OLED .....not yet guys !

On that subject does anybody know if Samsung have made any progress with blue oled lifespan? They made massive strides with colour accuracy, DPI and brightness but what about lifespan?

I read a few months ago that Samsung had invested in an American company with a new OLED printing method (LG use kodaks method)that could sort there yields out but Samsung are at least 2-3 years away with that, by that time LG will have perfected the panel uniformity issues and will the the market leader in OLED production
My Galaxy S2 OLED has a nice "BBC NEWS" logo burnt into it, I assume because it once failed to screen blank when I put it down after using the app. I assumed this was a one off with just this screen because of that one incident, I wasn't aware this was a general issue with OLED which would happen over time eventually anyway. I also have the "brighter" date bar issue. I agree, they would need careful thinking about if dumping £X on a big screen TV compared to the alternatives.
So watch your attitude, you're not innocent.
Sorry but im not alone one on that thought, wasn't even the first to say it (get a life). I'll watch my attitude but I've got nothing to worry about :)

I read a few months ago that Samsung had invested in an American company with a new OLED printing method (LG use kodaks method)that could sort there yields out but Samsung are at least 2-3 years away with that, by that time LG will have perfected the panel uniformity issues and will the the market leader in OLED production

Seems almost impossible but LG could dominate the market after entering somewhat later than Samsung. Samsung need to be careful!
well whoever gets OLED sorted, we need it by Xmas 2016.....so 1.5 years away
Why what happens then lol
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Not quick enough!

Still I've waited this long and it's not like I don't have more important house-related things to spend money on this year. Sadly :)

And Maccy I'm sorry, I'm just being a bit blunt. No offense intended
If OLED fails we're totally screwed.

We'll be stuck with LCD's and all their limitations such as grey-blacks, pitiful 1000:1 contrast but often less, dead pixels, white glow, matte coating dullness for decades until that laser technology is figured out. Depressing times.
If OLED fails we're totally screwed.

We'll be stuck with LCD's and all their limitations such as grey-blacks, pitiful 1000:1 contrast but often less, dead pixels, white glow, matte coating dullness for decades until that laser technology is figured out. Depressing times.

there's still plenty of plasmas still around, so you're not screwed.

i've found two new 65'' today and one is only 600 quid, same model as mine
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If OLED fails we're totally screwed.

We'll be stuck with LCD's and all their limitations such as grey-blacks, pitiful 1000:1 contrast but often less, dead pixels, white glow, matte coating dullness for decades until that laser technology is figured out. Depressing times.

Only the good screens have grey blacks, everything else has purple/blue tint blacks.

There's a lot of LCD's pushing 3000:1 but most are in the 2500:1 range give or take.

I agree about backlight clouding/flashlight. Though, that is usually an edge lighting problem. Never seen it with CCFL. Then dirty screen effect is the worst near black for edge lighting.

Matte coating? Everything has been gloss since 2008 or semi-gloss.
i've just been reading about the new LG 4K OLEDs, they're supposed to be brilliant, the best TVs ever, almost perfect picture quality....... take a look at AV Forum :cool:

so LG have suddenly managed to get the technology working right... or pretty close to right, but it remains to be seen if this OLED will last 5 years.

this has got me thinking now, one problem, the 65'' version is very expensive, right it looks like i'm off to Currys tomorrow
i've just been reading about the new LG 4K OLEDs, they're supposed to be brilliant, the best TVs ever, almost perfect picture quality....... take a look at AV Forum :cool:

so LG have suddenly managed to get the technology working right... or pretty close to right, but it remains to be seen if this OLED will last 5 years.

this has got me thinking now, one problem, the 65'' version is very expensive, right it looks like i'm off to Currys tomorrow

