OLED .....not yet guys !


yes i just saw it before your last post on AV Forums, that poor guy is as confused as me.......but the sony is perfect.

it has to be razor sharp 1080p at 65''......4K is not so good for regular HD tv because it blurs the image as it upscales it.............4K does not have 1080p as an alternative setting, it is fixed at 4K only, i've been wanting to know this for weeks........... i think :eek:

i'm sorry if i've annoyed anyone, but this is not explained well enough and i asked about this in the shop.

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I was going to get the ZT last year before they sold out but the user feedback on AVF put me of. Then I was going to get the OLED LG's and then again user feedback put me of, plus I didn't like that curved nonsense.

At this rate if I continue to read AVF I'll never upgrade from my aging Sony KDS SXRD. :p

what......:eek: that's what i had :D:D:D

KDS 55A 2000 .............great tv except for the Green Blob issue
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they do a 75'' version too and it's still quite cheap :D:D:D

but i bet 1080p is having to be scaled up too far........ not sure

have you ever seen a 1080P projector? they go up to triple digits in screen size and before them what do you think we had 720p projectors, etc.

you don't have a clue what your talking about, so long as your face isn't within 1 metre of the screen it will be crystal clear.

the only person who would have issue is superman with his telescopic sight from normal distance.

there is no scaling a 1080p is a 1080p tv, if you play 720p content then it will be scaled up. put it this way i use a 1080p 24" gaming monitor 2 feet away from my face and i cannot see the pixels and i have been told by an opticians i have better than 20/20 vision (had to go see on because GP said my migraines could be eye related but they aren't they are sinus related).

a 1080p screen has 2,073,600 pixels.

yes thats over 2 million pixels, there is no way you can see individual pixels unless you go right up to the screen. the bigger the tv the further you normally sit to be able to see the full thing. i know someone who has a tiny living room and a 60" tv, probably sitting 1.5m away from it and it's a non issue.
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good then a 75'' screen should be ok, it's image sharpness i'm worried about, I now need to find out how good this Sony tv is, but it's brand new so there's probably no reviews, but maybe there's an earlier version
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the previous version gets a great review, but it's smart features are poor and it isn't good at 3D...... but it has a great image quality......esp at night

this is very important:- ``When in game mode, the Sony W800B has the lowest input lag that we currently have measured so far. This is really one of the best gaming TVs we have ever tested...............0.24ms that's brilliant``

but that's last years model so this years should be better..... it's also FLAT :cool:

the 75'' version will be massive but not a bad price, the BS is all about 4K nowadays, so this tv gets little coverage but it doesn't mean it isn't really good.

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so according to him a 55'' tv is actually too small at 9ft away, the ideal size screen is 90'' :eek:............so a 75'' screen is about right.

learning a lot tonight

You really come across as a 15 year old child bouncing from TV to TV Saying each one is the best you have seen, BTW 75" from 9 feet away is way too big and far too close, you may be able to see the pixel structure at that distance( screen door effect) you are not going to get a perfect TV choose on and be happy with it, in my opinion the OLED is the closest and the pros far out weigh the cons.
You really come across as a 15 year old child bouncing from TV to TV Saying each one is the best you have seen, BTW 75" from 9 feet away is way too big and far too close, you may be able to see the pixel structure at that distance( screen door effect) you are not going to get a perfect TV choose on and be happy with it, in my opinion the OLED is the closest and the pros far out weigh the cons.

dont you read what others say, you only notice the pixels at extremely close range, 3ft away......... i bounce from tv to tv because there's a lot of research to do, because if you had done your research correctly you might not have brought an OLED. (fair comment because you attacked me first)


there's the calculator, the ideal size at 9 to 10ft is about 90''..... it only looks odd because we're not used to such massive TVs in our home
dont you read what others say, you only notice the pixels at extremely close range, 3ft away......... i bounce from tv to tv because there's a lot of research to do, because if you had done your research correctly you might not have brought an OLED. (fair comment because you attacked me first)


there's the calculator, the ideal size at 9 to 10ft is about 90''..... it only looks odd because we're not used to such massive TVs in our home

believe me I have done my research hence the reason I own an OLED, buy the 75" and hope to god you don't see the banding, motion blur,light pooling, off angle colour washout, DSE, shocking blacks anytime after 7pm, should I go on?
viewing distance at 55'' is between 6 and 7.5 feet to achieve the recommended viewing angle of about 36 degrees, my tv looks far better if i move 2ft closer
viewing distance at 55'' is between 6 and 7.5 feet to achieve the recommended viewing angle of about 36 degrees, my tv looks far better if i move 2ft closer

@36degrees off center your going to see huge colour wash out on anything other than an IPS panel( but they have other problems in themselve)
believe me I have done my research hence the reason I own an OLED, buy the 75" and hope to god you don't see the banding, motion blur,light pooling, off angle colour washout, DSE, shocking blacks anytime after 7pm, should I go on?

the only LEDs that look totally wrong are the 4K versions that play upscaled 1080p (very poor upscaling, this looked like normal SD content).

yes it'll have poor viewing angles, but the backs remain to be seen, so i'm not sure about that..... motion and everything else should be fine..the LED isn't nearly as bad as it was 2 years ago, it really is a far better tv than back then.

