Oh dear... might have overdone it abit!

I visited a well known dealer in Ipswich today with my boss who chopped in a number of older Macs and we walked out with a new 8 Core 2.26 (or whatever the base clock speed) Mac Pro.

It's going to go like a privy door when the plague's in town!
iMac hasn't got anywhere NEAR the expandability that I want. Nor does it accept incoming HDMI/optical in for a PS3.

I'd rather get a 2.93Ghz 15" MBP than an iMac if I was going that route!

And no im not a "pro" user, but I HATE lag, and lightroom on my MBP does it too much.

1TB Photo library with a 300Gb Veloci is the win :D

What card are you using for the PS3/HDMI input CR?

And I know it's been a while but how you guys getting on with your Mac Pros? Are they still a good buy? I've just ordered a quad core with HD4870!
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