OMG, I live in a country full of stupid people.... (Trump may win)

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17 Jun 2012
Putin will be happy. From memory there is only one policy of Trump that Putin doesnt agree with. Everything else is in Russia's favour.

Hence the rumours that Trump is funded and supported by the Kremlin.

Not entirely, Trump has said NATO must pay up, wisen up or disband, this will cause Putin many headaches to his dream of rebuilding the empire.
19 May 2004
Talking his business empire. As a businessman he is pretty much a failure compared to the likes of Alan Sugar or Richard Branson.

To be left a business empire worth a fortune and not turn it into something much bigger decades on isnt performing very well in my books.

I don't really know much of his past, personally if a man has a business that has paid him a good wage and many have prospered directly or indirectly I wouldn't class it as a failure but I take your point.
24 Oct 2012
Talking his business empire. As a businessman he is pretty much a failure compared to the likes of Alan Sugar or Richard Branson.

To be left a business empire worth a fortune and not turn it into something much bigger decades on isnt performing very well in my books.

I read that if he took all the money he inherited and stuck it in savings accounts he'd be considerably wealthier than he is now.

Can't remember where I read it though, probably some anti-trump nonsense outlet.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
Not entirely, Trump has said NATO must pay up, wisen up or disband, this will cause Putin many headaches to his dream of rebuilding the empire.

not really, because NATO without the US can't do any of those things. The UK can't even aford to kit its own soldiers out properly, has aircraft carriers in the pipe but no aircraft suitbale for them and generally tend to show up for a gunfight with a knife. Germany are balls deep in all kinds of fiscal problems and cannot prop it up and you can forget about any of those ex eastern bloc countries making a difference unless they start throwing the family donkey's over the wall at Putin.

Give it a few years and the Baltic states will be saluting mother Russia again with virtually no resistance from anyone.
12 Nov 2004
It was the constant letterboxing of people who vote a certain way what got Trump the win.

Voted Brexit? Racist!
Voted Trump? Redneck!

If you don't want people to give you the middle finger, getting off your high horse and engaging with them instead will be the more fruitful approach.
I thought Trump and Brexit voters didn't care about political correctness. But to address your point, the simple truth is that this had less to do with facts and reasoning and more to do with what people are. It takes a special kind of person to say they'd vote for Trump even if he shot someone. I saw a post from someone earlier saying he voted Brexit to annoy the left. For better or for worse, the effects of Brexit could unfold for decades, and this guy voted "to annoy the left". I don't see the point in engaging such people. They're too far gone.

Politicians, left and right, have dumbed down the educational system and pandered to corporations while screwing the lower classes. They produced a dumb and angry electorate that doesn't think too much. Well they got it, and now we and they are all going to pay for it.
19 Feb 2007
Yes, as I have mentioned a few times, December 4th is presidential referendum day in Italy and almost certain to result in a Nationalist president being elected to take them out of the EU. I predict, as do many, this will be the catalyst for the failure of the unsupported Euro. The EU itself will then collapse like the house of cards it has become. So plenty of discussion on the horizon :)

Well said, this is the reason that i have thought for a while that Article 50\leaving the EU blah blah will not happen, the EU will come falling down first, all this crap in the courts etc is just time wasting by the elite to pass the time until the EU falls to pieces.

That would make things far easier than years and years of negotiations.
26 Dec 2003
Jeremy Corbyn is the reason Labour will be annihilated at the next GE. He doesn't represent his Political party at all. People want leaders who stand up for the people who elect them, that's all.

That's because the Labour party members have become too much like closet Conservatives, Corbyn is more in touch with the people than they are.
18 Oct 2002
yes.. just look at the mess Europe is in. Orban, Szydło, Le Pen, AfD. You can't argue with the will of the people, but i hope that this isn't a permanent lurch to the right.. would be such a waste of the last 50 years or so of liberalisation and attempts to build an open world.

Think I'd probably rather live in 1966 than in this year.
9 Apr 2012
That's because the Labour party members have become too much like closet Conservatives, Corbyn is more in touch with the people than they are.

He's so out of touch with the majority of the electorate it's not even funny.

If Miliband was not elected because he was seen as being too left-wing, how on earth do you possibly think an even more actually left-wing leader will be elected.

Even the young people that would vote for him prefer Theresa May. But he doesn't care because he doesn't believe in change via parliament.
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