On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

So last week was mostly successful. Mon - Thu I abstained and to be honest didn't miss it (well, maybe a little on Thu as that was a social occasion). Fri as planned I went out but really didn't think about the amount I drank. Saturday I was out again for a birthday but I was more restrained. Sunday I decided that I was allowed a couple of light beers - mistake :p I didn't drink any more than I'd allowed myself but I regret it now. Not feeling as fresh as I did when resisting last week.

This week I'm going to resist Mon - Wed, allow myself a single pint on Thu, be good on Fri, another birthday on Sat (but will be relatively restrained) and resist on Sun. If I don't write this down or say it to someone I won't stick to it so I wanted to get it recorded :)
So last week was mostly successful. Mon - Thu I abstained and to be honest didn't miss it (well, maybe a little on Thu as that was a social occasion). Fri as planned I went out but really didn't think about the amount I drank. Saturday I was out again for a birthday but I was more restrained. Sunday I decided that I was allowed a couple of light beers - mistake :p I didn't drink any more than I'd allowed myself but I regret it now. Not feeling as fresh as I did when resisting last week.

This week I'm going to resist Mon - Wed, allow myself a single pint on Thu, be good on Fri, another birthday on Sat (but will be relatively restrained) and resist on Sun. If I don't write this down or say it to someone I won't stick to it so I wanted to get it recorded :)

Quoted ;)

Good luck :)
Booze-free Friday --> plenty of energy for early start Saturday doing art and play in the park with the kids.

Booze-free Saturday --> plenty of energy for a very productive Sunday's gardening (hands a bit blistered today though...).

Boo-yah! :)
Well, I've been good Mon-Wed and today I'm allowed beer. Weirdly I wasn't actually looking forward to it (which was quite an alien feeling for me :eek:).

Previous times I've tried to drastically cut down on my drinking I've found it a real chore. I think that having a rigid diary really works for me - I don't get so tempted to drink as I know that I'll be having one on X day and instead I'm finding that I'm enjoying my time more sober in the evenings and feeling less like cack in the mornings.
I'd like to cut down a lot or stop. It doesn't help my anxiety at all.

I started to exercise regularly by learning to lift in August and for the first 2/3 weeks I was still drinking a fair bit, which made it pretty difficult each day.

Started to see a little progress though, so decided to see if I could stop for September, was hard trying to get out of the habit as it was just comfy shutting myself away having a few beers and watching netflix every night.

Been trying to substitute it with green tea and protein shakes in the evenings (essentially tastes just like chocolate milk, so I can chug it down), which seems to be working somewhat.

Got pretty good at not drinking at home for the first couple of weeks as I didn't go out, but found it difficult when out socially towards the end of the month. Was out at a noisy bar with some friends and I didn't know what to order...so I just got beer.

I've never been a big soft drinker due to the sugar content. But I suppose it would still be better than alcohol. Stupid logic, right? Better not have a sugar packed fizzy drink, instead I'll have liver bashing alcoholic one, which will probably lead to more than one.

I was recovering from the gym really well when not drinking. I have a gym partner I train with 6 times a week now, so I've go some kind of accountability to show up, which helps immensely. I've had a really bad last week or so though, incredibly stressed and it culminated on Thursday, got drinking and just couldn't deal with anything Friday. Knowing that I bailed just made me feel worse.

I want to continue with the fitness and maybe give up alcohol for the next 3 months until the new year, perhaps with an exception if I go on holiday to Ireland in November. I think I can do it at home after giving it a go last month, it's keeping it up when out with friends, or what to do when at a BBQ/house party where everyone else is drinking late into the night...
Hi Uber

For sure it's tougher when out with friends, especially in a bar. This is when you have to be focused and mentally strong. You've set your target as no drink till Christmas/New Year, tell your friends that. Use the fact they know to encourage you from abstaining. Come on, we all know what happens, the jokes and jibes for sure but nothing as bad as when you give in and take a beer. Drink choices are commonly water and it's quite rightly better than the sugary varity you too dislike. What about making a note of some of the choices Cosimo has posted, listed on page one?

