ok just went to Currys and Purwell's to take a look at the OLED LG 55'' .......THE £1900 version
it looked stunning, no motion blur, no artifacts, but it was a proper Demo tape, great contrast/colour and 3D depth of field............easily the best tv in both shops, miles better than the best LEDs
any negatives:-
yes, i'd say the blacks are too solid and strong, esp in hair and clothing, there's not enough grey shades and contrast..........the OLED reminds me of a ``souped`` up LED, but this was in Purwells with a normal BBC 1 HD channel.
he said to me ``if the Panny VT65 is in perfect condition get that instead, this OLED is probably too small for you and needs to be the next generation at 4K``
the OLED is superior to my Panny with regards to motion and screen consistancy, the screen has much more WOW factor as well..............BUT the panasonic has far more realistic faces/ hair and clothing, it looks more lifelike and by quite a large margin
finally, this tv had bog standard settings, so i expect these faults can be corrected, so it's hard to tell.....because a bog standard Panny looks bad too
conclusion:- forget LED, get this instead DEFINITELY

but if you have a Panny already wait till late next year.........(2 more generations from now)
you should have seen the Demo tape of New York City........

it blew the latest Sammy 65'' SUHD LED out the water and it only costs £1900......................so it's flipping sodding miles better

that Sammy is 4K.........the OLED is only 1080P, yet has a far sharper more detailed image........odd isn't it