On The Wagon... then in 'ere!

Took me a few months of complete exhaustion and poor sleeping to finally settle into a decent sleeping pattern once I'd stopped drinking. I think my body just didn't know what to do. I hadn't really slept tor years, I was physically exhausted but I'd forgotten how to sleep.

I've been going to bed as late as possible to try and get some sleep. I'm trying to relearn the whole going to sleep thing. It's getting better for me, and I'm sure it will for you too - keep at it :)

It's reassuring to hear it's normal. Today I felt much better. Possibly because I'm working from home and got up at 9:15 after not being able to sleep until 2.

I think I will do what Nickk is doing and also cut down on coffee. It appears to exacerbate the tiredness after the caffeine crash.
5 weeks/35 days for me now and still doing ok. Having good and bad days and this weekend was hard as I was away with friends again, but managed to resist, although I did drink a lot more fizzy pop than i have been - for the most part I drink water, but this weekend I needed something more lol.

Good luck to those going dry for Jan and for those who are going long term dry :)
Heavy dose of the cold made it easier to get through the weekend here. Worrying that I've had a heavy cold twice in a month now. That's never happened since my unhygienic uni days.

All the booze I got for xmas and before has been sitting on top of a cupboard. I won't drink anything that isn't chilled. Spotted a half bottle of the missus' Rose leftover in the fridge and thought "hmmmmm!", then quickly "nah" and stuck it with the rest.
Hoping you're all doing okay. I'm 1 year, 3 months sober next week. Sobriety is normal now, but that doesn't mean I don't need to work at it still.

Great stuff on the 1 year and three months - that's fantastic Do you mind if I ask how much you were drinking before you decided to stop, and if you think the booze was affecting you? You may have put it in this thread, but I'm too lazy to go search :p Feel free to tell me to mind my own business lol

6 weeks for me now - 42 days. Each day is hard, but some are less difficult than others. I'm enjoying reading again, as I stopped for the longest time. Hoping that sleep gets better/more routine. At the moment I'm going to bed 02:30-03:00 for 4 or 5 days, then one night at 21:00 as I'm shattered. Trouble is, if I go to bed at a normal time every night I just lay there getting bored, as I've not relearnt winding down and sleeping naturally yet :rolleyes: I'm sure it will get better with time.

If anyone's interested, then yes, just under a stone and a half so far :eek::eek: The first couple of weeks I just drank and ate sugary stuff by the bucket load to try and get through it. I'm now activly trying to watch what I east, and eat a more varied and healthy diet. I might even start exercising soon :eek::eek:D:D

Good luck to everyone else going dry :)
Day 16 - Not missing the booze as much as i thought i would, the only problem is the building i live in is very sociable and it sucks being the only one not drinking in the evenings.
I might even start exercising soon :eek::eek:D:D
Well done on the saved time so far. Exercise will really help with your sleep as you'll be knackered :)

I failed at the weekend. Went out and had 1 before dinner, 1 during, then 1 at home. I'm normally asocial so haven't had to deal with the 'being out with drinkers' aspect. It also doesn't help that I convinced myself I'm doing this to lose weight rather than stopping drinking. Got a way to go before I commit.

On the plus side I didn't get anything out of those 3 whatsoever so I can definitely live without it next time.
Great stuff on the 1 year and three months - that's fantastic Do you mind if I ask how much you were drinking before you decided to stop, and if you think the booze was affecting you? You may have put it in this thread, but I'm too lazy to go search :p Feel free to tell me to mind my own business lol

6 weeks for me now - 42 days. Each day is hard, but some are less difficult than others. I'm enjoying reading again, as I stopped for the longest time. Hoping that sleep gets better/more routine. At the moment I'm going to bed 02:30-03:00 for 4 or 5 days, then one night at 21:00 as I'm shattered. Trouble is, if I go to bed at a normal time every night I just lay there getting bored, as I've not relearnt winding down and sleeping naturally yet :rolleyes: I'm sure it will get better with time.

If anyone's interested, then yes, just under a stone and a half so far :eek::eek: The first couple of weeks I just drank and ate sugary stuff by the bucket load to try and get through it. I'm now activly trying to watch what I east, and eat a more varied and healthy diet. I might even start exercising soon :eek::eek:D:D

Good luck to everyone else going dry :)

I drank almost every day (I work shifts including nighshifts so I didn't drink when I was working overnight), and I almost always drank to black out. For at least 2 years I hardly remember going to bed. Often I didn't make it to bed, I passed out on the sofa.

It definitely affected me, I never slept properly because I was usually drunk, my diet was awful because usually felt too ill to eat until i was drinking again so would eat lots of takeaways. I had no motivation to exercise, play computer games etc. I hardly ever went out, preferring to drink alone at home, and as a consequence could go weeks without any more social Interaction than the quick chat with the local checkout girls. My life had narrowed to the point where I only existed, i went to work, and I drank, and that was it.

6weeks is really good going, well done!
Things went VERY wrong for me over Christmas, drank far too much whisky, bottle a day for 8 days, lost all the potassium in my body, stomach shut down and I ended up in Critical Care for 2 days, then Intensive Care for 3 days where I caught the nora virus and ended up in isolation.

Things haven't been a lot of fun for the last 12 days!
Things went VERY wrong for me over Christmas, drank far too much whisky, bottle a day for 8 days, lost all the potassium in my body, stomach shut down and I ended up in Critical Care for 2 days, then Intensive Care for 3 days where I caught the nora virus and ended up in isolation.

Things haven't been a lot of fun for the last 12 days!

Very grim indeed, I hope you have got some professional help, the next slip like that could be the one that kills you :(
2 people died on the ward I was on from alcohol, another yellow woman they were waiting to die, another chap I met today had end stage liver disease told me he was waiting to die as he'd left it too late.

Been a bit of an eye opener this week, think my drinking days are well and truly over!
2 people died on the ward I was on from alcohol, another yellow woman they were waiting to die, another chap I met today had end stage liver disease told me he was waiting to die as he'd left it too late.

Been a bit of an eye opener this week, think my drinking days are well and truly over!

I hope you mean it this time. Good luck.
Going to give AA a try? Surely it's worth an hour of your time to find out if it will help you save your life? Lets face it your previous attempts to do it yourself landed you in in ITU...
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