OMG, I live in a country full of stupid people.... (Trump may win)

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18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
One thing is for sure, the next 4 yrs will be interesting with Trump in charge.

I didn't expect for one second that he would win, I didn't believe that the American people were that stupid to fall for his racist, bigoted xenophobic rhetoric. Seems like the Americans well and truly surprised me with their voting in of Trump.

I truly hope he fails miserably at being President, there is absolutely nothing presidential about him ie his mannerisms, the way he talks etc etc. Perhaps he will tone his idiotic behaviour down, now that he is the next President.

Just for the record I wasn't too keen on Hillary as well but I can sympathise with the American people that both of these muppets were the 2 worst candidates for president.

Good luck America for the next 4 yrs, you will need it especially when you realise that you have been lied to and duped into thinking that Trump is going to make America great.
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
It was the constant letterboxing of people who vote a certain way what got Trump the win.

Voted Brexit? Racist!
Voted Trump? Redneck!

If you don't want people to give you the middle finger, getting off your high horse and engaging with them instead will be the more fruitful approach.

Not everyone who voted Brexit is a racist, not everyone who voted Trup is a redneck but all are being lead on a fools errand by people who have managed to channel hatred and fear. Trump is not the answer to social injustice, the collapse of American manufacturing or it's global decline in the same way a bunch of rich Tories are not the answer to the wage stagnation, social depravation and global decline of the UK.

The disillusioned are like turkeys voting for Christmas, Boris, Trump and May are not 'one of you' in fact they are the polar opposite they are the ones getting rich while the rest suffer and the people are giving them a mandate to continue doing so.
28 Nov 2003
Good luck America for the next 4 yrs, you will need it especially when you realise that you have been lied to and duped into thinking that Trump is going to make America great.

Make up your mind about America, an hour or so ago you were writing this about the American people, hoping their country will burn, now you are wishing them luck:

"I'm going to enjoy seeing America burn for the next 4 yrs. One can only hope that he doesn't last the full 4 yrs and either gets impeached for incompetence or he just quits because he can't handle the job. "
22 Nov 2006
I'm getting the feeling people want change? Lets have an election here in the UK and see what happens. maybe we could get Boris after all.

If we had a general election now, May would walk it due to lack of viable opposition (TBH she is doing ok anyway I think, it's about time we had someone with guts). That's why the other parties are keeping quiet about it.
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4 Feb 2006
One thing is for sure, the next 4 yrs will be interesting with Trump in charge.

I didn't expect for one second that he would win, I didn't believe that the American people were that stupid to fall for his racist, bigoted xenophobic rhetoric. Seems like the Americans well and truly surprised me with their voting in of Trump.

I truly hope he fails miserably at being President, there is absolutely nothing presidential about him ie his mannerisms, the way he talks etc etc. Perhaps he will tone his idiotic behaviour down, now that he is the next President.

Just for the record I wasn't too keen on Hillary as well but I can sympathise with the American people that both of these muppets were the 2 worst candidates for president.

Good luck America for the next 4 yrs, you will need it especially when you realise that you have been lied to and duped into thinking that Trump is going to make America great.

It's funny to see that the Americans got duped into thinking a billionaire who has never experienced poverty or even a normal working class lifestyle will somehow understand how the average american lives and struggles. A guy who has more wealth than the last 10 presidents put together is a man of the people? :confused: On the contrary he is the embodiment of the elite the American public voted to rebel against.

A leader is usually a reflection of the people who put him there so I guess most Americans are just like Trump.
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13 Apr 2013
La France
It was the constant letterboxing of people who vote a certain way what got Trump the win.

Voted Brexit? Racist!
Voted Trump? Redneck!

If you don't want people to give you the middle finger, getting off your high horse and engaging with them instead will be the more fruitful approach.

And the liberal left still can't see this. Hell, some of them still think Corbyn will be PM.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
And the liberal left still can't see this. Hell, some of them still think Corbyn will be PM.

The liberal left think no such thing. Corbyn does not represent the liberal left, he represents the nationalistic left which is every bit as bad as the fascist right. He just hasn't come out straight about where he lies. He is every bit a leaver as Farage but for popularity reasons disguises it well.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
No they don't people in the US and UK clearly want leaders who lie, manipulate and bluster in way that appeals to there sense of injustice in life, they want leaders who fan the flames of hatred. In short they want someone to blame and they want a leader to give them that person/group so they can feel better about themselves. The world is turning darker by the day.

Especially since no candidate has ever lied as much as Trump. I am sure I saw a stat that said he made on average 6 lies per day in speeches and interviews and twitter.
20 Jan 2005
Co Durham
You're only talking personal wealth and not including all those employed either directly or indirectly

Talking his business empire. As a businessman he is pretty much a failure compared to the likes of Alan Sugar or Richard Branson.

To be left a business empire worth a fortune and not turn it into something much bigger decades on isnt performing very well in my books.
21 Apr 2003
South North West
It now seems a lot voted for Trump so here we are.

The hispanic factor may be a wild card which surprises some. After the Brexit vote I was treading on eggshells around some of the Eastern Europeans I work with. But I quickly found out that the one who had a vote here voted Brexit and the one who has been here almost as long, but doesn't vote, said she would have voted Brexit in the hope of limiting immigration; she was worried about the prospects for her children as her area was 'swamped' my recent migrants.

Both these women benefited from our open door policy, but both thought it's gone too far. I was, I confess, surprised. But it wouldn't surprise me now if there was something similar going on in the US. The poorer you are (and there are a lot of very poor people propping up the American Dream) the more you have to lose from an uncontrolled migrant workforce.
22 Sep 2015
Like another poster said, I and tens of millions, hundreds of millions even, around the world, will continue to give you oppressive lefties the finger, by voting further and further right, until the message sinks in that we are fed up with this extra-liberal, overly PC, x-gender, open-border, welfare nanny state etc. approach that you special ********** so love.

How long will it take, I wonder, until you recognise that we are the MAJORITY now and you are the MINORITY.

Instead of throwing your toys out the pram and being so oppressive toward people that do not share your OPINIONS why don't you try to work WITH us rather than AGAINST us. Or continue to be arrogant & sanctimonious and see how far we'll take it, it can get a whole lot worse, oh yes.

Oh and please, I must have heard half the office this morning joking about WWIII with Russia being imminent now that Trumps in. Please, do you even politics. Hillary (and the left in general) has been baying for a war with Russia, now that Trumps in we can finally grow up and put all this cold-war nonsense behind us and start to build a decent relationship with them.
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