It'll be a shame if things get taxed that much though as people enjoying bad food every now and then, i.e. in moderation, they'll have to pay significantly more.
Also, something that I've often wondered and would be interested in other people's thoughts and experiences: Aren't the 'common' principles around required calories too broad and in themselves, could lead to obesity? What I mean is the age old men require 2,500 calories per day and women require 2,000. I'm 5ft 8 and 80Kgs and my resting metabolic rate based on my lean mass says I only need 1,800 to maintain weight. That's a big difference of 700 calories a day. That's over 1lb of body fat per week if over eating to that extent.
I don't really look at calories anyway, I tend to just take a pragmatic approach as to what is healthy vs what is unhealthy.