in heroics back at 70 were delightfully clean!

Of course there isn't a need to CC, just as there wasn't in MGT but it helps. We stand at the doorway and let the mobs come to us. The LoS tactic to be teaches bad principles. You LoS them and the group then stands in all of the AoE while AoEing themselves so that the tank struggles to gain aggro because in general the primary aggro goes to the healer when they are doing the LoS tactic.

There never was really a massive "need" for cc, it just made things easier, same with HoR.

Tanking it as a a pally is far too easy

Sadly at the moment before the new changes and with the gear inflation as it is now tanking on any tank is far too easy. Threat is of no concern, health is of no concern except on a few HMs.

Simply because over 95% of ret paladins I have had the pleasure of playing with do not CC and Throrik does not seem to be one of the other 5%.

How are retri paladins the most flexible class when it comes to HoR concerning CC?

So you make a judgement on me from what? Stating that CC makes something easier and my telling you how I employ the CC? Strange, but then again your probably the stereotypical elitist who calls DKs DeathTards, Hunters Huntards etc and make per-concieved judgements on everybody because of the flaws of a serious few.

Thankfully I don't remember you signing up for the OcUK reroll guild for Cataclysm as it would not be nice to game with someone like you who is so far up their rear end that they don't know what day it is.

Just out of Curiosity if you are reading this Volt has the OcUK reroll forum been taken down as I can't seem to access it lately.
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Damn, its been 14 weeks since i stopped playing but now i want to start again :p Damn game. Luckily if i did theres still a spot open in my guild and my gear is still very decent.

If i was to start playing again, anyone got any advice for performance, as i used to get kinda crappy fps on boss fights ( 10 - 20 25man raids, 1920 x 1200, all settings high bar shadows, tho low settings didnt help)

Would overclocking my cpu from 3.6 to 4 help much?
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Damn, its been 14 weeks since i stopped playing but now i want to start again :p Damn game. Luckily if i did theres still a spot open in my guild and my gear is still very decent.

If i was to start playing again, anyone got any advice for performance, as i used to get kinda crappy fps on boss fights ( 10 - 20 25man raids, 1920 x 1200, all settings high bar shadows, tho low settings didnt help)

Would overclocking my cpu from 3.6 to 4 help much?

I turn down a number more options than just shadows and I game at that res on a 5850. I'm sure theres guides as to just what gfx options are recommended for raiding
I use an i7 920 @3.6. My fps would be a guess since I don't get any problems even in the most intense battles, perhaps a little slowdown when aoeing all whelps before Sindragosa! I used to get problems with my 4850 but then I also used a q6600@ 3.4 back then
I started playing WoW on day 1, played for years without ever losing love for the game but recently I quit for 7 months, I started playing again 3 weeks ago and I'm enjoying it again.

As for the FPS question, it'll dip into the 40s while in Dalaran and in 25 man content, it stays at 60 everywhere else (Vsync)

i5 750 @ 4GHz
HoR is horrendously difficult to tank as warrior in a PUG. If it shows up in Queue, I just leave straight away. PoS and FoS are so much easier. The trouble with HoR is that nobody knows how to assist. I believe it truly is that simple.

Grabbing all the waves is relatively easy. You throw Imp. Vigilance on the healer and that should be enough to counter ambient threat generation... but you always get some moron hitting the wrong mob so it never reaches you, then you have to move to it which drags the rest and you're not generating the threat on them you should be. Then the group panics and starts running round in circles trying to "lose" the mob that they aggrod (this is the single most irritating thing in the whole game. Since day one, its impossible to lose a mob just by running around and all you're doing is make the tank move further to get the aggro).