Stress is a killer, combined with alcohol it's a recipe for disaster. Have a chat about whatever is bothering you, you will feel better once you share your concerns with a family member, trusted close friend or a doctor. Don't try and drown it, but certainly do not try and ignore it.

Good luck mate and please keep us all updated on your progress.

Oh and whereabouts in Ireland you going to? :)
Hi all just a quick post to say I've decided after many years of drinking at least 4 nights a week I've determined to cut it out for a while. I have my daughter on Saturdays so I never drink then but usually I do Sunday when she goes home. This afternoon I just drove straight past the off license and came home and had some tuna pasta. Really need to stick at this to get some weight off and sort my life out. Will keep posting as things progress.
I've decided to do a similar thing.

For years I've been drinking very slightly more heavily year by year.

I never drink before about 6.30pm but probably drink most of a bottle of wine in an evening maybe 4 or 5 times a week.

I never feel that drunk and wake up feeling fine so it is not causing me any problems but it is still too much just from a financial/health perspective.

I've decided to stop drinking until 12/12 with 3 passes for social events/dinner with friends we have already planned.

For me it's a habit thing. 6:30, start cooking supper for the family, open a bottle. If I get to 9pm without starting I don't miss it that much. But at 6 or 7 I really fancy a glass !

Lets see how it goes. Hope to lose a bit of weight as well.
I've decided to do a similar thing.

For years I've been drinking very slightly more heavily year by year.

I never drink before about 6.30pm but probably drink most of a bottle of wine in an evening maybe 4 or 5 times a week.

I never feel that drunk and wake up feeling fine so it is not causing me any problems but it is still too much just from a financial/health perspective.

I've decided to stop drinking until 12/12 with 3 passes for social events/dinner with friends we have already planned.

For me it's a habit thing. 6:30, start cooking supper for the family, open a bottle. If I get to 9pm without starting I don't miss it that much. But at 6 or 7 I really fancy a glass !

Lets see how it goes. Hope to lose a bit of weight as well.

This sort of habit does impact both on health/finances and can lead to more serious implications so you're doing the right thing. Hope it goes well for you and good luck. :)
Bought myself some nice lime and sparkling water yesterday with the weekly shop :)
I had some prosecco Saturday night which was tasty but I'm a bit wary of alcohol now.
I think its an age thing for me. I'm 42 now and have started to think of myself as an old lush if I drink and get tipsy :D not a great look at my age :( I don't want to be that woman.
I'm not that sophiscated French woman who has one glass with a feast of wonderful breads and cheeses :rolleyes: its normally a cheap bottle of German wine that I drink like pop and no food to compensate for the calories :eek: oh the shame.
Anyway, no more stinky alcohol for me :mad: no more tobacco either :( gulp
Felt invincible in my twenties and thirties! 40's feel like a different ball game. Time to grow up and look after my health. Especially the way the NHS is going :o
I've been a bit rubbish due to people's birthdays (excuses). Back to being well behaved this week - nothing until Thursday. Probably nothing on Fri unless I'm out. Will be allowed stuff on Sat.
I've been a bit rubbish due to people's birthdays (excuses). Back to being well behaved this week - nothing until Thursday. Probably nothing on Fri unless I'm out. Will be allowed stuff on Sat.

I'm gonna have to have non whatsoever :( nobody gave me an off switch :confused: once the first two glasses have gone in and worked their magic its a case of "gimme more" :rolleyes:
If I don't touch it I'm OK. So long as I don't start I'm fine.
I was on it 3 or 4 times a week but I've stopped seeing it as a friend now thank god. I see it more as the enemy now. I don't get any enjoyment out of it anymore. My relationship with it has changed.
I am putting the £100 per month I will save from stinky cigs and wine into a savings account.
If I don't do that it will just end up dwindling away :rolleyes:
I'd love a little campervan :D nothing fancy just something that does the job so I can go exploring at the weekends. Free as a bird next year as my teen leaves home.
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