On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

Well ... it might be too late. They want to test me for dementia. I'm only 41. :(

Read through most of this thread yesterday. It would seem, most of the OCUK forum members are functioning alcoholics! LOL

One chap in particular stood out, went out in London, got drunk on cocktails, THEN drank a bottle of brandy whilst getting ready to dial 999. That was some amount of booze in one day! Wonder what the hangover was like? :eek:

Anyway, I'm 8 days off it, beginning to sleep much better and beginning to feel better. :D
It's hard to imagine what you've been through, so easy to get used to heavy drinking and not realise or know what damage is being done. I hope that your treatment brings you recovery and good health. All the best and drop in whenever you feel the need for a chat. :)

No symptoms ... but the WORST is when your blood turns bad. Not something you think about when you're drinking. But trust me, it's Hell on Earth. Something I plan NEVER to experience again and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. 48 hours of collapsing, vomiting, and feeling like you're going to die.

Anyway, firmly on the wagon now and hopefully my story will inspire others. :)
I have two hospital appointments with a consultant, they're hinting at an operation to repair the valve at the bottom of my throat that stops the acid reflux. Quite a serious op which I'm NOT looking forward to. Quite a motivation to stay off the pop.
Considering giving the booze the boot, not for financial or health concerns. Lost another glorious Sunday morning to a hangover (they're getting worse with age too), Sunday morning is about the only time I have to do "me stuff"

Or maybe I should move my boozing to Sunday nights?!
I have two hospital appointments with a consultant, they're hinting at an operation to repair the valve at the bottom of my throat that stops the acid reflux. Quite a serious op which I'm NOT looking forward to. Quite a motivation to stay off the pop.

All the best with it ,if you are OK with it keep popping in to let us know how you are getting on:)
Hadn't been in here in some time, but quite an eye-opener, going by what you've shared Brenn.

I drink much less than I used to, but really just can't be doing with it any more. Wasting so many days of life, feeling hungover and ill, and for what? Attribute a fair bit of my anxiety to alcohol.

I'm quite a fan of the Bavaria 0.0% beer.
My biggest downfall was when Scotch became cheaper than wine. Bottle of scotch in the village shop was £13, 2 bottles of wine is £15 quid plus. Always planned the scotch to last a few nights+, reality was as soon as I's had a few I didn't stop till the bottle was gone.

I only went to hospital because I started puking blood. Handy hint, partially digested blood makes your sick pitch black and it's time to worry!
That should be interesting thats what scared me most when I drunk. Liver damage was the only silent killer with drinking or so I thought until I read your story.

Far from it, alcohol poisoning can kill you in hours, you can like in my case mess your blood up so much you can just drop dead, the doc told me I was lucky to be alive, liver damage takes years, first to go is your eyes, you just wake up and look in the mirror and you have two yellow eyes. If this happens you have six months to live. If your skin is yellow, you're royally in a lot of trouble, liver transplant time.

I didn't drink all the time because I cycle a lot, but when I did it'd be a LOT. Messing up your blood gives you a monumental hangover and you'll puke for Britain with the added bonus of passing out and collapsing. :(
I'm just dumping some thoughts down here, its not necessarily going to make any sense.

Have been drinking "a bit too much" for couple of years or so. Would generally drink say a 4 or 5 beers in a night for 2 or 3 days a week. I felt like this was pretty much fine, the drinking seamed stable and wasn't increasing.

I then quit smoking and my drinking increased probably to make up for the cigs. I was aware this was happening but felt this was pretty much fine as it was helping me stay of the cigs and I was aware of it.

After 3 or 4 months of not smoking and drinking heavier, I felt like things were getting out of control. I found myself thinking about booze a lot through the day, and would find myself drinking 8 cans in a sitting. One night I drank 2 bottles of wine and 2 beers and ending up chipping my phone screen and stuff.

So I decided I would stop drinking for a month and get back to baseline. I talked to my GF about how I was feeling and the my plans, and she was happy I was taking steps to improve them.

I aimed for 28 days sober, and actually went 32 as I felt I'll with a cold at the end and couldn't be bothered to drink.

I then bought a 4 pack of beer, drank them and felt a strong desire for more. I probably would have gone out and got more if it wasnt a sunday.

Then next week I got 6 beers, drank them all, cant remember everything that happened that night. Looking back I felt like I was probably too drunk.

later in the week I did a BBQ (just for the household) I purchased 12 330ml cans of 5% beer, cooked amazing food, ate amazing food, had some beers and the next thing I knew I woke up on the sofa in the morning with no beer in the fridge.

I'm really diapointed in myself for drinking all that beer after the BBQ, there was no need for it and I didnt intend too and was acually shocked when saw I was there was no beer left.

I'm reluctant to go T-total, but its looking like I'll have too.
Interesting thread.

Got a bit of a stupid question I guess. How much would you guys class as 'too much'?

Currently I drink 2-3 nights a week, two single shots of whiskey mixed with a bit of diet coke. On the very rare occasion I'll have 3 glasses, but only ever over the weekend as I know that it gets to me the next day. Been doing this on and off for a few months now. This is purely due to work stress and I'm 110% aware of this. I also know that I can take or leave it. This I know for a fact without lying to myself. I done the same last year, had a bender one night where I drunk 5 glasses of whiskey, got annoyed with myself and tipped out what I had in the house and didn't touch any booze for nearly 11 months.

I drink NO other alcohol apart from what I posted above. No wine, beer or any other spirits. I guess reading this thread it doesn't sound like a lot, but I suppose that I'm still wondering whether this could be classed as 'too much' or too often or whatever.
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That's only 9 units a week (when you drink 3 glasses) which is totally fine. Its not too much or too often.
Had THREE more blood tests, which suck because I've a phobia of needles. But the strange thing is, they NEVER give me the results, apart from the time they told me I was lucky to be alive.

Fell off the wagon about 10 days ago, hit the scotch hard. Felt like crap the next day so back on the wagon, decided I REALLY can't do moderation so my only option is to knock it on the head. Trying really hard this time, sat here with a cup of tea.

Had a hospital appointment where they gave me the option of having an op to repair the valve at the bottom of the throat that was more than likely caused by throwing up after drinking.

Basically things are a bit ... well ... a hell of a mess.

I made the mistake thinking I was invincible, a very silly mistake that almost cost me my life.
Hospital again on Monday, no idea why.

Taking about 10 pills in the evening is getting a little tedious. :(

Fell off the wagon big time, I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 and I'm so pleased with it I thought I'd celebrate with too much booze. Made me REALLY ill spent the whole of yesterday in bed, the hangovers are brutal new I'm 41. :(
Hospital again this morning, liver's showing signs of stress but looks Ok.

The consultants advised me that even that my liver's good, he's advised me to stop drinking or things could turn out bad.

Taxi ride on the way home, I told the driver why I was in hospital, turns out his father had woken up with bright yellow eyes with irreparable liver damage, liver had completely failed and was too damaged to repair itself and he was in hospital waiting to die. All because of drinking!
Hospital again this morning, liver's showing signs of stress but looks Ok.

The consultants advised me that even that my liver's good, he's advised me to stop drinking or things could turn out bad.

Taxi ride on the way home, I told the driver why I was in hospital, turns out his father had woken up with bright yellow eyes with irreparable liver damage, liver had completely failed and was too damaged to repair itself and he was in hospital waiting to die. All because of drinking!

Very good news re: your liver. Do you plan to quit completely ?
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