If PUGs could just coordinate, it would be so much easier. Guild runs, then yes HoR isn't terribly hard, it's certainly not easier than PoS or FoS but after that first encounter the rest is simple.
I remember running mechanar at 70 for daily on my warrior in full swp gear, and we still needed some sort of CC as that place was horrific if you didn't. Now in ICC DPS gear, I can safeley say I can tnak any instance in Frost stance, and not have to worrie about anything else. HCs are just soo below the gear, you have to think, HCs are tuned for ilevel 200 geared people not 264/277 that most are now. Its a shame really but nothing can be done for the new people leveling.
I remember running mechanar at 70 for daily on my warrior in full swp gear, and we still needed some sort of CC as that place was horrific if you didn't. Now in ICC DPS gear, I can safeley say I can tnak any instance in Frost stance, and not have to worrie about anything else. HCs are just soo below the gear, you have to think, HCs are tuned for ilevel 200 geared people not 264/277 that most are now. Its a shame really but nothing can be done for the new people leveling.

This is what I've noticed too. I barely played Burning Crusade but sheeping/sapping/shackling was still common place in the few dungeons I did run.

Starting again now with my DK I've not seen one sheep or sap and I've seen one priest shackle in HoR which worked really well.

I can only come to the conclusion that the level gap betwen the heroic ICC dungeons and the current gear from raids/badges is too great. If you ran into 5+ mobs and tried to tank in Heroic BC dungeons you would be dead on the floor in a few seconds, 5+ mobs in ICC heroics and tanks barely get scratched.
You seem to enjoy contradicting yourself.

"Skilled perhaps is not the right word. People with common sense and an ounce of intelligence is better."

So skilled people do not have common sense and an ounce of intelligence?

"Nowhere in my posts have I stated that it requires CC, I stated that employing CC makes it easier" "employing CC makes it one of the easiest in game".

So it requires CC to make it easier. In other words, it is too hard for you without CC. You cannot have "smooth fun runs that we can have a laugh on over vent " without CC. Without the employ of CC, it is not the easiest dungeon in the game? Ok.

"Chain pulling is generally not faster when people are retarded the majority of tanks in LFD can't hold threat off full AoE, casters get gibbed and they can't pull casters correctly "

You are basically saying chain pulling is not faster when the group sucks. Well, d'uh. Anything will be "not faster" when the tank can't tank and the rest of the group fail. What a brilliant argument from your side.

"I have found that just pulling small groups works better" for you, clearly.

"The LoS tactic teaches bad principles"
Bad principles? LOS is a widely used tactic in this game.

“You LoS them and the group then stands in all of the AoE while AoEing themselves so that the tank struggles to gain aggro because in general the primary aggro goes to the healer when they are doing the LoS tactic”

:confused: Ok, I’ll simply say, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. Maybe ask for help on the blizz forums.

“Threat is of no concern” yes, if the dps is crap.

“So you make a judgement on me from what? Stating that CC makes something easier and my telling you how I employ the CC? “

No. Don’t you read? You go on about my “reading comprehension” while clearly, it’s a word you have just learned from your teacher.

You said “I love HoR, mainly because it's the easiest dungeon in Wrath.” Which is clearly not true. You still have not given any reason why it would be easier than the Nexus, or any other dungeon. That is all I ask for, intead you go on making excuses and rambling nonsense.

“ Strange, but then again your probably the stereotypical elitist who calls DKs DeathTards, Hunters Huntards etc and make per-concieved judgements on everybody because of the flaws of a serious few.”
DeathTards :confused: ? lol never heard that. But yes, i call hunters huntards and druids dudus, so what?
Yes, if the majority of paladins do not use CC, I will think that the majority don’t use CC. You don’t see the logic in that?
“the stereotypical elitist” hoho the claws came off.

“Thankfully I don't remember you signing up for the OcUK reroll guild for Cataclysm as it would not be nice to game with someone like you who is so far up their rear end that they don't know what day it is.”

You are such a meanie!!
Why are you so angry at me? Because you realize that you talked crap and I caught you out?

Aaaaanyways, you are the first person I have met that uses CC in HoR, let alone a guild run, since December 2009. Maybe you are not as pro as you think you are.

Now look how much you made me write!! :mad:
Cor, in my day you couldn't get through a regular dungeon without CC. Scholomance was a day trip, CC a plenty too. Stratholme was the same, especially heading towards the Baroness. Don't get me started on UBRS!
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