***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

I downloaded this ages back, looked at it and removed it. Not so long ago after hearing loads of good things about it, I downloaded it again, looked at it and removed it.

I'll admit that I can't really figure out what it's meant to do, but when you play a healer you're already mostly focused on a small area of the screen. I don't want to be consigned to spending all my time staring at a load of coloured squares with smaller coloured debuff squares appearing on it. Seems to take a lot of the joy out of what is already a fairly niche gameplay experience (healing).

Then get Xperl. I personally use Xperl despite acknowledging I'd probably be a little quicker with Grid.

Basically Xperl is a set of fully customisable raid frames. You can put your own frame, target frame, focus, party and raid frames wherever you want. You can choose the size and what information they display.

ie - You can set Xperl to show % health, or health deficit. I use the deficit as I then know what heal to use more easily.

If you get Clique, that allows you to set up mouse and keyboard binds for spells which work on whichever frames you want to. Just the raid ones, the party ones, your own or everything etc.

For my pally (iirc) I had.....

Left Click - Flash of Light
Right Click - Holy Light Rank 11
Shift Left Click - BoP
Shift Right Click - Holy Light Rank 9
Middle Button - Divine Intervention
Alf Left Click - Cleanse
Alt Right Click - Blessing Of Freedom
Button 4 - Holy Light Rank 7
Button 5 - Holy Light Rank 1
I tried XPerl but don't really like it. I'm actually happy with CTRA - I show everyone in the raid in their frames, click on a name and then hit my binding for heal, dispel or whatever. I think what put me off Grid was that I couldn't see how to turn on health bars. I like being able to watch them move about and to have an easy overview of the whole raid situation.

My main is (possibly has been) a Mage so it isn't really that important. My Priest has only healed Kara, Mag, Gruul and a couple of T5 bosses in TBC. Lots of stuff in Vanilla though.
Well by having to select a player, then hit a key bind you're effectively having to do at least twice the work. For a basic class like a paladin (when healing anyway, FL\HL spam for the lose) where you're only using 4-5 spells quite often having them all on the mouse with modifiers (shift\alt) is much, much quicker.

Xperl and Grid are fully customisable, so you can get what you want from them. You just have to open up the menus which are normally pretty self explanatory.

At the end of the day it's personal preference, but I think if you persist with Xperl or Grid and take 30 mins to set them up just how you want them you'll be on a winner.

As Waso_Dude said though, healbot really is bad, it was banned from our guild as well. (We had gotten to Muru before the patch)
started all my 4 characters last night, really enjoying it so far even though they are only level 5.

have to say, its easier than i thought it would be, your health and mana regrows fast and the damage you do is high....my warlock and paladin are especially good at dealing damage out fast.

going to get Elwynn Forest done tonight with my Pala.
getting addons to work is a nitemare after patches.

gatherer is ok.

auctioneer saying out of date and is in red on addon screen and not working properly despite getting the latest from curse.com

omen seems ok

itemrack not been updated so need a replacement.

some of titan panel is ok and updated, other bits out of date.
The change in my Warrior from Tuesday night to last night was unreal, I was sailing through mobs that were causing me hassle. I'm not sure if I've spec'd how I want too, I've stuck to Arms with some Fury and I'm not sure whether sacrificing Deathwish is a worthy trade off. I was excited for Titans Grip, but I don't think I'll be going after that.

Reducing the xp required to get to l70 has cheered me up a bit, least I'll hit level cap by 13th nov.
seems auctioneer has a newer version on their own site than curse(well they did late yesterday), but two bits of that still don't seem to work, which seem to be the main bits?

questhelper seems to be sticking the quest tracker/text bit stupidly far over from the right hand side of the screen, getting right in the way.

For trip boxer, performance is freaking woeful aswell. one client, full quality everything, windowed, fine framerate, 2 or 3 full everything, awful(everything on high before wasn't close to an issue anywhere for any reason, never dropped below 60). then i dropped shadow quality down on the 2 less used windows and performance came back up significantly, from multiple hangs at 0fps to 30odd, but still not great performance.

Was also a pain changing settings as video seems to start off as one setting(opening 3 clients from same install folder), might work better from 3 folders with two on low detail, will have to play around.

Any other multi-boxers, advice welcome here ;)

EDIT:- really wasn't sure how to spec my warlocks either, hit lvl 50 and had been mostly afliction plus 7 points in demon for stamina/healtstone increases. So went all affliction as I had literally just hit 50, so could get my 41point talent. Just not sure where to go from here, I guess affliction the whole way, I can put 9 dot's on a target in 3 seconds and spank the next one, run as I do it and can kill for ages before I get low on mana. But the way the talents have changed, its a hard spec as for a triple boxer, haste things, proccessed speed increase is all worthless, one alt being faster on one spell one time doesn't help me at all.
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Call me mad, but I think too many people are focusing on getting things just right in terms of spec's and addons and missing the point of the patch, that as I see it was to introduce and level out the mechanics of the game amongst classes without hitting you with it all and new content on the 13th Nov.

Not having a go, just things I see of here, my guild, and most forums about wow.
Addons etc will just break again in a fortnight you can practically count on that.

Also just read a cracking post from a NA guy who said, "Why are you all chasing a one spec fits all, and treating others like a pariah if they don't spec the same?".
For me these 27 odd days will be about re-learning my class trying to really understand what is going on, along with getting a spec that suits me, as for resto Druids at least the rug was pulled out from under us.
Call me mad, but I think too many people are focusing on getting things just right in terms of spec's and addons and missing the point of the patch, that as I see it was to introduce and level out the mechanics of the game amongst classes without hitting you with it all and new content on the 13th Nov.

+1 for you sir!!

Addons make the game prettier etc, but you really should be able to play perfectly well without them until they are fixed :)
Some of us rely on addons for the game.

Things like bartender ect can't raid without them.

If you were up to the level of raiding we were you'd clearly notice that the ui is a massive part of the game.
Personally I'd like to see all UI add-ons banned apart from those that change window sizes, look and feel etc. It's getting ridiculous "you need this to raid, you need that etc", what happened to just playing the game?
Actually, the way I think about it is:

If ALL members of that raid team were good players of their class then you would not need addons. UI is a massive part of the game, but the mechanics is what drives the UI.
Well I've had a good 2yr playing WoW but I just uninstalled it and my subscription runs out soon so I feel it's time to call it a day. :)

Whilst WOTLK has some nice improvements I can't help but feel it's just more of the same, I've put a lot of time into the Burning Crusade and now Blizzard have basically just picked us all up from near the finish line and plonked us back at the beginning to repeat the race with different scenery.

Hopefully my will power can hold out. :o
Personally I'd like to see all UI add-ons banned apart from those that change window sizes, look and feel etc. It's getting ridiculous "you need this to raid, you need that etc", what happened to just playing the game?

Exactly, it actually puts me off wanting to raid a bit, I see some screenshots and vids and I actually lol at the state of some peoples screens.
Hmmm, lots of Healbot angst here. I loved Perfectraid and Clique combined but I can't find a 3.0 version of Perfect at the moment. Tried Grid in the past and did not like it. I am also using X-perl so I may just get rid of Healbot and try that with Clique.

Thanks for the heads-up on Healbot though, will get rid of it tonight before BT.
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