Old boxed pc games from a time long long ago...

I have... Monkey Island 1, 2 and 3, Day of the tentacle, sam and max, alone in the dark, doom 2, Blood, Blood plasma pack, half life, broken sword 2, discworld 1 and 2, unreal, shadow warrior, dark forces 1 and 2, ultimate doom, final doom, outcast...erm, soccer kid, shogo, blood 2 and a whole load more i cant quite remember right now. I need to take pictures
@silversurfer - Did anyone buy Falcon and read the entire manual I think it had 300 pages :D

I've got the Falcon 4.0 manual here - no page numbers but must be over 300 pages. There's 27 chapters. Also have the Flanker 2.0 manual - 257 pages.

Falcon Allied Force had a 100+ page printed quick reference and a 760 page PDF manual....:)


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'Z' was AWESOME!

I still have:
Civ:Call To Power
Civ II
Settlers II

I seem to have lost my old Theme Hospital & Z

I would also give anything for Discwolrd II - I borrowed it off a freind once, it's hillarious!
I have 2 giant boxes nestling proudly in my media cupboard under my dvd cases they are Total Annihilation and Tomb Raider 1.

Found both games incredibly difficult, also remember having no sound with tr as I didnt have a sound card :(

They dont make head scratchers like that anymore! Ok I'll give you supreme commander.
It’s been a few years since I’ve been in the loft at mum’s place, but from memory:

Doom Special Edition: Thy Flesh Consumed
Doom 2
Hexen 2
Red Alert
Carmageddon 2
Sanitarium (that was one twisted game)
Quake 2
Mech Warrior 2
Blade Runner
Half Life

There must be loads more I’m forgetting, as there are two large boxes full.

I remember Microprose! They used to make simulations for the C64. My favourite was Silent Service - I played that for hours!
Hello me it's me again!

Had to go in the loft for the 1st time in nearly 20 years and found this time capsule of old games.

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