OLED .....not yet guys !

25 Jun 2009
i quote from Panasonic 2015:-

``One of the reasons given is how quickly the panels lose their quality, with Cunningham noting: "I've seen OLED from other companies and six months after they have been bought the deterioration in the quality of the panel was phenomenal.

"If we brought that to the market and the consumer is paying the amount of money that OLED costs we just wouldn't be comfortable."

so there you go dont buy an OLED yet, he's refering to the LG OLED.

he then went on to say that Panasonic already have their own OLEDs, but aren't keen to market them yet until they're working properly at 4K...

so yea 2 years time, because my guess is next year will be too soon.
isn't that par for the course though much like with plasma?

they managed to get rid of screen burn but there has always been retention issues with every plasma. on the parents samsung a certain logo from a certain channel can always be seen on the top right corner of their tv and their plasma isn't even 3 years old yet.

or do you think it's possible to completely get rid of both burn and retention on OLED?
isn't that par for the course though much like with plasma?

they managed to get rid of screen burn but there has always been retention issues with every plasma. on the parents samsung a certain logo from a certain channel can always be seen on the top right corner of their tv and their plasma isn't even 3 years old yet.

or do you think it's possible to completely get rid of both burn and retention on OLED?

Retention is where the screen has a temporary ghost image. However, it is only temporary, not permanent; hence the word "retention". Switching to another image removes any trace of the ghost.

What your parent have is screen burn. The image is permanently burned in to the screen surface because the phosphors in that area of the screen have decayed at a faster rate than those surrounding. OLEDs suffer the same problem; differential decay rates depending on screen content.

CRT TVs suffered the same too, but to a lesser effect because the emissions weren't as high so the effect took longer to develop.
I have had various phones with OLED screens and I wouldn't attest to noticeable screen burn at all.

I'd suggest you were fairly lucky then. Had one OLED Samsung and the android notification bar along the top of the screen was visibly burned in after a period of time. It only became noticeable if you used the phone in landscape or with an app that used full screen.
I'd suggest you were fairly lucky then. Had one OLED Samsung and the android notification bar along the top of the screen was visibly burned in after a period of time. It only became noticeable if you used the phone in landscape or with an app that used full screen.

I've had, or had access long term to 8 phones with OLED screens and none of them have had burn in.

I've also have had 3 PS Vitas, they have OLED screens. No burn in.
I have had various phones with OLED screens and I wouldn't attest to noticeable screen burn at all.

Both my S2 ave S4 Mini developed minor screen burn, even though I don't use max brightness or the high contrast picture setting.
Well refreshing to know Panasonic aren't looking to replace my 802b with new tech for a while yet seeing as I just got it.
Both my S2 ave S4 Mini developed minor screen burn, even though I don't use max brightness or the high contrast picture setting.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm refuting Lucid's claim that anyone who's had a smartphone with an OLED display will attest to burn in.
my Panny has pretty bad screen retention/ burn, but it's much worst if you turn the brightness and contrast right up..... this takes about 2 weeks to disappear.

so if i'm going to sell my plasma, i'd need to quit gaming for 2 weeks :D

the OLED suffers from deterioration of its colour blocks, its colours dim over a 6 month period........ this is flipping miles worst than screen retention.

my old Sony rear projector had this fault too.....the famous ``green blob`` issue....the screen turns tinted green :eek:............. but not over 6 months, this took 3 years to appear....a new block for that tv costs a £1000

so if OLED still has this issue in 2 years time (it's 6 months ago that i first read this) then it is dead technology, this is what Panny are refering too.

this thread is quite important, it tells you to keep hold of your Plasma because LED will never be as good, all the best 4K LEDs that i saw last week were quite a lot worst than my Panasonic Plasma, they only had far brighter colours that's all......

Plasmas never looked that good in a bright showroom (washed out) ............but LEDs do and it's this that's fooling people, because they're not noticing the massive lack of contrast and textures in the faces, the hair and the clothing etc
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i quote from Panasonic 2015:-

``One of the reasons given is how quickly the panels lose their quality, with Cunningham noting: "I've seen OLED from other companies and six months after they have been bought the deterioration in the quality of the panel was phenomenal.

"If we brought that to the market and the consumer is paying the amount of money that OLED costs we just wouldn't be comfortable."

so there you go dont buy an OLED yet, he's refering to the LG OLED.

he then went on to say that Panasonic already have their own OLEDs, but aren't keen to market them yet until they're working properly at 4K...

so yea 2 years time, because my guess is next year will be too soon.

Is that why Panasonic are releasing an OLED in sep/oct this year with an LG panel:rolleyes: , the deterioration you are on about the Samsung RGB OLED tech ,not the LG WRBG OLED tech which has a current lifespan of about 20-30,000hrs or 6.5-10 years at 8hrs a day usage :p
I've had a Samsung phone with OLED for a few years now and the screen looks just as it did when it was new - but some people with the same phone have complained of the screen becoming a sickly green hue after awhile and/or other quality deterioration - mines definitely not gone that way so far though.
Is that why Panasonic are releasing an OLED in sep/oct this year with an LG panel:rolleyes: , the deterioration you are on about the Samsung RGB OLED tech ,not the LG WRBG OLED tech which has a current lifespan of about 20-30,000hrs or 6.5-10 years at 8hrs a day usage :p

does it and you believe them............. you believe LG :eek:

how do you know the current panel will last 6 to 10 years, because so far it's only lasted about 3 months ( this years OLEDs) therefore what you say makes no sense, because the tech is brand new and might only last another 6 to 12 months, before you start noticing serious faults.

it's like saying ``john is very healthy, there's no way he'll develop Cancer in the next 6 to 10 years`` :eek:
Well, LGs oled tech is inherently different. The difficulties manufacturers face are down to the different lifespans of the red, green and blue oleds. LG uses white old with filters - they don't have that problem.

Screen burn on RGB oled is very very real. Exactly the reason LG are managing to hit price points Samsung can't match
does it and you believe them............. you believe LG :eek:

how do you know the current panel will last 6 to 10 years, because so far it's only lasted about 3 months ( this years OLEDs) therefore what you say makes no sense, because the tech is brand new and might only last another 6 to 12 months, before you start noticing serious faults.

it's like saying ``john is very healthy, there's no way he'll develop Cancer in the next 6 to 10 years`` :eek:

Considering I have had my 930 since the end of October (6 months :D) and there has been no brightness reduction what so ever as I said your getting mixed up with the Samsung tech :rolleyes:
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