Old boxed pc games from a time long long ago...

Only got a few as I used to sell mine to buy new games. Only hung on to my favourites. From memory as all up in the loft:

Monkey Island 2
Red Alert
Red Alert: Counterstrike
Dungeon Keeper 1
Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark 2
Theme Park
Met girl got married had kids moved house and was forced to chuck out my old boxes. I regret it bas my loft is more than big enough for them all.
Only got a few as I used to sell mine to buy new games. Only hung on to my favourites. From memory as all up in the loft:

Monkey Island 2
Red Alert
Red Alert: Counterstrike
Dungeon Keeper 1
Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark 2
Theme Park

I remember that game in your sig, used to play it, was it on atari? what is it called...
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A quick root around in the murkier corners of the cupboard reveals...

Superb game! I regret never actually completing it, I adored the demo but could never get hold of the actual game at the time (I was living in South Africa and it was never released there), finally got the full thing when I came back to the UK a few years later but didn't finish it.


Didn't own a PC back then!


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The funny thing is, your average C64 or spectrum game just came in a standard cassette case, you could store hundreds of them on a shelf. Then Ultimate started to big them up with paperback sized boxes, and at the time it really annoyed me cos they didn't fit in my collection :D
It is indeed Dizzy as above , that particular shot is from Fantastic Dizzy. :D

Which platform? I played that on CPC myself.

Hum, might have to load that one up - it was my favourite, followed closely by Prince of the Yolk Folk (even if that one was a bit short). :)

I loved the big boxed games and the big Ocean collections with about 8 tapes in them! :D
Superb game! I regret never actually completing it, I adored the demo but could never get hold of the actual game at the time (I was living in South Africa and it was never released there), finally got the full thing when I came back to the UK a few years later but didn't finish it.

Had this myself also. First game you could send out AI units to do what you asked. If they messed up you could jumpin the pilot seat and take over.
Also got some where Half-life and the first add-on CD case the green one for got the name will have to go and find it.
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