OLED .....not yet guys !

Oh for the love of God :rolleyes:
You said anyone who's had one will attest, a few people in this thread already are saying otherwise. You shouldn't really make such claims if you're going to get upset if they're refuted. It's not a big deal, I'm just saying that I've had plenty of OLED devices and haven't had burn in with any of them.
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You said anyone who's had one will attest, a few people in this thread already are saying overwise. You shouldn't really make such claims if you're going to get upset if they're refuted. It's not a big deal, I'm just saying that I've had plenty of OLED devices and haven't had burn in with any of them.

It was a throw away comment.

Get a life.
Every oled display I've looked at over, I guess, a year old has displayed some for of screen burn. from very slight stuff like the notification bar appearing as a slightly darker grey strip on an all grey image or worse like being able to make out where the clock is.

Really nice that you've not noticed it spoffle but that certainly doesn't mean it don't happen.
Every oled display I've looked at over, I guess, a year old has displayed some for of screen burn. from very slight stuff like the notification bar appearing as a slightly darker grey strip on an all grey image or worse like being able to make out where the clock is.

Really nice that you've not noticed it spoffle but that certainly doesn't mean it don't happen.

Every OLED I've had didn't show any, do you really mean to tell me they did, I just didn't notice it?

Can you point out where I said OLEDs don't suffer from burn in? I'm simply stating that none of mine have in response to Lucid's "throw away" comment.
Don't know spoffle, haven't looked at the displays you have.

Not going to get in to an argument about what you said and why, don't really care. I've known you long enough on here to ignore it.
Don't know spoffle, haven't looked at the displays you have.

Not going to get in to an argument about what you said and why, don't really care. I've known you long enough on here to ignore it.

Of course you don't know, so you really shouldn't suggest that I've simply not noticed burn in. I'm very particular about my displays. Burn in is something I would definitely notice.

As for not caring, well that's clearly not true else you wouldn't have replied as much as you have.

You're making this into something it isn't, as I said before I'm simply disagreeing with Lucid's claim, I have no idea why that's an issue.
No, you're making it in to something it isn't which is exactly why people get fed up with you.

Just because I said you didn't notice it doesn't mean there was something there to notice. that's you getting hung up on words again, usual spoffle woffle.

Take the stick out of your arse and learn to have a sensible discussion.
Tell me more about this sensible discussion where I can't disagree with someone without getting someone crying and whinging, where you claim you don't care, that you aren't getting into an argument about it, but then do so anyway and clearly do care as you're still posting.

As I'm clearly the one here who isn't doing sensible very well.
No spoffle, I don't care about what you said to lucid or your excuses for it. sensible is taking such a throw away comment for what it is; only you would take that word for word and assume he said every single display has issues and every single owner would have seen it. either you're daft or you just like arguing, I don't know, but either way yes, please, get a life.
I Don't believe I've been dramatic about anything, sorry i must have missed that :confused: It's only OLED at the end of the day, hard to get emotional about light emitting diodes, even organic ones.
Yes, so stop moaning so much then. I don't agree with lucid, or you on the incidences of OLED burn in based on my personal experience with multiple OLED displays,
big deal.

To me, it just means that OLED isn't as unreliable as be considers it. You're being dramatic because you're going all ad hominem when there's no need just because a difference of opinions, which I'm not alone in having in this thread.

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm well aware of the fact that it does happen and I know why it happens, I just don't think it occurs as much as has been made out in this thread.
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I'm not being dramatic and me questioning if you're daft or you just like arguing isn't ad home, it's a simple question. Your the one moaning, you're the one fishing for arguments and twisting words. Classic spoffle woffle as I eluded to.

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm well aware of the fact that it does happen and I know why it happens, I just don't think it occurs as much as has been made out in this thread.

based on your 8x year old plus oled phones, yes. let's see what happens when they reach 18-24 months old and then apply that logic to a tv that's expect to last 4-5 years minimum. I mean look at my omgscreenburn panasonic plasma. Its 7 years old almost - If that was an oled then I'd have thrown it away by now. Not the best way to spend a grand!
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I've been quite reasonable so thanks but I'll continue to discuss.

I'm a big fan of oled and Ive been waiting a long time now for some affordable oleds to appears. I said a while ago that prices wouldn't drop for a long time because of the lifespan issues but I was wrong about that, thankfully, due to LGs white oled solution. LG will get there eventually with the colour accuracy and uniformity and it seems panasonic are backing the right vendor if they are going to use LG panels.

On that subject does anybody know if Samsung have made any progress with blue oled lifespan? They made massive strides with colour accuracy, DPI and brightness but what about lifespan?
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