***Official Wrath of the Lich King Thread***(Contains spoilers)***

Whats it matter , You havent lost anything, you can still run wow as it was for the same performance and looks & people with better systems have the option to make it look nicer.

So, you reckon that by knocking the slider up one notch should constitute a drop in FPS to unplayable levels? If I can run COD4 just shy of maxed out then adding a few shadows to WOW shouldn't be a machine crippler really, should it?

Just for the record, people with newer systems are experiencing the same thing too, so there's something inherently wrong in the way it's been implented.
Are you a warrior or paladin? I assume warrior since you are main tanking BT , which a paladin couldn't? (previously, now they can obviously)..

My (ex) guild had a Pally successfully tank every boss up to and including Brutallus. Archimonde needed a decent fear ward rotation though. Pallies have been viable main tanks for a long time. Their threat generation is fine. Our Drood tank comfortably beat out both our Pally and Warrior on single target threat generation though.

EDIT - I have a Rogue, Priest, Warrior and Mage all at level 70. I've been playing around with the talents but still can't decide which character I want to play in the expansion. It's going to be much more casually than before though, owing to having a girlfriend to entertain now. I tried a shadow build on my priest last night and it's looking pretty good - 3 powerful dots, mindflay with longer range and more crit damage. It was quite an impressive array of numbers. Makes me think that maybe I'll go with the Priest (my former main) as it can fill 2 roles.

I also tried a deep fire build on my T6 Mage and the numbers were highly amusing. Did a pug heroic Ramparts and you can pretty much blast the mobs down in seconds with a couple of crits and an instant pyro/fireblast.
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hopefully we'll get our first illidan kill this week. Then move to SWP and only BT - After archi is down OFC.

The new talents are crazy, everything is just fallingdown.
Hoping to get some nice SWP progress now without radience.

Oooh I didn't know radiance had been removed as well. That should make the first two bosses (as far as I've been before my guild stopped raiding) a piece of cake. Well, it might still take you a couple of nights to get the portals right on Kalecgos, but at least your tank won't get slaughtered if you get it fractionally wrong.
Oooh I didn't know radiance had been removed as well. That should make the first two bosses (as far as I've been before my guild stopped raiding) a piece of cake. Well, it might still take you a couple of nights to get the portals right on Kalecgos, but at least your tank won't get slaughtered if you get it fractionally wrong.

Yea i love tanking :) never ever get blamed :)

Blame healers if i die. DPS if something doesn't get done. Expecially on teron. I've never ever had to learn how to do the constucts :D
BT is indeed stupidly easy (as indeed was a jaunt in Kara -cleared in an hour- though since when was it hard?). That said, we found Hyjal to still be a VAGUE challenge during later trash waves and Az/Kaz. You will still need to know what you are doing to down them, and they can't just be zerged like BT. There was also some disagreement in the guild as to whether MH bosses had had their health nerfed: Archi was on 4.5million, which some thought was the same as before? The patch note only mention nerfing SSC, BT and SWP, so it may be the others were indeed untouched and it is only the inflated damage and new abilities that make spanking them so easy.

I'm just a rogue, I don't check things like that ;-)
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I'll tell you start of next week, were going MH just going with 2 warrior tanks and a feral druid.

Our prot palla won't go back to prot from Retri atm. And not blaiming him tbh, his dps is redicutious. Hes 4/5 s3 with badge/guardian gear. And hes pulling 1800dps. Hes beating a 2/8 t6 hunter. Its crazy his dps. + the mana and health restore for the raid.
This new patch has made raiding so easy it's ridiculous. Last night 2 new guilds on my realm got KJ down, and we wiped on 0% (27k left). And it only took about 70 mins to get to KJ :eek:
Well since its all about the gamerscore (Achievements!) what is everyone on then?
It missed most of my Heroics and most of my Pre-BC shiz but i logged in to 1600 and im sitting at 1920 now. Ill break 2100 tonight, just need to buy all my mounts, tabards and do some crap prebc instances.

Also i'm not noticing performance lag since the patch but i have dropped from around ~200 fps to ~100 fps in most places
Our prot palla won't go back to prot from Retri atm. And not blaiming him tbh, his dps is redicutious. Hes 4/5 s3 with badge/guardian gear. And hes pulling 1800dps. Hes beating a 2/8 t6 hunter. Its crazy his dps. + the mana and health restore for the raid.

Sack your hunter. 2k DPS from BM hunter with t5/6 gear is the norm.
I'm just a rogue, I don't check things like that ;-)

What's Rogue dps like now in a non-perfect setup? Blizzard said they were going to make them less reliant on other classes to do damage. My first character was a Rogue so I have something of a soft spot for the class. Trouble is that in TBC they were average without a stackload of group buffs. I could run Kara with my all-epic Rogue in a mix of Kara stuff, badge fists and other badge kit and get easily single-target outdamaged by casters. That's with a standard combat fists build, keeping SnD up all the time etc etc (i.e. I know how to play the class).
Rogue DPS has definitely seen a buff on a par with most other classes, and raid-wise buffs are a massive bonus for us.
My rogue: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Hellfire&n=Cassiopeia
... has made between 1.8-2.4k dps in BT and MH over the last two days (up from 1.5-1.8k), but as you say that has been in a fairly randomised raid set-up. It's fairly hard to tell just how high the dps will go (it keeps going up and up atm) cos mobs and bosses die so damn fast you rarely get to make the most of your dps cycle. The stat-weight changes (for both combat and mutilate, as well as weapon speed changes) -and my laziness to regem stuff right now till I get a decent helm with a meta socket- make my gear slightly less than optimum right now too.
Regardless, expect to see a big buff to combat builds, and a bigger one to mutilate if you have the correct gear for it.
This new patch has made raiding so easy it's ridiculous. Last night 2 new guilds on my realm got KJ down, and we wiped on 0% (27k left). And it only took about 70 mins to get to KJ :eek:

It's less than a month before the expansion so blizzard want all people to experience SWP / BT lore etc. The gear means absolutly nothing and will be made redundant in a few weeks anyway.
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