That's why you buy from john Lewis with the great 5 year warranty they have and if it goes pop after 4 years you get your money back to choose a new one
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If I had the money I'd go out and buy a 65EG960V, if I paid £6K for a TV the wife would definitely kill me ;)
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it's definitely an easy buy, because all the reviews say it's brilliant and AV Forum say it's the best they've ever seen, but it's only 55''

i deffo dont want the same size screen as now, the 65'' is too expensive right now but will be ok for late next year

the best bargain is that Panny VT 65 way over there in Norwich............flipping miles away :mad::mad::mad:
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ok just went to Currys and Purwell's to take a look at the OLED LG 55'' .......THE £1900 version

it looked stunning, no motion blur, no artifacts, but it was a proper Demo tape, great contrast/colour and 3D depth of field............easily the best tv in both shops, miles better than the best LEDs

any negatives:-

yes, i'd say the blacks are too solid and strong, esp in hair and clothing, there's not enough grey shades and contrast..........the OLED reminds me of a ``souped`` up LED, but this was in Purwells with a normal BBC 1 HD channel.

he said to me ``if the Panny VT65 is in perfect condition get that instead, this OLED is probably too small for you and needs to be the next generation at 4K``

the OLED is superior to my Panny with regards to motion and screen consistancy, the screen has much more WOW factor as well..............BUT the panasonic has far more realistic faces/ hair and clothing, it looks more lifelike and by quite a large margin

finally, this tv had bog standard settings, so i expect these faults can be corrected, so it's hard to tell.....because a bog standard Panny looks bad too

conclusion:- forget LED, get this instead DEFINITELY :eek: but if you have a Panny already wait till late next year.........(2 more generations from now)

you should have seen the Demo tape of New York City........:eek::eek::eek: it blew the latest Sammy 65'' SUHD LED out the water and it only costs £1900......................so it's flipping sodding miles better :D:D

that Sammy is 4K.........the OLED is only 1080P, yet has a far sharper more detailed image........odd isn't it
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I've had 3 phones with an OLED screen (HTC Desire, SGS2, SGS4) and am now on my 4th (SGS6) and none have shown any kind of deterioration or image retention.
I had the OLED LG 55" 1080p for a few days before I returned it. The picture was stunning but I noticed slight motion judder on panning shots which bugged the hell out of me. No amount of settings tweaks could stop it. I did also notice very minor screen retention after watching a movie with black bars. When we went back to normal tv there was noticeable dark areas at the top and bottom where the bars on the movie had been which took about 30 mins to go away.

I'm going to wait a while and see what comes along.
I had the OLED LG 55" 1080p for a few days before I returned it. The picture was stunning but I noticed slight motion judder on panning shots which bugged the hell out of me. No amount of settings tweaks could stop it. I did also notice very minor screen retention after watching a movie with black bars. When we went back to normal tv there was noticeable dark areas at the top and bottom where the bars on the movie had been which took about 30 mins to go away.

I'm going to wait a while and see what comes along.

i never noticed motion judder, but the SR is present in the panny too.
I've had 3 phones with an OLED screen (HTC Desire, SGS2, SGS4) and am now on my 4th (SGS6) and none have shown any kind of deterioration or image retention.

ERMERGERD How DARE you disagree? They have, you just didn't notice it! :mad:



I would absolutely love an OLED monitor. I've gone back to an LCD phone, but only because it was the only one I wanted and just didn't have an OLED panel (Oppo Find 7).

My partner has a Galaxy Note 4, and there's just something I don't like about that screen. I seem to catch flickers from it in my peripheral vision if she has the screen on and I look around. Almost as if it's strobing or something. She can't see it, but it bugs me quite a bit. I never noticed it on the all the Galaxy S2s, Notes, Note 2s, Note 3s and PS Vitas I've had or used, so it seems to be specific to that display, from what I can tell at least.
except nobody said that , did they spoffle. Dont start it again.

My partner has a Galaxy Note 4, and there's just something I don't like about that screen. I seem to catch flickers from it in my peripheral vision if she has the screen on and I look around. Almost as if it's strobing or something. She can't see it, but it bugs me quite a bit. I never noticed it on the all the Galaxy S2s, Notes, Note 2s, Note 3s and PS Vitas I've had or used, so it seems to be specific to that display, from what I can tell at least.

get used to it, its how samsung make them so bright without reducing their lifespan to weeks, also i guess it reduces power usage at lower brightness levels. Dont notice it on my note 4 though..... Yeah, let's not go there.
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