On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

Had this stuff through on a marketing e-mail and it looks pretty interesting (and just plain pretty) for the non-drinkers:

a non-alcoholic gin essentially, tempted to get some for when i'm driving, breakfast etc :)[/QUOTE]

Just pull out a bottle when the cops stop you. ;)

Just gone on sale and Selfridges have it for £29.99. Might get this as a Christmas present but not for me.
I've only had a couple of binges this year which compared to last is a massive improvement, I was out every weekend and sometimes Friday and Saturday, drinking heavily to the point I'd be £100-200 down in one night.

I really think my alcohol consumption lead me to the dodgy ectopic beats I was getting with my heart. Numerous studies show how it can affect the heart rhythm and obviously for some people the effect is greater. I've since had tests on my heart and nothing conclusive came of it apart from learning the dodgy beats I experience aren't dangerous.

Without that scare I think I would still be the same as I was, so in a way I'm pleased I had my wake up call. My Grandfather was a heavy drinker and died in his early 50's from his 3rd heart attack, so I think it wouldn't be silly to believe alcohol has a big affect on the heart muscle in my family. My dad also has the ectopic beats and his heart races after just a few glasses of wine.

I still don't understand why I drank so much, I wasn't depressed, I just loved being out and socialising, but I couldn't hold back once I'd had a drink. I don't miss the hangovers though, the anxiety they produced alone was dreadful.
Had this stuff through on a marketing e-mail and it looks pretty interesting (and just plain pretty) for the non-drinkers:

a non-alcoholic gin essentially, tempted to get some for when i'm driving, breakfast etc :)

Now that looks cool - gotta get some. Wonder what tonic to buy... Cheers!

Started a few days before Advent, and with the exception of one night, I've been off.

I feel pretty good, and have lost a lot of weight (not to mention a huge amount of money). Would definitely like to cut it down post Christmas (who says religion doesn't lead to good things.... :D ).

However its pretty hard to do in Ireland. Not many other things to do...
4 weeks on the wagon ....
It will be a month now?

I am still on it - been tempted at times but resisted.:)
Good man, made of stronger :)

Started a few days before Advent, and with the exception of one night, I've been off.

I feel pretty good, and have lost a lot of weight (not to mention a huge amount of money). Would definitely like to cut it down post Christmas (who says religion doesn't lead to good things.... :D ).

However its pretty hard to do in Ireland. Not many other things to do...
I hope you mean you've saved money and not started gambling :)

Keep at it!

Still on the wagon, I think since end of August. Lost loads of weight and feel great. I can't really see me going back.
Not even the very odd one, with a mate? :(
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