OnePlus One.

Shame they're so late on this update. A lot of people have lost faith in this company now (I already had).
To be honest, I get that people are annoyed but it's nothing new even in comparison to other big companies like HTC/Samsung etc. OPO probably blundered by making 'promises', but I remember having exactly the same frustration on my HTC DEsire, my HTC One S etc.. nothing changes when it comes to Android updates.
Apparently it will not be available as an automatic OTA download, so I can see a lot of users waiting for CM12 which will be!
So is this phone still worth consideration?
I am out of contract next week so was looking to buy a phone and go on sim only but am not sure which phone would best suit my needs.
Budget of around £250 choice of:-
Oneplus one
Second hand A-grade HTC one M8
Or stick with my M7 for a couple of months and see what happens over the summer with new releases?
Not a big caller or texter or phone gamer just browsing/fb/whatssapp etc...

Any advice?
The phone is still excellent with great specs, but I have heard support can be bad, not used it myself. If you like tinkering and possibly trying different roms this is a good choice as it doesn't invalidate warranty.
Shame they're so late on this update. A lot of people have lost faith in this company now (I already had).

And from what I can see from a quick look, it isn't exactly swimming with features either. Seems to be very much a first bash at replacing CM, which won't really succeed unless they bake in some more stuff...
So, talk to me about Google wallet. Am I right in thinking this will all work OK with Tap and Pay on the OPO? Can I link my favurit credit card to a Google wallet account and use my phone to pay for stuff via NFC? I feel like such a luddite :D
This is my first android phone. I'd rooted it already. But oxygenos was my first ROM flash.

Not disappointed at all with oPo. Just as they promised, but late.

For me though it made me jump to the cm12 nightly build. This ROM is amazing. To me at least.
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