OMG, I live in a country full of stupid people.... (Trump may win)

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18 Sep 2014
Planet Earth
Well you have to give him credit. He has managed to pull off the greatest con job in the history of the world. He convinced a nation he was qualified to be a world leader by being as unqualified as its possible to be, while turning every minority group into scape goats.

This is a great victory for fear, hatred and xenophobia.

You've got to remember this is a nation when on release of the film 'The Madness of King George' asked where films 1 & 2 were. :eek:



10 Dec 2003
South Shields
You do know that the specific story you're referring to actually took place because they phoned around hundreds of bakers till they found one Christian baker who refused to make them a cake? Like they didn't just go to one guy and ask him, they were actively looking for someone to Demonise

it was kind of a tongue in cheek thing to wasnt serious

but we now do have some hard line christians who are going to be running would people react to the outlawing of homosexuality or teaching only creationism in schools, or abortion being outlawed

or the tearing up of climate change legislation because they think its all made up and god will sort it all out

none of these are trumps policies (I suspect he is quite liberal himself) but the party running things now...the people that run these things all believe this sort of thing, whats to stop them trying to push legislation through
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29 Dec 2012
I was originally against trump but I don't think hillary would been any better.

I don't agree with a lot of things he's been saying but I do agree with a few things.
He seem to be someone who will be upfront (Hopefully).

I see it this way you had a choice of 2, hillary or trump,

Trump. One side I see a loudmouth who says what he's thinking to everyone good or bad, wanting to do something different.

Hillary on the other side i think is someone who hides what shes thinking and doing, say what you want to hear and has been in politics for the past 20+ years.

The USA has been doing and hiding a lot of things already maybe with a loud mouth we get more information.

We dont really know what hes going to do, most don't do what they say.

As long as he's better then bush (either one) I dont care.
Only time will tell whats going to happen.
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15 Oct 2016
Has Brexit and now Trump been the start of a new world? All eyes will be on what happen in the next general elections in 2017 France, Germany and Holland. Will the left take another battering?
22 Nov 2006
Has Brexit and now Trump been the start of a new world? All eyes will be on what happen in the next general elections in 2017 France, Germany and Holland. Will the left take another battering?

Merkel is almost certainly out. There's no way she is going to win again after letting in half of Africa unchecked. Especially not with all the violence and crime that kicked off as a result.
28 Nov 2003
Shes only there for one reason.....$$$$$$$$$!!!!

If he was a middle class working white male then she wouldn't give him the time of day.

They should have a poster of her in every Slopton-in-the-Slush school classroom then. "Work hard and you too can have a Melania" :)

(Ivanka is his daughter, and that would be just too risque).

Instead they ask pre pubescents if they feel they are born into the right gender....
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16 Feb 2010
North East England
They didn't have a great choice to start with Hilary or Trump? One of the problems is the 2 party system in american politics, they might as well have flipped a coin! I personally think that most people went with the approach of voting for who the person they disliked the least.

Sadly I think you may well be correct. The choice was quite honestly abysmal and the only person who seems to have gained popularity is Bernie Sanders :D

This to me has highlighted the serious issues America has with its political system. It doesn't work.

My current thoughts are Trump is going to be entertaining :)
9 Nov 2005
Southampton, hopefully not too hot, or too cold
Amy Schumer
Lena Dunham
Barbra Streisand
Bryan Cranston
Miley Cyrus
Jon Stewart
Chelsea Handler
Samuel L. Jackson
Whoopi Goldberg
Neve Campbell
Keegan-Michael Key
George Lopez
Rev. Al Sharpton

.. Have all claimed to be 'moving to Canada' this morning. What? No one's moving to Mexico? :D

Initially I thought this was an alternative version of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire." :D
15 Oct 2016
I was originally against trump but I don't think hillary would been any better.

I don't agree with a lot of things he's been saying but I do agree with a few things.
He seem to be someone who will be upfront (Hopefully).

I see it this way you had a choice of 2, hillary or trump,

Trump. One side I see a loudmouth who says what he's thinking to everyone good or bad, wanting to do something different.

Hillary on the other side i think is someone who hides what shes thinking and doing, say what you want to hear and has been in politics for the past 20+ years.

The USA has been doing and hiding a lot of things already maybe with a loud mouth we get more information.

As long as he's better then bush (either one) I dont care.
Only time will tell whats going to happen.

I agree with you.

I started off thinking that Trump would be a really bad move for the states, after all look what happened with Bush. But the more i watched and read. The more he seem to say what he thinks and doesn't hide that fact.
After a bit of research i came to the collusion that Hillary was more corrupt and was in all the bankers back pocket already. What could lead to more dangerous lending and another crash?
24 Oct 2012
I think the most important and unbelievably overlooked point here now that Brexit is done and Trump is president, is what are we going to argue about in GD now?

Isn't Italy on the brink of something? That might keep us busy until the nukes start falling or Clinton gets her back doors booted in by Putin.
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