@36degrees off center your going to see huge colour wash out on anything other than an IPS panel( but they have other problems in themselve)

it's not 36 degrees off centre, because that's for a 90'' screen, plus you're in the middle of the screen so it's 18 degrees each side, i've had a LCD Rear Projector before it only looks bad from the side, but i never watch tv from the side anyway so it doesn't bother me.

the lack of ``near black representation`` bothers me, but not nearly as much as watching HD TV on 4K, which is what you'll be doing for the next 5 years

so my next research has to be......... what are its black like at night, or are they still as bad as two years ago
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it's not 36 degrees off centre, because that's for a 90'' screen, plus you're in the middle of the screen so it's 18 degrees each side, i've had a LCD Rear Projector before it only looks bad from the side, but i never watch tv from the side anyway so it doesn't bother me.

the lack of ``near black representation`` bothers me, but not nearly as much as watching HD TV on 4K, which is what you'll be doing for the next 5 years

For some VA panels you can be as little as 10degrees off center for it to wash out, I don't know what you are on about with the 4k comment I won't be buying a 4k OLED until sky start mainstream transmition of 4k which is a long way off yet
the bigger the tv you buy the more issues they normally have (LCD's).

e.g. the 50 inch could be perfect but the 65 inch of the same tv could have horrible banding, etc.

a mate at work dropped £3.5K on a tv iirc and he had it swapped out several times before getting a refund and opting for a smaller and much cheaper model.

ideally you would be best keeping your ST50 and buy a projector, spend the majority of the cash on the projector as you can upgrade the screen easily at a later date.

then when your st50 is on it's last legs (4-7 years time) will be the time to buy OLED once most of the niggles have been ironed out.

also that cnet article is hardly gospel in fact it sounds ridiculous.

i'm 8-9 feet away from my 50" and there is no way i would want anything bigger at that distance, my friend has a 60" at a similar distance but it's far too close IMO.


use that as a reference it's pretty clear


that also but tbh forget the degrees and use the top one

65" the closest it should be is 2.5m, you can have it closer but your not getting any more benefit that at that distance

75" and the closest it should be is 3m, you can have it closer but you won't be seeing any more details

the opposite is also true the biggest distance away on a 65" should be 3.8m after that you will lose some details nothing major but some people may notice more detail at say 3.8m than at say 5m

so their are optimum distances to have your tv but it also depends on your eyesight and good your vision is. you could put a 200" in front of a blind man and it won't make any difference compared to a 5" screen for instance.

so the best question you could answer is how far away is your couch from your tv stand? has to be roughly accurate don't guess if your not sure. i know my distance because i have a double bed (roughly 6 foot long) plus a 2-3 foot gap to the tv (bedroom setup).

so my 50" is 8-9 feet away and the optimum distance is anywhere between 6-10 feet on that chart for a 50" so i know i'm not missing out on anything and i know it's not too close.

personally though at this distance i don't think a bigger tv would really suit
For some VA panels you can be as little as 10degrees off center for it to wash out, I don't know what you are on about with the 4k comment I won't be buying a 4k OLED until sky start mainstream transmition of 4k which is a long way off yet

the Sony Bravia LED gets great reviews, its faults are poor Smart, slow menu and rubbish 3D, but this is of little importance at all, unfortunately it reduces it review mark to 8 out of 10

the blacks look acceptable at night, (and better if you reduce its daytime settings) but they are deffo not as good as my Plasma.
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for sale :- Panasonic 65'' ST 50..............same as my 55'' tv but 65'' and if it's in good condition it'll be perfect for me and only 600 quid, it'll deffo be better than the Sony LED.

i read quite a lot on AV Forums about the LED and it still has quite a few faults at night, backlight bleeding, uniformity issues and only average blacks, the ST55 is virtually perfect at night, it's exactly the right time for looking at a Plasma..

the ideal solution is to use a 26'' monitor for the web and the plasma for tv and gaming only........this will reduce the IR by at least 80%.............this ST 65'' needs a look at unfortunately it's too heavy, it's nearly twice the weight of mine and i wont be able to lift it on my own, let alone carry it into my house
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there's OLEDs on Ebay that have been there for weeks, 1.6 thousand quid and they're not selling at all, why aren't they selling :eek::eek::eek:

to me a £1600 OLED must only be worth about £1300, it's very odd
Second hand or new?

90% of consumers have no idea what OLED is and will want 4K LED as it's the marketing rubbish that's rammed down their throats.

OLED's, Kuro's, VT65's etc will sell much easier on enthusiast forums.

I've had my LG OLED for 4 months now I think, still looks as good as the day I got it.
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