On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

I've sort of got on the wagon, I'm on a general health kick and have stopped with all cider, beer and lagers (and snacking!). At the weekend I did have a few bourbons (not the biscuits!) as playing WoT is too frustrating without a crutch of some kind! I feel a half bottle of Jim Beam is better than the 30+ tinnies I was having previously though! Once I'm out of my bourbon/whiskey stock I'm not buying anymore :)

I only started the weekend before last, so far 9lbs lost... The plan was to lose a stone before Christmas (my daughter told me I had to lose "6 weight things", so 6kg it was). I should do that easy but will be carrying on until Christmas anyway, and beyond, but I'll be drinking again at Chrimbo!
Anyone interested, on LBC973 Larry Lamb often talks about boozing, he's talking about it now.

Interesting he said he used to force breaks like these (on the wagon October 13) when he was acting which made him learn he didn't need alcohol any longer.
When I was younger (and used to drink a fair bit) I always used to have a dry month before Christmas. I'd lose a stone and would be ready to put it back on again over Christmas and the next year :D Sadly I stopped doing that in my 30's and whilst I drank a lot less I've ended up a right fatty!
I'm half way through the Allen Carr book how to control your drinking. and I must say wow it's a real eye opener!
I haven't finished the book yet so I am still drinking but I now see it for what is, a nasty addiction with no true benefits. Did you drink till the end of the book? I know he he recommends it but it doesn't half feel seedy doing so...

Whereas before I would lust for a drink as the cure to all my woes yet feel guilty about wanting it while hating the normal drinkers who had so much apparent control over this nectar, I now realize that the lust is actually feeling sick from an addiction
Yes keep drinking as normal till the last page the whole book leads up to the last page.

It's the same set up as his stop smoking book, I couldn't put it down and stopped smoking (not using the word quit) in a day, that was 10 years ago.

I bought the e book for my note 2 but I just can't get into it, I prefer a book.
Did you drink till the end of the book? I know he he recommends it but it doesn't half feel seedy doing it

I'd stopped drinking just before I read the book and I read it on nightshift. I did force myself to have the last drink he recommends at the end of the book though, for confirmation that I'd read and taken on board what the book had said.
Now for something different, Ginger Sparkle:

2 cups dry ginger ale
2 cups ginger beer
Lemon slices

Mix the ginger ale and ginger beer. Serve as a long drink with ice and garnish with a slice of lemon.​

Cheers :)
oh i missed this, I've given up boozing, I was easily on anywhere from 10-30 units a day during the week and god alone knows how much at the weekend. I've drunk more or less the same amount since i was about 22 (I'm now 36)

I've found giving up easy but I'm noticing I'm having huge mood swings and have a much shorter than usual temper, I'm guessing thats my body missing its drugs!

anyway I've found Bavaria alcohol free beer and it's a fairly decent likeness, I've bought a few cases and placed them in my local club & pub, apart from some odd social anxiety issues I'm two weeks into being alcohol free and it's a doddle, I'm quitting officially for november for charity and then I'll take things from there, as long as I dont go back to drinking 30 shots of Jager a night and find a happy medium between booze free and liver failure I'll be happy :D
Something for Halloween, Devils Blood:

3 oz Cranberry Juice
3 oz Tomato Juice
1 tsp Tabasco Sauce
1 tsp Lemon Juice
Black Pepper and Salt to taste

Mix all together and serve over ice.​

Cheers :)
I stopped about 11 months ago, slipped off once or twice. I still drink shandy as my problem was nothing to do with the amount I consumed but another health reason. Basically if I drink one pint with the meds I take I feel like I've had 3...
Almost completed my personal October on the wagon, brilliant :)
No beer and no cigs has been really difficult at times, but the worse thing was the thought of it.
I will still be in here through the week as beer is a weekend thing now.
Well done to everyone, whether it be long term or a swift one night visit.
Week three still dry-ish, had a few shandies but that doesn't disappoint me too much, considering I've gone from 5+ pints a night week days and 5-10 times that at the weekend I'm a veritable saint now :D
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