On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

Further to my last post xmas eve - wife and I have had between us 2x reds -1x white - 1x zinfandel - 1x sweet white. - have to say we didn't enjoy them and don't crave wine at all now - Wine was my problem - 5 or 6 bottles a week and have cut it out completely except for above - I have just come through a bout of Man flue and really hammered Brandy and now it seems I have caught it again (really) so still on Brandy - Have had a white and red wine sitting in wardrobe for a week or two as we have asked next door round for a meal. I am just going to have the still water I have been drinking instead of wine.

Just a thought - do you think coming off wine has left me vulnerable to Man flue ?? :eek::eek:

I'd suggest dropping the brandy - alcohol can negatively impact your immune system so drinking whilst already ill isn't a great idea.
Stopped new years Eve. Today I had 5x becks non alcoholic whilst watching the footie at 3pm.
Quite enjoyable to honest. I just like the beer taste!
Haven't had a drink since June, not missing it really other than the odd beer or two. Has really helped me keep down at a racing weight.
Id forgotten about this thread.

Well I fell off the wagon big time. What followed a glass of wine to keep my sister company when she was having a tough time was about 18 months of solid drinking. I was almost literally never sober except when I was at work. They were the worst months I've ever experienced. I felt hopeless, out of control, and constantly anxious. About 4 months ago I pulled myself together enough to attend an AA meeting, and I've been sober (and attending meetings) since.

It's been harder this time, but perhaps that just means I've approached it more honestly and deeply. There was no miracle turn around in my life this time, no sudden increase in energy and no well meaning but naive enthusiasm. Just one day then the next, plenty of introspection and lots of listening to how others have managed to achieve a happy and content sober life. Life has slowly started to turn 'upwards' and I'm beginning to see the fruits of my labour at work, in my relationships, and in my health and well being.

To those struggling with staying on the wagon, take it from me drinking doesn't get any better. In fact it gets a whole lot worse. You don't need to take that drink and find that out for yourself. Just don't take the next drink; post here, go for a walk, talk to someone, get the bike out, put the Xbox and you don't have to experience the hell I went through.
Another bit of an update - We (wife and I) have come off the wine on a daily basis - since Xmas when we had a few bottles we have got into buying one bottle now and again - this sort of calms the wine pangs and it works out to about one bottle a week - I have to say now I prefer drinking the bottled flavoured water but this weekend wife picked up a bottle of Blossom Hill Cab/serv from corner shop and it was very nice. I have felt a lot better being off wine.:):)
Still off the booze here. Have been since 15th ~ Nov 2015 IIRC. Haven't had a drop since and certainly don't intend to.

Never felt better. Sleep better, working better , wallet is better and I've lost 1 stone in weight:eek::)
Had my works leaving do last Friday and got absolutely wrecked on a variety of drinks. Spent about £100 on booze alone and entirely wrote off a gorgeous Saturday that I could have spent with my family.

This triggered something in me, I think, and I've not had anything since Friday night. I know it's not a long time, but I already feel a lot more alert throughout the whole day due to sleeping better and not being mildly hungover all the time.

In the last two days though, I've felt mildly nauseous and pretty dehydrated, and I've had an almost constant headache. Does this sound like symptoms of alcohol withdrawal? Wife and I used to get through a bottle every night between us, after which I'd usually have a whisky or vodka before bedtime.

Oh and my stools are a lot more solid. Less time wasted wiping :p. Sorry, but it's an unpleasant side effect of drinking too much that I can't ignore!

Anyway I'll be dropping in here regularly I hope, to keep the strength going. My worry is my brother is back from Australia soon and loves his beer...we're all going to a hotel for 3 days and I'm not sure I can stay strong in this scenario!
Anyway I'll be dropping in here regularly I hope, to keep the strength going. My worry is my brother is back from Australia soon and loves his beer...we're all going to a hotel for 3 days and I'm not sure I can stay strong in this scenario!

Tell him that any drink he buys you will speed up your liver cancer and that you want to live a bit longer. I'm sure that he'll understand. :p

Good luck and looking forward to seeing you in here again. :)
Not had a drink for two weeks now but i've just knocked off work for a week so don't think it will last.. just need to not go off the rails.

What was your motivation ?

Just got fed of feeling like **** it wasn't a conscious decision I decided to stop for a couple of nights and then thought I'd read a book about it and went from there.

Also Cosimo hit the nail on the head when I asked him he said it was having a negative effect on my life so I stopped.

Typically I was drinking a beer and bottle of red on school nights then had a "proper" drink at the weekends:eek:
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