oh, and did you know that 9/11 WAS A HOAX?

Werewolf said:
Im not going to have a go at you -gem-, the first time i watch a certain video on Google Video (Loose Change), i was intrigued and almost got caught up in the conspiracy theory surrounding 9/11. Thankfully, i came across a few websites that totally debunked the conspiracy theory, and revealed it as what it really is, a bunch of twisted, half truths and even complete lies.

Here it is

Its actually an interesting read if you have watched 'Loose Change'.
Themate was not found, Sulphur which is in thermate as an additive was.

Sulphur traces however could come from many different sources.

It is also my understanding that "Thermate" cannot cut/melt a horizontal shear through large objects because of gravity

From wiki

Thermate-TH3 is a mixture of thermite and pyrotechnic additives which have been found to be superior to standard thermite for incendiary purposes. Its composition by weight is generally 68.7% thermite, 29.0% barium nitrate, 2.0% sulfur and 0.3% binder. Addition of barium nitrate to thermite increases its thermal effect, creates flame in burning and significantly reduces the ignition temperature. Although the primary purpose of Thermate-TH3 is as an incendiary, it will also weld metal surfaces together.
thanks for the thread =gem- , if you hadnt made it i wouldnt have found out about the program on bbc2 sunday , cheers
one thing, read up on this, watch a few documentries and see what you think personally and dont be put off by certain responses here
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