Online Zombie Survival Game

I put a quick description in... "Beer gut hanging out and still wearing a hawian shirt from his vacation, Rojin just wants a beer..." 0/10 must do better I know :p

Barricades are under attack at the PD again...
molinari said:
can someone revive the zombie outside the NecroTech building below the police station in Kinch Heights please :).

Used my alt Zico 2. There were 2 outside (and I didn't have you in my contacts) so I've rev'd both.
Sounds good Zico, I'm getting my second character up to be able to rev, we should join forces :D
Darn it! I have been player killed by "Lyndel", that really makes me mad.
Even had the cheek to waste 1Ap with "I am sorry, but it looks like all the evidence points to you", then proceeded to hack me to bits. :mad:

Ok so now a rambling Zed in South Blythville, just past the Marven Mall at 28,76.
Heading for a revive clinic at 44,73 and then I will come down to Kitch and say hello.

Feel free to level up on me in passing...
Oxygen said:
Darn it! I have been player killed by "Lyndel", that really makes me mad.
Even had the cheek to waste 1Ap with "I am sorry, but it looks like all the evidence points to you", then proceeded to hack me to bits. :mad:

Ok so now a rambling Zed in South Blythville, just past the Marven Mall at 28,76.
Heading for a revive clinic at 44,73 and then I will come down to Kitch and say hello.

Feel free to level up on me in passing...

If you register on the Urbandead forums (link can be found via the Wiki) then you can report them as a Pk'er (think you need a screen grab) and they will have a bounty placed on them and hunted down by anybody who's into Pk pk'ing.
This is a handy little tip for increasing your OcUK member list in your UrbanDead contacts.

First off list your character/s id's here for others to use (view your player profile and copy the id number at the end of the url e.g. 251117).

To add others to your own list, log into your character/s and then pase the following URL into the browser address bar:

Simply add the user id's (which hopefully everybody will try and post here for us to add) and then press Go (GO for IE and whatever button/command is relevant for FF etc.). This will add the relevant id to your list without the need for you to meet them in person and use the "add contact" contact button.

Here are my own characters and there relevant id's:
244130 = Zico 2
246900 = OcUK Zico
243840 = Yazin
251117 = Hardcopy

Doing this comes in handy when you come across fellow members who are zombies/dead and need a rev. and for using the mobile phones now that the power is active for masts.
Well, I'm Halkus. I capped a zombie using the free clip I got to start off with and my pistol.

I've spent the last couple of days in a police department, and I've luckily found a flak jacket, a shotgun, 4 clips and about half a dozen or more shells.

I think I've got enough stuff so that tomorrow when I have some APs I can go out and shoot stuff :)

Haven't a clue where the rest of OcUK are hiding out, but I don't think it's a huge issue, I just wander around until I find a zombie and shoot em, right? :)
The Halk said:
Haven't a clue where the rest of OcUK are hiding out, but I don't think it's a huge issue, I just wander around until I find a zombie and shoot em, right? :)

Most of us OcUK'ers are down in Kinch Heights, Tapton or West Grayside.
Cheers Zico. Is the main thing for me to do as a soldier at the moment what I've already done? I.e. collect some ammo and cap some solitary zeds?
You can do what you want as it makes no difference what character you started with. I started 2 of my 4 charcters as Military Medic's as they get Healing to start with. I've found it easier to stay in a hospital and heal people to gain XP before I started to go outside hunting zombies. Less risk of running out of XP trying to find a secure building to hide in.

Quick tip, get Free Running early so that you can go from building to building without having to go outside. Free Running also allows you to get inside buildings that are barricaded above Very Strong (Heavily and Extremely Heavily - you can only gain access via a lower barricade building nextdoor though).

Where are you now Halk? Post your character id as well so we can add you to our contact list.
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I thought starting out as a fireman worked pretty well for me. Just killed some zombies with my higher axe chance and now i've moved onto guns and i'm doing pretty well. Also the fireman is a civilian class so all the XP categories are 100XP each.

I now have a character who also revives and then I don't know what i'll be doing with my 3rd character, he's the oldest and he's kind of useless.
Heres my Character so you can add me, if you so wish...

276801 - Kangaxx

I finally lvl'd up and now have free running, so i feel a LOT safer now. One thing thats driving me mad, is that i desperately need shotgun shells, and this character never finds them, but my other one has found loads, and has no shotgun to use them with :rolleyes:

Typical, the world has to end, and i still have bad luck :p

Im currently hiding in Marven Mall . I just got myself bargain hunting :) I now have: 10 Pistols (60shots), 7 Shotguns (14shots), 5 Flak Jackets, 2 Pairs of wire cutters, 2 Fire Axes, Kitchen Knife, 4 Medi-Packs, A portable Generator and 4 cans of Fuel :)

Im still not sure If I have enough weapons yet :D I plan to make a return to Kinch Heights soon.

P.S. Heres my profile: 244517 - O'Neill SG1
I assume a necrotech syringe is for reviving zombies, but what is the DNA extractor for? Annoyingly, I have three characters, and the one who has a necrotech syringe ... yep, got killed a coupla days ago.
The DNA extractor is for extracting DNA from Zombies from which you gain some XP.

As for the rev syringe, yes that is for reviving people :).
Damn! My level 9 character has been slaughtered even though I last saw him alive and well in a heavily barricaded building :(

Where shall I head from Kinch Heights/Milverton Police folks?

Whoop :)

Note - I'm laying dead in Kebby way school for whats its worth, I'm not standing up yet as I'll just get headshotted and keep losing XP
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