Online Zombie Survival Game

You don't need to wait 8 hours to get points just wait a hour or so till you have a couple and move to safe spot.

Ridleybank is infested pretty much everywhere with zombies so head there for action.

Where are the majority of people then?
Please do come and visit the other friendly Zeds in Ridleybank. My Zed is leveling every couple of days on all the tasty humans who have been hiding there.
My Zed, which was an H, OCUK Lt Kingston is trundling around now biting people and generally harrassing barriers.

Would be nice for a revive though :D
Zico said:
Who here is Artemic?? Still chopping away at me in St Agatho's Hospital :D.
Think I will return the favour ;).

That would be me!!

Ive been healing you up so stop complaining ;)

Only got 1 level so far from such cheap underhand tactics though.
Where are some (safe) zombie hunting grounds?
Artemic said:
That would be me!!

Ive been healing you up so stop complaining ;)

Only got 1 level so far from such cheap underhand tactics though.
Where are some (safe) zombie hunting grounds?

Keep going mate, not bothered at all. I just wanted to check that it wasn't somebody that wasn't on this forum.

Gain another level and get Free Running at least before you head out.
Zico said:
Used up just your IP access or used up your action points as well??

If you have a dynamic IP then you can log back on after changing it (disconnect and re-connecting should change the IP, with BTBroadband I just change the username and login again).

I can also add that I now have Zico 2 upgraded and able to rev' people :) Just need to horde some syringes now.

Tried doing that and unfortunately didn't work, so just banking on not being bitten! I acutally had 2 2 moves left on my IP access, but no buildings to get into, there was a zombie munching on me as I logged back in so I legged it ... 2 blocks away :\

Plus another one had been munching on me before some nice chap came and chased him away, and then healed me ;)

Spacky its my IP access, not my character moves that's the problem.
Nevill building has been wiped out (7 Zeds inside, well 6 now...) and the PD barricades are down to heavily barricaded (In Kinch). A few barricades in the area seem lower than they have been... something afoot methinks...
Yep we've been getting attacked by 4 zeds down at Buckley Mall as well, they've managed to trounce one of the quadrants and are rampaging as we speak, don't have any AP to try and take them on! :(
Rojin said:
Nevill building has been wiped out (7 Zeds inside, well 6 now...) and the PD barricades are down to heavily barricaded (In Kinch). A few barricades in the area seem lower than they have been... something afoot methinks...

Just two there now, got one down to 30ish HP before I had to leg it. Typical, no Z's for ages and then two come along at once ;)
PD down to quite strongly barricaded now and I'm stuck in there with no AP after another raid into the Nevill building... well at least there's quite a few in here who they might munch before me...
Fastest way to clear a building is to close doors, rev' all zombies, dump bodies outside and then barricade up.
Spacky said:
Turn the router off and turn it back on, should assign you a new IP.

Unfortunately that didn't work ... dead anyway so nm :P

How do I go about getting revived actually? Do I need to stay dead or should I stand up and head for a revive point that I read ppl talking about on the server?
Bellboy said:
Unfortunately that didn't work ... dead anyway so nm :P

How do I go about getting revived actually? Do I need to stay dead or should I stand up and head for a revive point that I read ppl talking about on the server?

A zombie out to kill and a zombie out to be revived look the same, its a big gamble.

No guarantee either way but posting here may help get someone to you and also get someone to shoot you. 50/50
All i can say is get axe profieincy (sp?) as soon as possible - i can gain a level in one day if i find a zombie to chop up within my first few turns :)

Btw, who's actually filled in their descriptions yet? I'm particularly proud of my zombie desc. - it paints a picture of a really pathetic being :D

Waving his left arm in his right hand, this zombie looks slightly confused; probably because his brains are moslty resting on his shoulder.
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