OMG, I live in a country full of stupid people.... (Trump may win)

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9 Mar 2012
West Sussex, England
how on earth did people vote for trump

Not sure either as only yesterday I saw a piece on TV suggesting how the Hispanic community were apparently going to come out and vote in huge numbers. It now seems a lot voted for Trump so here we are.

I think out of the two Trump struck a cord though as someone not afraid to speak his mind and work at various changes, opposed to insincere smiling and more of the status quo.
18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK
This win and Brexit just really shows the complete failure of politicians in both USA and UK, they are just completely out of touch with the "common man". (European Governments will be next)

Their political loss is the is just a sign of their abject failure to listen to or represent people that have felt that they've been forgotten, if you don't have to much to lose then what some of us see as a "risky punt" just seems like "a vote for anything than the status quo".

Hilary was a terrible candidate, just part of the hated political establishment, Trump obviously was the lesser of two evils.
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Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
wow i actually agree with jeremy corbyn on something, however hes not the one to deliver it and i dont think it will happen anyway. Becuase politicians don't have the cahoonas to stand upto popular vote and do what is need to make the world a better place. start by embracing facts, instead of firing drug adviser and all the other times scientists and experts have been ignored by goverment

Many in Britain and elsewhere will be understandably shocked by Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election, the rhetoric around it and what the election result means for the rest of the world, as well as America.
Trump’s election is an unmistakable rejection of a political establishment and an economic system that simply isn’t working for most people. It is one that has delivered escalating inequality and stagnating or falling living standards for the majority, both in the US and Britain
This is a rejection of a failed economic consensus and a governing elite that has been seen not to have listened. And the public anger that has propelled Donald Trump to office has been reflected in political upheavals across the world.
But some of Trump’s answers to the big questions facing America, and the divisive rhetoric around them, are clearly wrong.
I have no doubt, however, that the decency and common sense of the American people will prevail, and we send our solidarity to a nation of migrants, innovators and democrats.
After this latest global wake up call, the need for a real alternative to a failed economic and political system could not be clearer.
That alternative must be based on working together, social justice and economic renewal, rather than sowing fear and division. And the solutions we offer have to improve the lives of everyone, not pit one group of people against another.
Americans have made their choice. The urgent necessity is now for us all to work across continents to tackle our common global challenges: to secure peace, take action on climate change and deliver economic prosperity and justice.
10 May 2012
wow i actually agree with jeremy corbyn on something, however hes not the one to deliver it and i dont think it will happen anyway. Becuase politicians don't have the cahoonas to stand upto popular vote and do what is need to make the world a better place. start by embracing facts, instead of firing drug adviser and all the other times scientists and experts have been ignored by goverment

Jeremy Corbyn is the reason Labour will be annihilated at the next GE. He doesn't represent his Political party at all. People want leaders who stand up for the people who elect them, that's all.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
wow i actually agree with jeremy corbyn on something, however hes not the one to deliver it and i dont think it will happen anyway. Becuase politicians don't have the cahoonas to stand upto popular vote and do what is need to make the world a better place. start by embracing facts, instead of firing drug adviser and all the other times scientists and experts have been ignored by goverment

He is dreaming if he thinks Trump is going to do anything to tackle climate change or social injustice.
12 Nov 2004
how on earth did people vote for trump
The billionaire redneck got the common rednecks so riled up that they actually left their trailers and went to vote.
You do realise that ivanka is his daughter and not his wife right?
Not that it makes any difference to Donald.

Jeremy Corbyn is the reason Labour will be annihilated at the next GE. He doesn't represent his Political party at all. People want leaders who stand up for the people who elect them, that's all.
Although Jeremy won the party's leadership despite his party's opposition, so it begs the question who is really standing up for the people.
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
Jeremy Corbyn is the reason Labour will be annihilated at the next GE. He doesn't represent his Political party at all. People want leaders who stand up for the people who elect them, that's all.

No they don't people in the US and UK clearly want leaders who lie, manipulate and bluster in way that appeals to there sense of injustice in life, they want leaders who fan the flames of hatred. In short they want someone to blame and they want a leader to give them that person/group so they can feel better about themselves. The world is turning darker by the day.
18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK
Although Jeremy won the party's leadership despite his party's opposition, so it begs the question who is really standing up for the people.

Exactly this, politicians have completely lost the plot in terms of who they actually represent and then to provide policies that will benefit these people to "make them vote for them".

In a democracy it's about ticks on ballet papers, if your policies/values/views only appeal to a minority then you will lose.

5 Sep 2009
God's own country
I never understand this comment. The US was dragged into the Libya conflict reluctantly because the UK and France were so obsessed with getting rid of Gadaffi, not the other way round.

If memory serves, it was Gaddafis's proposed gold backed pan-African currency (Dinar) that caused France to reassert control over it's business interests and America to react unscrupulously.
And you really should read some of Hillary's leaked emails that lay bare her typical Clinton deceit. Remember the ridiculous "Viagra rape" claims anyone? That was one of Hillary's whoppers.
The Americans have had a narrow escape in my view. Trump may come across as a bit of a bufoon sometimes, but lies and corruption hang around Clinton like a bad smell. She'd have been impeached just like her lying husband.
19 May 2004
Hes not as great businessman, Hes had what 7 casinos go bust plus many other companies he owns.

When he inherited his money he was the 7th richest man. Now he scraps into the top 500.

If he had just put all his money in a bank it would have performed better than he did with it.

You're only talking personal wealth and not including all those employed either directly or indirectly
13 Nov 2005
Next four years should interesting, but it's no surprise Trump won, Hilary was the wrong candidate.

Out of the choice I would have voted for him as well.
28 Nov 2003
He is dreaming if he thinks Trump is going to do anything to tackle climate change or social injustice.

I thought one of President Elect Donald Trump's policies was disregarding a lot of cloying Green issues to kick start American productivity?

He says he will build a great wall to combat the social injustice of illegal immigration, yet he gets grief for the idea...
10 Apr 2012
Yep I got the wrong person :D

His wife is smoking hot too. Don't think it's necessarily about $ with their relationship either. Donald is powerful and successful, that requires certain personality traits that she may find attractive. She'd cope fine by herself.
13 Aug 2008
The billionaire redneck got the common rednecks so riled up that they actually left their trailers and went to vote.
Not that it makes any difference to Donald.

Although Jeremy won the party's leadership despite his party's opposition, so it begs the question who is really standing up for the people.

It was the constant letterboxing of people who vote a certain way what got Trump the win.

Voted Brexit? Racist!
Voted Trump? Redneck!

If you don't want people to give you the middle finger, getting off your high horse and engaging with them instead will be the more fruitful approach.
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