You seem to enjoy contradicting yourself.
"Skilled perhaps is not the right word. People with common sense and an ounce of intelligence is better."
So skilled people do not have common sense and an ounce of intelligence?
"Nowhere in my posts have I stated that it requires CC, I stated that employing CC makes it easier" "employing CC makes it one of the easiest in game".
So it
requires CC to make it easier. In other words, it is too hard for you without CC. You cannot have "smooth fun runs that we can have a laugh on over vent " without CC. Without the employ of CC, it is not the easiest dungeon in the game? Ok.
"Chain pulling is generally not faster when people are retarded the majority of tanks in LFD can't hold threat off full AoE, casters get gibbed and they can't pull casters correctly "
You are basically saying chain pulling is not faster when the group sucks. Well, d'uh. Anything will be "not faster" when the tank can't tank and the rest of the group fail. What a brilliant argument from your side.
"I have found that just pulling small groups works better" for you, clearly.
"The LoS tactic teaches bad principles"
Bad principles? LOS is a widely used tactic in this game.
“You LoS them and the group then stands in all of the AoE while AoEing themselves so that the tank struggles to gain aggro because in general the primary aggro goes to the healer when they are doing the LoS tactic”
Ok, I’ll simply say, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. Maybe ask for help on the blizz forums.
“Threat is of no concern” yes, if the dps is crap.
“So you make a judgement on me from what? Stating that CC makes something easier and my telling you how I employ the CC? “
No. Don’t you read? You go on about my “reading comprehension” while clearly, it’s a word you have just learned from your teacher.
You said “I love HoR, mainly because it's the easiest dungeon in Wrath.” Which is clearly not true. You still have not given any reason why it would be easier than the Nexus, or any other dungeon. That is all I ask for, intead you go on making excuses and rambling nonsense.
“ Strange, but then again your probably the stereotypical elitist who calls DKs DeathTards, Hunters Huntards etc and make per-concieved judgements on everybody because of the flaws of a serious few.”
? lol never heard that. But yes, i call hunters huntards and druids dudus, so what?
Yes, if the majority of paladins do not use CC, I will think that the majority don’t use CC. You don’t see the logic in that?
“the stereotypical elitist” hoho the claws came off.
“Thankfully I don't remember you signing up for the OcUK reroll guild for Cataclysm as it would not be nice to game with someone like you who is so far up their rear end that they don't know what day it is.”
You are such a meanie!!
Why are you so angry at me? Because you realize that you talked crap and I caught you out?
Aaaaanyways, you are the first person I have met that uses CC in HoR, let alone a guild run, since December 2009. Maybe you are not as pro as you think you are.
Now look how much you made me write!!