Long time lurker here. I have struggled with drink on and off since my mid 20s and am now at the end of my 40s. I consider it to be 'one' of the main reasons each of my long term relationships has broken down. Heightened anxiety and severe depression and crazy wild mood swings from one day to the next typically the cycle. I've done the odd month here and there but it's generally been a constant in my life. I've started to read The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Gray. Only a 1/3 of the way in and although I didn't consider myself to be an alcoholic it's obvious I was drinking far too much for my own good and for those around me. I can thoroughly recommend it. *lightbulb moment* (although too late again)
Interesting to see the differences between people here and how they go about dealing with it. I often see the term rock bottom. I'm not sure if we ever truly know what the bottom is, just that each time we go a bit further down it's even harder to get back to where we were beforehand. One persons lowest moment might be someone elses starting point. Not sure If I'm getting my point across......
I am an advocate of moderation, but in my particular case after trying on and off for 20+ years I think the only solution for someone such as myself is abstinence. Now don't get me wrong I like my drink, just too much and once I start one is never enough and it becomes that unquenchable thirst that I can never be rid of. I am back to living on my own and I no longer need to hide bottles/cans or have a sneeky couple of pints on the way back from the shop and now it would be easier than ever to just drink until blackout as there is no one else to consider but me.
My last seriously wrecked day as 23/12/17 but in the 2 weeks previous to this I felt I was slipping back into my old ways, although nothing like the previous 3 years or so but a revert to form I would say sadly.
Kudos to those that are managing a few days, to a week, to months or even longer. It may be a constant battle throughout your life, but you know you are not alone and every step forward is a step closer to becoming non dependent.